Owen just took a few glances and then came to the desk and found a few slightly old notebooks based on his memory. It was obvious that his predecessor was not a serious person because he wrote diaries.

The main reason for looking for these diaries is because the soul of the predecessor has been eroded by the power of death and is incomplete, and the brain has been damaged. Even Owen can't dig out all the memories. He can only get more information from the diaries, so as to better understand Disguise your current identity.

The joys and sorrows of life recorded in the diary did not cause any waves in Owen's heart, because it was much worse than his predecessor, such as the poor people in the lower city who didn't even have much value as garbage recycling.

However, although the predecessor's experience was somewhat tragic, it had a certain bottom line. It rarely took the initiative to purchase goods, that is, it went out to catch people alive and brought them back for processing. Unless there was an order, most people chose to pay for it, whether it was delivered to their doorsteps by others or delivered to their doorsteps. This is all the case, and then processed and sold to undead spellcasters who are unwilling to spend more time processing the bones.

Then Owen dug out the belongings hidden by his predecessor from behind the jar where the organs were soaked, including a modest bag of gold coins, a spell book, some rare materials, and a slightly old revolver.

Although the shape is a bit strange, it cannot change the fact that this is a revolver.

He skillfully opened the pistol, revealing the cartridge chamber filled with six rounds of bullets, and poured the bullets into his hand. The bullets, cartridge cases, and primers were all in good shape, and after being alchemically processed, they had a long shelf life.

Owen was not too surprised to see this thing outside his territory.

I have said before that the empire has actually developed firearms a long time ago, and even equipped the army in large numbers, but they were canceled due to various problems. However, the principle of firearms is actually not difficult, so it has been spread everywhere. If the alchemist is willing , it is easy to rub a handful out by hand, but it is not very practical in this world and the price/performance ratio is not high.

First of all, the maker must know alchemy, and secondly, the user must go through a period of training, during which the ammunition consumed is money.

This makes it impossible to equip the army with firearms on a large scale, at least not such sophisticated firearms with integrated ammunition. The cost is too high, even if Owen's territory has initially achieved steam industrialization.

A small amount of equipment is also not suitable for elite professionals, because those with low strength cannot play a big role, and those with high strength are not worthy of it at all. After all, simple protective magic and a piece of defensive magic equipment are enough to make the projectiles ineffective. Strength, that is, the advantage of surprise.

Nowadays, the firearm equipment rate in the North is very high. At the same time, with the expansion of the Holy Shield, which is also equipped with guns, firearms have become popular again, but there are still many restrictions, making it difficult to occupy a mainstream position.

His predecessor was just an apprentice and lacked means, so he bought one at a high price for self-defense. However, he did not dare to use it easily because most of his customers here were undead spellcasters. The deterrent brought by firearms was not as high as expected, so he kept hiding it. inside.

After checking it, Owen put it back casually, and then began to organize the papers and books on the table.

Because most undead spellcasters have no bottom line, research on the human body and biology has advanced by leaps and bounds, such as muscles, bones, internal organs, blood vessels, nerves, hormones, etc. Undead spellcasters already have a deep understanding of these, but they just Used to create undead and torture.

Because the mind of the predecessor was not completely distorted, although the research was a little skewed, it was not out of the tolerable range. Most of it was the research on self-transformation and suture monsters.

The former is due to the urgent desire for power and attempts to enhance one's affinity for the power of death, such as implanting parts of the undead.

As for whether it is reliable or not, you will know if Irving succeeds in winning the championship.

The latter is purely prepared for advancing to the level of Necromancer, but it has some highlights.

Generally speaking, this knowledge is of little value to Owen. After becoming a god, the database stored by the Flame Queen has been copied by him in the Kingdom of God and can be called at any time, so it has only a little reference value.

Owen, who was not very interested, simply packed up, got familiar with the tools, and then went to the attic.

The attic was the place where the predecessor slept and rested. It was very monotonous. Apart from the necessary daily necessities, there was nothing superfluous. It was obvious that he lived a life of asceticism in pursuit of breakthroughs.

After walking around for a while, Owen had an idea.

Now he needs to disguise himself as an undead caster apprentice who has a lucky break, and then slowly show some strength and attribute it to the Death Shadow Cult, thereby influencing the undead casters on the Street of Bones.

The plan is simple, but the difficulty is not low. After all, there are too many monsters and monsters in Mithril City. If someone's interests are touched, war is inevitable.

He is not afraid of fighting. Even if a battle between gods begins, Owen is not weak. After all, it is currently known that the main world only has one middle god, the noble goddess, and the others are either lower gods or extraterrestrial evil gods who can only project their power. They cannot beat cheaters. he.

Once the war starts, his secret move is over, and it seems he has to be more careful.

Originally it was just a casual chess game, but Owen started to get interested. First, he found a demigod in Mithril City, and there were many evil god sects. The other reason was that there seemed to be something hidden deep in Mithril City. He had a faint feeling. It had something to do with him, which made him very curious.

At first Owen thought it was an illusion, but to be able to attract a demigod and a group of evil gods to gather here, his feeling was most likely true, but he didn't know what was hidden.

Owen doesn't like surprises, so to develop his power in Mithril City, nailing a nail has become a key thing.

Time passed quickly while thinking, and the long bells gradually spread from the upper city area, and the middle city area also rang the bells, which represented the change of day and night.

There is no distinction between day and night in the underground world, but residents still need to rest, and at the same time to facilitate business transactions, they reincarnate according to the black and white on the surface. Every time the bell rings, it represents the beginning of reincarnation.

After the bell rang, Zhongcheng gradually calmed down, because all residents here knew that their time had passed. If they did not want to die on the streets, then going home as soon as possible would be the best choice.

But the Street of Bones is an exception. As a mist rises for no reason, the place becomes lively. Skeletons piled on the street corners, zombies sleeping in cellars, ghosts living in attics, and vampires living in castles begin to appear on the streets. Strolling around and saying hello from time to time, it seemed very harmonious.

The shops on the street are also open for business, offering fine grave soil, delicious souls, fresh blood, and carefully prepared corpse oil, which can meet the needs of all the undead.

Although there are many messy things in Mithril City, the undead are still the most special, because the boundary between life and death cannot be broken, so slowly, the undead will only start to move after the bell that represents night rings, and this It also represents the start of Owen's business.

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