Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 412 Distribution of Divinity

During this period, Irving has initially figured out the six points of divinity of harvest and thought of a distribution plan.

The two divinities of the Voodoo King are plague and witchcraft.

The two points of divinity of the Blood Skull Demon are bloody battle and violence.

The two divinities of the god of assassination are assassination and trickery.

Theoretically, after absorbing these six points of divinity, Owen can cross a stage and be promoted from a lower god to a middle god, on the same level as the original noble goddess.

In fact, it is impossible because it is incompatible.

With six points of divinity and six attributes, Irving really dared to drink it all in one gulp like he was drinking pearl milk tea. He might have ruined himself.

This is also the reason why there are many demigods and gods but few real gods, because you only need one point of divinity to become a demigod or a god, but if you want to ignite the divine fire and become a god, you need to gather five points of the same divinity. .

The problem is that there is an upper limit to the divinity that can be produced in a world, and the production of the same divinity must have sufficiently complete corresponding laws.

For example, for the Voodoo King's Plague Divinity, unless the world is full of plague, it will only be born with one or two points at most, but it will definitely not be able to collect five points.

The same is true for other divinities, they simply cannot be put together.

After thinking about it, Owen first gave Angel two points of divinity from the God of Killing.

The two points of divinity that Angel originally possessed were blood, which logically has nothing to do with assassination and trickery. However, these two points come from the blood prince, so they do not completely represent vitality. They are more inclined to evil attributes, barely related to assassination and trickery. It's not a side project, but it's just a matter of wanting to become a god.

It's a pity that other divinities are even less consistent with her attributes, otherwise he would have one more true god under his command.

But this is not a big problem. He only needs to wait for a while, and he can redeem an artifact from the system for An Qi, allowing her to become a god. It just takes a little longer.

Nowadays, the upper limit of the system's progress value has reached 60. Even if it is not used at all, it will not be possible to restore it to the full value in a year or two.

There is no way. Nowadays, the progress value recovers from zero to twenty very quickly. But if it goes up to thirty, the recovery time will more than double. Especially after the progress value reaches fifty, the speed of recovery is amazing. I have suffered from anxiety attacks.

That is to say, Owen has become a god now, so there is no shortage of time, and there are not many places where progress points need to be consumed. Otherwise, he may not be able to make up his mind to redeem the artifact.

Owen originally wanted to give all the remaining four points of divinity to the incarnation of the Ogre King, but he still encountered incompatibility problems. In the end, only plague and witchcraft were retained, because plague is related to vitality, and witchcraft It can enhance the spellcasting ability of the incarnation of the Ogre King. This undoubtedly enhances the advantages and makes up for the disadvantages, which is very suitable.

The remaining two points of divinity, Blood War and Violence, were merged into the two battle axes, and two semi-artifacts were obtained, which were given to Ciel for use.

Although Ciel is not a demigod, he is so powerful that ordinary non-combat demigods may not be her opponent. Now holding two demi-gods, he really has the power to kill gods.

In this way, the divinity has been distributed. As for the Dragon Mother, although Owen did not give her divinity, all the beliefs in this world will belong to her, so there is no need to rush.

After the death of the three gods of the Voodoo King, the Dragon Mother clan's subjugation of the three lizardman clans was a matter of course, without any setbacks. After that, it only took a period of time to stabilize their faith before they could initiate annexation to the other two Mother clan lizardman tribes. , if the other party does not agree, divinity will not exist.

If you agree, the Dragon Mother will not only have two more gods under her command, but will also gain the faith of all the lizard people. It will not be difficult to breed new divinities from this, and it is even possible to directly become a god.

In any case, everyone has benefited, even the territory, because nothing can stop them from exploiting the rich resources here.

But Maya has a bigger picture. Compared to the main world, she prefers the almost blank world of mountains, and Owen has a lot of layouts here, so she can definitely borrow them.

In addition to the overlord lizardman clan of the only continent in the world, there is also the pirate queen who is following Hydra Island across the world, not to mention the various alien tribes in the mountains who have already started planning.

It can be said that it is not difficult to unify the entire world, so Maya cannot help but be tempted.

Considering that the water in the main world is a bit deep, Owen also agreed to develop the mountain world into a backup escape route and delegate power to Maya, who will be fully responsible for it.

Time passed quickly while busy. After gaining more confidence, Owen also had the courage to touch the Divine Network and gradually understood its functions.

Who built the original divine net? No god can tell clearly, not even the earliest records. It just says that several gods accidentally discovered the broken divine net in the depths of the void. After figuring out its function, they discovered that this It's a good thing, just make use of it by patching it up based on the original one.

Later, I discovered that there were more and more gods in the divine net. You repaired one corner and I pulled one. The divine net gradually grew in size, covering a wider and wider area, and gradually became an indispensable tool for the gods.

It's just that in addition to the initial part of the divine net and the parts repaired by powerful gods, most of the peripheral divine nets are not strong enough and can easily cause problems.

For example, a void storm thousands of years ago caused many places to disconnect from the Internet, and many places have not yet been repaired. This efficiency is comparable to the infrastructure of the Lighthouse Country.

If Owen's world hadn't been pulled by a noble goddess, he wouldn't have been able to connect to the divine network.

It was precisely because of being connected to the Divine Network that Owen had the opportunity to learn a lot of precious information.

Much of this information involves the origin of the world and the mysteries of the gods. However, because only gods can connect to the Divine Network, and it has existed for too long, much of the information accumulated in the Divine Network has become worthless. Yes, a new god like Irving got a big advantage.

It was also at this time that Owen understood how the main world, the ruins of the mountains, and humans came to be. Except for some empires and forces that were so powerful that they spanned the void, most of them were formed by gods who drove believers to colonize and open up new pastures.

This is because there is an upper limit to the life that any world can accommodate, just like the ecological circle. Once a certain link is overrun, it is only a matter of time before it completely collapses. Those who are suitable as believers and can easily multiply and become stronger are nothing more than intelligent creatures. , and intelligent creatures are very exclusive. Simply put, they gain more living space by killing other races. This is undoubtedly an act that breaks the ecological environment.

This leads to the fact that if you don't want the end of the world to happen, in addition to internal consumption, external expansion and colonization become the best option. You can't let all the males kill themselves.

Through the God Network, Owen saw many new gods like him seeking cooperation, such as exchanging divinity, materials, believers, and cooperation to open up new pastures.

These new gods are not as wealthy as Owen. They either come from a small and limited world, or they come from a big world with many gods and fierce competition. It is not that easy to expand their faith, so external expansion is their only choice in terms of cost-effectiveness. The highest kind.

To put it bluntly, it was just like when the empire chose to open up the Northland. The internal interests had already been divided up, and they could only take risks to find external resources.

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