After placing the finished Holy Emblem in a conspicuous place, Owen took care of himself and opened the door for business.

The previous business was not very good, because most undead spellcasters regarded the undead as consumables and did not care about appearance or quality. Only undead spellcasters who were not short of money or particular about it and were too lazy to do it themselves would come to him to buy and process it. Good bone material, so the business will naturally not be very good.

However, with the expansion of Bone Street, the predecessor added some special customers, the undead.

Undead spellcasters and undead are two different things. Although most of the latter are the creations of undead spellcasters, there are also some that are naturally produced and out of control.

These undead have a certain chance of awakening. Although their strength may not increase much, they possess wisdom.

With wisdom comes demand, and with demand comes work, so the Street of Bones is also home to many undead working part-time, such as skeletons responsible for cleaning the streets, zombies responsible for guarding, and ghosts patrolling. As for the vampires, even if Among the undead, they also belong to the aristocratic class, and there are few who are short of money.

It's just that the Street of Bones is not that big, and the jobs it can provide are limited. Therefore, many undead can only go to Mithril City to find jobs. Although these jobs are not low-paying, they are very dangerous, so limb injuries have become commonplace.

Naturally, undead spellcasters are the most professional in repairing the damage of the undead. However, if the undead dares to hand itself over to the opponent's hands, once it is manipulated, it will only be in vain in this life until it dies. Therefore, the predecessors with good skills and low strength have become some undead. The first choice of customers, there are many regular customers, and the zombie girl who walked in right now is one of them.

Welcome! Owen said with a smile.

Are you happy? The bloody zombie girl came in with her broken arm and was startled by Owen's cheerful tone. After all, happiness is an extremely rare emotion in Bone Street.

I just made a breakthrough yesterday, so I'm naturally happy. Thank you for the mercy of the Shadow of Death. Owen clasped his hands together and bowed to the Holy Emblem, attracting the attention of the vigilant zombie girl.

Have you become a believer in the Shadow of Death sect? Zombie Girl is not limited to Corpse Street. She has some knowledge of the outside world, so she knows about this sect that is very strange in the underground world.

Yes. Owen crossed his hands on his chest and nodded.

This is the inherent blessing action of the Death Shadow Sect, and with the Holy Emblem of the Death Shadow Sect beside it, Zombie Girl gave up some of her worries, and finally decided to deal with the damage here.

The most taboo thing for free undead like zombie girls is to be controlled and lose their freedom from then on, so they will try to avoid contact with undead casters, at least official undead casters.

However, the zombie girl has known her predecessor for a long time, and she still has some understanding of the other person's character. She knows that the other person is one of the few people in the underground world who still has a bottom line, and he believes in the Death Shadow Sect, so she decided to stay here, otherwise Venturing to apprentice with other undead spellcasters is riskier.

Now that she had made her decision, the zombie girl stopped being pretentious and went up to the second floor.

Owen carefully locked the door according to his predecessor's habits, and then followed him up to the second floor. Unexpectedly, in such a short period of time, the other party had almost stripped off his clothes.

The broken armor has little repair value, and as a user, it is inevitable to have various wounds on the body. However, as a zombie, the skin, flesh and bones are extremely tough, and there are no vital points to speak of. Therefore, the ability to move has not been lost, but if it is not repaired, , there will definitely be problems in the next battle.

The zombie girl looked pretty good when she was alive. Judging from some of the habits she still retains, she most likely received more systematic knight training, and her strength was not bad before her death. Therefore, she was refined into a high-level zombie, unlike ordinary zombies. Zombies exude a putrid smell and are covered in rotten flesh. Apart from their color and lack of elasticity, they are not much different from when they were alive, so stripping down and lying down is a big test for some men.

But neither the predecessor nor Irving would lose their composure because of this small scene, so they started to check it skillfully.

For skeletons and zombies, the most troublesome thing is bone damage, especially zombies. Without the support of bones, they are not as good as skeleton soldiers, so Owen came up to check whether the bones are intact.

The result was not good. All kinds of fractures and fractures were all over the body, especially the broken arm that looked like a nine-section whip. If the other person hadn't been a zombie, he would have been buried long ago.

It must be overhauled, otherwise it will be difficult for you to remain intact in the next battle. Owen began to mark the detected problems on a piece of paper with a simple human figure drawn on it. The more he wrote, the more he wrote, and they were densely covered all over his body. No matter how much the zombie girl didn't want to face it, The reality is that we can only admit that we cannot delay it any longer, otherwise we may not be able to come back even if we wait until it falls apart.

The only problem is, she doesn't have money, or not enough money.

The rewards for missions in Mithril City are very generous, but the level of danger has not increased at all. After all, you can't expect the people in Mithril City to do charity, so equipment losses and injuries are simply commonplace.

Therefore, unless the strength exceeds the task by a lot, various expenses are inevitable.

But with this strength, who would be willing to take on low-level tasks and waste time, so he fell into a vicious cycle.

No, the zombie girl had just changed her equipment and took on a more difficult mission with confidence. However, the money she earned was not enough to repair her physical damage, let alone buy new equipment.

After some haggling, Owen decided to accept the zombie mother's body as payment, so the shop had an extra clerk, security guard, and freightman.

Next, the zombie girl will have to work for Irving for free for at least six months to pay off the cost of body repair, and then it will take six months to save a sum of money to buy equipment, so Irving will have employees available within a year.

There is no other way for zombie girls. Skeleton injuries of living people can heal on their own, and so can the undead, but it just takes too long. Especially for these undead who have awakened themselves, finding a tomb for more than ten years is simply a hassle. It's torture, so she would rather work.

After signing the contract, Owen began to repair the zombie girl.

His former nickname was The Ripper, which not only refers to cutting open and removing internal organs, but also has a unique skill, which is to open a hole in the abdomen, put his hand in, and repair the damage with his fingers based solely on experience.

Of course, Owen would not choose this method. After all, this zombie girl was a bit old and the internal organs were preserved during the initial treatment, so it would definitely not be a good experience if you stretched it in, so he took out some sutures.

This kind of suture specially prepared for zombies is very tough, even if it is cut with a knife, it is not easy to cut.

The zombie girl lying there waiting for Owen to reach in was a little strange. She wondered what kind of new method this was, but she didn't expect the sutures to suddenly move on their own, going deep into the wound and exploring the damaged area. It was Owen who used the puppet silk to The technique is performed, which causes less trauma and the inspection is more detailed.

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