Thousands of miles away, in a high tower, Hela, who had been staying here these days staring closely at the crystal ball, couldn't bear it when she saw Katie's young image in the crystal ball showing extreme panic and despair, but she couldn't bear it. This is the fate that the witch must face. Even as a mother, she can only give some prophecies and dare not interfere too much, otherwise the price she will pay will be far more painful than now. Therefore, she can only harden her heart, but who knows that a shadow will suddenly come to her. Covered by Katie, she who was supposed to be in despair and unable to extricate herself actually gained some precious tranquility at the moment, and she suddenly said in surprise.

Katie's fate has changed!

Not to mention the surprise of the cheap mother, part of Owen's consciousness followed Katie's Holy Emblem of Death's Shadow to Mithril City, and was also shocked by the environment here.

If this were not a world with extraordinary power, where extraordinary beings could easily fight one against a hundred, this cruel method of oppression would have been overthrown long ago.

It's a pity that despair is despair because no matter how hard the bottom layer works and how hard they fight, nothing can be changed.

As a bystander, Owen also had no intention of helping the poor people in the lower area of ​​Mithril City change their destiny.

It's not that he doesn't have this ability, but because most of these poor people are not even human beings, and their appearance is not good enough, so it is difficult to arouse his sympathy.

There is no way, the underground world is not suitable for human survival. Although there are many humans here, most of them are adventurers and businessmen, and not many people have actually settled.

The main population of the underground world is drow, gray dwarves, ratmen, monsters and more and more hybrids who are accustomed to the underground environment.

I don’t know why, but the reproductive isolation in the main world is becoming more and more fragile, worse than repaired. With a bunch of spellcasters who like to mess around, there are more and more messy hybrids. This is also the special case of the Death Shadow Sect. The reason why the appearance of elves did not cause much shock was because there were so many similar species appearing.

Among these new species, those with high appearance and high potential are all accepted into the existing power system. Whether they are used as vases to improve their appearance or trained as subordinates, there is always a way to survive. As for those with low appearance and low potential, they are naturally allowed to It is natural to survive and perish, which is also in line with the elimination of the good and the bad in nature.

So when faced with a group of mixed-race aliens who, at best, looked like a bunch of demons, Irving couldn't help but express sympathy.

However, Mithril City will be an important part of Owen's trade development plan in the underground world, so it needs to be planned in advance.

Owen originally planned to use the Death Shadow Sect to open up all trade routes, but he did not expect that he had oversimplified the matter. The situation in Mithril City was much more complicated than he imagined, so he planned to use Katie's hand to test it out, but He didn't expect that his sister's path to becoming a witch would turn out to be despair, which gave him a headache.

Each witch has a unique witch name, such as his mother Hela, the rebellious witch, and his classmate Silvia, the pain witch.

It's okay for Hela to run away from home for a trivial matter. She still has two children without saying a word. This is enough of a rebellion.

In fact, this was a coincidence, because according to the fate of the rebellious witch, she was a traitor who would bring huge losses to the witch clan.

In order to avoid this situation from happening, after paying a certain price, Hela will turn the losses caused to the entire witch group into conflicts within the family and try to minimize her own impact.

Although her approach avoided huge losses, it also had a serious impact on herself. After all, she could deceive everyone, but she could not deceive herself, thus leaving huge hidden dangers. This is also the reason why she has lived in seclusion all year round.

And Sylvia, the daughter of a grand duke who could live a luxurious and happy princess life just by virtue of her birth, has encountered misfortune since she was a child, and every bit of added magic power will bring her double the pain, and even The price for twisting her mind was not small.

What's worse for Katie is that her witch name is despair. Who knows what she will encounter in the future.

For this reason, Owen had to devote some of his energy to it. It was okay if he couldn't see it before, but now that he knows it, he can't ignore it.

Fortunately, he has become a god now. Things that are almost incomprehensible to mortals are just trivial matters that require more thought, and he is not indifferent to them.

But Katie was not in a hurry, because he could see that what she was going through now was a spiritual journey.

The magic power of a witch is not just pure magic power, but also contains the power of a curse unique to the witch.

Just like the magic of the Rebel Witch makes people unable to help but feel rebellious, and the pain caused by the Magic of the Pain Witch, Katie's magic will also bring her a steady stream of despair. With a determined heart in despair, her spiritual journey has finally yielded results, and she is qualified to enter the next step on the path of a witch.

Even Owen had trouble interfering with this. He could only use the shadow to bring her a short period of tranquility when she was about to fall into despair, so that she could adjust her mentality in time so that despair would not penetrate her soul.

Owen didn't take too much care of other things, just like steel forged by a hundred times. Only by constantly polishing his own soul can he support the impact of endless despair. Others' interference is harmful and useless.

With his hands free, Owen is planning for Mithril City. However, the Death Shadow Sect, which has been advancing so rapidly that some of the most powerful sects are unable to come forward directly, may easily cause a strong backlash from the local forces in Mithril City, so he plans to get himself a vest.

The ogre incarnation needs to sit in the dungeon and cannot move lightly. The pressure of dividing into another incarnation is too great. Owen thought about it and simply reborn without power. There are many golden fingers anyway. Even if the kobold starts, he can counter-mount. dragon.

Once Katie entered Midtown, Owen knew his opportunity was coming.

Compared to the hell-like lower city, the drow swordsmen and gray dwarf infantry who serve as guards are doing their job fairly well, and the middle city at least maintains order on the surface.

Of course, maintaining order is not for the sake of civilians, but to make money.

Zhongcheng District is the place with the strongest commercial atmosphere. A large number of shops and factories are built here. In order to attract customers, it is natural to maintain superficial stability.

It’s just that the business here is a bit crooked. In addition to the more serious food, clothing, housing and transportation, skin and flesh business, slave business are common here, there are also arenas, colosseums and other places where human lives are used as consumables. It can be said that as long as you can make money, you are willing to do it. Pay taxes and all business is legal here.

This kind of legal behavior makes the private business competition in Mithril City very cruel. After all, it is obviously easier to eliminate opponents physically. Therefore, assassination transactions in Midtown are very frequent, feeding a large number of killers and attracting There are some organizations that like to hide in the dark, such as the Black Hand.

This organization that has accompanied the empire for hundreds of years still exists even after the collapse of the empire, and its power is growing. It has now penetrated into the underground world and is preparing to open up new markets. The business is not bad, whether it is assassination, intelligence, smuggling or auction. It has a large scale and has reached a cooperative relationship with a certain drow matron in Mithril City.

More and more information made Owen feel that his trip was worthwhile. He wanted to continue to follow up, but he unexpectedly encountered a good target to win the championship.

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