When Owen was fighting for the body, in the most mysterious Mithril Tower in Mithril City, a certain silver-white lady suddenly cast her Mithril-like pupils to a certain location, but after a moment, she looked away again.

It doesn't matter, you will pay the price eventually.

At the same time, Irving should have reacted, but he had anticipated this and did not delay his next actions.

Those who can detect his existence are at least demigods, and not just ordinary demigods.

But this is normal. If you want to create Mithril City and suppress this bunch of monsters and monsters, ordinary legends cannot do it. Only demigods can do it.

Owen felt each other's breaths rising and falling due to being stimulated by someone's gaze, and sighed, this place is really full of ghosts and ghosts.

Due to the continuous expansion of the Holy Shield, the three major alliances in the North have long lost the place for those evil people, and have begun to expand towards the Hundred Cities Alliance.

The Hundred Cities Alliance is actually an oversized alliance of nobles in the North. Although it is huge in size, it is just that internally. It also faces many problems. Therefore, after seeing the effect of the Holy Shield in the North, lords slowly signed contracts with it to join. Among them, more and more evil people are forced to flee.

This move has become popular and politically correct, and the effect is indeed remarkable.

But evil will not disappear but will move, and the lawless underground world has obviously become the new paradise for these evil villains.

All kinds of blood sacrifices and illegal experiments are something that everyone calls out in the surface world, but here, as long as they do not harm the interests of the upper class, no one cares about how many poor people who cannot create value will die. Therefore, the well-known evil organizations and beliefs in Mithril City The number of evil gods is at least double digits.

That is to say, these crooked poor people are not worth much in terms of flesh, blood or soul. Except for novices, real bosses can't look down on these things. And with their strength and status, they really dare to take these things. Fooling the evil gods one believes in is like eating arsenic for the longevity of an old man.

Novices can do it, that is a novice benefit given by the evil god. Only by allowing believers to taste the sweetness will they fall deeper and deeper. Not those old fried dough sticks, they must be beaten from time to time. Not to mention putting a knife on their neck, they must also use a small whip from time to time. The whipping must be loud, otherwise these old fritters may have some tricks up their sleeves.

That's good, it's convenient for me to hide. Obviously, Mithril City now has more than one of him, and one without him is not much. Therefore, before he was exposed, Owen focused his consciousness on the target he had previously chosen.

Jack, nicknamed the Ripper, is a somewhat famous necromancer apprentice in the Blood Sausage Alley of Corpse Street. Despite his low professional level, he is skilled in the art of dissection and suturing. Even many official necromancers praise him, so he is willing to work as a necromancer. He buys processed bodies here.

This is Owen's new identity, because this profession deals with the dead more than the living, and the necromancer has always been reticent, which is very suitable for him to hide his identity.

His physical condition is too poor, his face is as pale as a dead person, but his hands are extremely well maintained, and his slender fingers are very dexterous, making the rich woman smile when she sees them.

It's a pity that he was unwilling to just be a necromancer's apprentice. After taking the risk, he decisively sent himself away, and Owen took advantage of him.

After the power of death that caused the death of the previous body was restrained, the power of the shadow began to slowly penetrate into the body that was riddled with holes by the previous owner.

During the repair process, Owen's brows jumped. Is this guy crazy? He actually performed so many transformation surgeries on his body. Although his craftsmanship was exquisite and the damage was minimized, he couldn't stand being with the corpses of the undead all day long. The fire of life was extinguished by himself.

Such blind pursuit of power is simply dizzy.

But thinking about this hellish place called Mithril City, not having power would be worse than death, so he shook his head and continued to repair the body carefully.

In fact, no matter how much you try to repair it, it's just like that. It's only made of paper. It's so broken. Apart from papering it, it can also be inlaid with steel plates.

Owen simply fooled around, opened his eyes and began to look at the store.

The Street of Bones was initially just a gathering place for undead spellcasters. Later, due to the increasing number of undead casters, a whole industrial chain developed.

There is no way, as the number increases, the relevant market will naturally become larger and larger. In addition, the underground world is lawless, and it is normal to form an industrial chain. After all, even an undead spell caster is still a spell caster. As long as you have some ability, you will not be short of money, and as long as If there is money and demand, forming an industry is a natural thing.

As for his predecessor, he was originally the apprentice of a certain undead spellcaster. Before he could complete his studies, the teacher was turned into a hand piece by his enemy. His skull is probably now coiled in amber.

My predecessor was lucky enough to escape when he was out on business, but because he didn't dare to go back, he came to the Bone Street to settle down.

This store was originally a private property of the teacher, and then it became his. It relied on the skills learned from the teacher to specialize in corpse processing.

Because he has a unique secret recipe and the corpses he handles are resistant to decay, the business is pretty good.

But after all, it's just a corpse, so you can't make much money at all. If you want to use this resource to advance, you are just blind, so there is a scene where you take risks and play yourself to death.

Owen moved his body, familiarizing himself with his body and the environment, and then started walking around the store.

This is a typical single-family two-story house with an attic and a cellar. The area is not small, but it is full of things. For example, the first floor is full of coffins and corpse boxes, which store bones smeared with corpse oil and soaked bones. liquid and carefully wrapped the body in a shroud.

These are all products in the store. Judging from the quality, they are quite good. The occasional damaged areas have been carefully repaired and stitched. No wonder they have a good reputation.

At the back of the first floor is the workshop, or dissection room, where the corpses will undergo preliminary processing. For example, those that are severely decayed will be processed into bones and then soaked in corpse oil. Those that are in good condition will be disposed of those that are easily decayed and useless. The offal is then soaked in an antiseptic solution.

The latter is obviously a craft. Not everyone can do it by removing excess internal organs without damaging the muscles, bones and appearance. No wonder it is nicknamed the Ripper.

The disassembled parts will be thrown into the cellar and fed to the monsters inside. Then the bones that have completed preliminary processing will be sent to the second floor through the lifting frame for the next step of processing.

Owen stood on the lifting frame that was penetrated by the corpse oil and rotting liquid. He couldn't help but feel lucky that his previous body's sense of smell was gone long ago, otherwise he would not be able to stay for a moment.

Thinking of this, he turned the turntable and raised the lifting frame to the second floor through the ropes and pulleys.

Compared to the first floor, where the smell can penetrate people, the second floor is more refined. There is a large, slightly old desk in front of the window, surrounded by shelves filled with bottles of various organs and weird animals and plants. The metal table in the middle is the most eye-catching, and there are many tools neatly placed on the mobile table beside it that make people want to tell the truth at a glance.

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