Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 413: Holding the goddess’ thigh is equally unambiguous

Just as Owen was reading the Divine Network with long-lost pleasure, the noble goddess suddenly contacted him.

As for how he was discovered by the other party, haha, the other party pulled the network cable, and you can tell by looking at the reading history, because he forgot to delete it.

The noble goddess didn't care about Owen's behavior on the Internet. As for some reading records and so on, she was a noble goddess. She knew very well how much fun those noble believers had, so Owen's little hobby was still okay in her opinion. Slightly pure.

Compared with these, the noble goddess is more curious about how Owen became a god.

Although the empire was torn apart, the nobility was still there, and the class was still there. As the patron saint of the nobility, the impact on the goddess of nobility was not as great as imagined, not to mention that when the emperor was still there, the royal family gave her a lot of obstacles.

Therefore, the noble goddess still controls the situation and information of most of the forces in the main world. She is very clear that the opportunity to become a god, that is, although divinity has appeared, it will not be possible for a few hundred years to give birth to a real god.

This is not an exaggeration, because in order to give birth to a true god, a group of demigods must first be born, and only after a long process of elimination, one or two lower gods will emerge from them.

This period involves strategies, battles, beliefs, resources, etc. The time consumed is naturally measured in hundreds of years, so it is very strange for a new god to appear now.

However, every god can create miracles, so although it is strange, it is just a comparison with common sense. In fact, similar things are not uncommon among gods.

In contrast, the noble goddess is more concerned about winning over the other party.

As her main priest is a noble, she lacks combat power. Even if she has knights and guardian gods under her command, it is still far from enough.

This is mainly because the devout believers of the gods will become the guards of the Kingdom of God after death, but the believers of the noble goddess, let alone whether they are pious or not, are definitely not awake if they are expected to work hard as guards, so she needs more Belong to God to fill the gap in combat power.

I was hesitant before, because Owen's priesthood is the shadow of death, and just hearing it tells me that it has nothing to do with nobles. At the same time, assassins are also the most hated profession of nobles.

If it were just this, the noble goddess would have nothing to worry about, but the strange thing is that the God of Shadow of Death, who should obviously be biased towards evil and chaos, is actually a lawful neutral camp, which is completely out of line.

A god who plays with death and shadow actually abides by the rules to the point of influencing the camp. What a strong character this is, and what a strange existence it is. Anyway, the noble goddess is quite speechless, as is the god of knights and guards. Be curious.

After receiving the news from the noble goddess, Owen hesitated for a while, but still established contact with the other party and agreed to meet.

This decision was made because although Owen has become a god, he is only a newcomer among the gods and still needs veteran gods like the Noble Goddess to lead the way.

Therefore, Owen decisively sent a well-dressed incarnation of divine power to the divine network space temporarily opened by the noble goddess.

The Divine Network Space is a temporary space opened with divine power based on the Divine Network Law. It is more fair, because once the basic laws are violated, the space will collapse, and even the developer cannot cheat. Therefore, it is very suitable for meetings with gods. Besides, this place can only accommodate Even if there is any problem with the incarnation of divine power, at most it will lose some divine power but not the root cause. It is a bit like a video conference.

Following the network cable into the Divine Network space, the first thing Owen saw was the graceful and elegant goddess. As for the gray-haired knight and the expressionless guard next to him, he just glanced at it with his peripheral vision, because there was really nothing interesting to see. of.

Irving is sizing up the other person, and the other person is also observing him.

I thought it would be a gloomy man full of death energy, but what I expected was a beautiful young man wearing a starry night aristocratic robe. This surprised the three aristocratic goddesses, and they all felt a little fond of him, even the most rigid god of knights. in this way.

The noble goddess is an irredeemable face. Facing a new god like Owen, whose temperament and appearance are rare among gods, her buttocks were crooked at that time, so what was originally a simple meeting to understand the situation turned into a leisurely tea party. .

Although it is just tea and snacks built with divine power, Owen, who is sitting on the system, can always bring surprises to people, even gods are no exception. With his beautiful appearance, the noble goddess is already smiling from ear to ear, and almost recognizes him on the spot. Fuck brother.

The change in the attitude of the noble goddess only occurred after she learned about Owen's identity. Although the talks were good before, they were only good talks. After all, Owen's priesthood would not make her relax her vigilance.

But after learning that Owen was from the elf royal family, had been canonized as a Northland noble at the Noble Goddess Temple in the Imperial Capital, and had further studied in the Academy City, the situation was different.

For the aristocratic goddess, this is Genzheng Miaohong, a natural one, so it reveals a bit of wooing. Although Owen is hugged by others on a daily basis, he is also unambiguous about hugging the goddess's thigh when necessary. .

Of course, even so, the two parties have only reached a preliminary intention to cooperate.

It is unrealistic to ask Owen to join the aristocratic goddess as a mistress. The noble goddess is also worried about the elf god system behind Owen, so cooperation is okay, but if he joins the family, it is better to forget it.

As the oldest pantheon, the Elf pantheon is not weak, and has the least amount of internal struggles. It also likes to protect its shortcomings and stay together, so no god dares to ignore the identity of the Owen Elf Royal Family.

Although it was only an initial cooperation, Owen still obtained a lot of important information from the other party, such as the current situation of the main world.

The original main world was a bit half-dead. That was because the appearance of the Sky Mark revealed many reasons for the origin of the world. Even the Sky Goddess, who should have been born a long time ago, had to be trapped there to fill the hole due to innate deficiencies.

But later, with the seal of Tian Zhihen and the existence of the secret realm of food reserves, the main world slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

If another eighteen hundred years are given to absorb and digest the secret realm, not only will the Sky Mark be repaired, the Sky Goddess will return to the throne, and the main world may also take a further step forward.

This is also the reason why the noble goddess is so tired of the imperial royal family, but spares no effort to protect it.

After all, if the main world is upgraded, the empire may grow into a huge force across the void, and she can also use it to advance to a higher god.

It's a pity that no one can predict that Tianzhihen will burst suddenly, just like a person suffering from severe hemorrhoids who doesn't know that he will be red all over the place that day.

The aristocratic goddess who was caught off guard could only watch the empire fall apart. If the alliances of various countries still maintained the aristocratic lord system and the class never disappeared, she would probably cry to death.

At this point, the plan changed. The noble goddess planned to sit back and watch the situation, waiting for the emergence of new gods, and then obtain more benefits after entering the age of gods.

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