Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 414 The True Lie of the Noble Goddess

Owen only believed half of what the Noble Goddess said, because if it were him, the best way would be to support a certain force to rebuild the empire, and then suppress other new gods to reap the benefits, and the Noble Goddess also has the strength and motivation .

Don't underestimate the noble goddess. This goddess may be lacking in other aspects, but in the world, the power she holds is beyond everyone's imagination.

This is mainly related to the audience of the noble goddess. Although the nobles have countless shortcomings as believers, there is only one thing that other gods cannot envy, and that is the power and influence they control.

Even if those noble believers will not fully implement the oracle of the noble goddess, but even if it is only one tenth, the influence that a noble can have is beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and the total is a terrifying number.

The most important thing is that the belief in the Noble Goddess is spread throughout the main world. You may not believe in it, but you cannot listen to it, because she is the patron saint of the nobility, the guardian of the class, and a deity who naturally stands on the side of the nobility and rights holders.

In addition to these, as a noble goddess, her strategy and overall view are absolutely good. As long as she is willing, it is not difficult to rebuild the empire.

But what's interesting is that the noble goddess just doesn't care, even if she has this ability.

Therefore, after Owen returned, he summoned Maya and others and began to analyze the hidden information in this meeting word by word. With her status as a noble goddess, she deserved such treatment.

After some analysis, the first conclusion drawn was that the noble goddess did not lie, at least what she said in front of Owen was true.

This is not surprising to Owen and others, because after becoming a god, unless there is a relevant priesthood, lies can be easily seen through.

But this is worse than a lie, because for a clever liar, nine truths and one lie is not the most clever lie, but after mastering the absolute information gap, telling people all the truth to deceive them to death, so the noble goddess must There is still extremely critical information that has not been said.

Now the most important thing for Owen and others is not to identify which sentence is a lie, but how to find the part that misleads them, and then analyze the hidden information.

This is not easy. Judging from the opponent's clergy, the layout must involve the entire secular world. Even the Northern Glory Alliance is a pawn on the chessboard, and this has nothing to do with whether Owen's territory cooperates. Among the major forces When they are all reduced to pawns, no matter how clear they are in their hearts, they can only cooperate.

After seeing the information summarized by Maya and the others, which even included the underground world, Owen lost interest because the noble goddess was not worth his energy.

With his growth rate, when Maya and the others figure it out, even if they haven't advanced to the middle level god, their combat effectiveness will not be much inferior to that of their opponents, so Owen is willing to waste energy on this.

Although he lost interest, Owen did not stop Maya and the others from continuing because it would be good for the future development of the territory.

Owen, who was about to leave, was suddenly startled because an idea just flashed through his mind.

Going to the Elf Kingdom to spread faith? After hearing Owen's words, Maya was stunned at first, and then overjoyed, because this is very promising, and once successful, a kingdom will be obtained.

No wonder Maya thinks so well. You must know that Owen is a serious elf god. Even if he meets other elf gods, he is recognized, so it is justifiable to spread his faith in the elf country.

What's more, the Elf Kingdom is one of the five southern kingdoms. Although it is not the strongest, it is still a kingdom. If it can be won, it will echo the south and north of the territory, which is tantamount to driving a nail in the south. If Owen wants to do so in the future Dominating the world is undoubtedly a huge boost.

As for whether Owen will dominate the world, he doesn't have to think about it, but Maya has to do it in advance.

I always feel that the noble goddess probably doesn't want me to go to the elven kingdom to preach. While Maya was busy, Owen suddenly felt a little confused and said this.

When Maya heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she thought that if the noble goddess was really playing a big game of chess, she couldn't allow people to mess up the chessboard to increase variables, so this conjecture was very likely to be true.

Although Owen's territory is impregnable, his persistence all year round has resulted in very few variables on the chessboard. Even if he suddenly makes a strong effort, it will at most be limited to the Northland, which will have little impact on the entire chess game.

But the Elf Kingdom is different. It is an important part of the empire like the Dwarf Kingdom. Once it falls into Owen's hands, the variables are not as simple as 1+1.

Of course, this is just the speculation of Owen and Maya. They are not sure about the truth now. After all, that goddess represents the nobility. It is only a joke to say that she has no city and does not know how to calculate.

But what gives Owen a headache is that he has just become a god, and most of his energy is spent on sorting out his beliefs, condensing divine power, transforming his divine body, and building a divine kingdom. He also has to find time to answer prayers, create divine spells, etc., to be able to maintain The incarnation of an ogre king is not bad, not to mention that the territory now needs to open up the market in the underground world and complete trade exchanges. There is also a whole world of mountains and other worlds that need to be developed. There is no way to spare the energy to spread the faith in the elven kingdom.

After struggling for a long time, Irving finally chose to put the matter aside for the time being.

Although it is good to preach in the elven country, it is not worth giving up the benefits that Owen has already obtained. Whether it is the underground world or the mountains and other worlds, he only needs to invest a certain amount of resources to complete the initial construction and wait for a steady stream of rewards in the future.

Not to mention that the Holy Shield has now expanded a hundred times in size, is ten thousand times more complex internally, and has taken up a lot of energy in the territory.

These are related to the future development of the territory. Of course, Owen cannot interrupt his missionary work in the elven country that is far away and has not yet written a word.

Maya also understands this, so she just made a plan and asked her own people inside the Holy Shield to collect some information. As for when to carry out the plan, she still has to wait for the opportunity.

Next, Owen focused his main energy on familiarizing himself with how to become a qualified god. He also paid the Internet fee and got a line from the divine network.

Although it took a lot of Owen's energy to pull the network cable, it was still worth it to achieve freedom of access to the Internet and prevent the leakage of reading records.

Through the Noble Goddess, Owen is no longer unfamiliar with the Divine Network and has learned a lot of knowledge from it. Although most of it is just the basics, as a new god, what he lacks is the basics.

Thanks to the large amount of knowledge provided by the Divine Network, Owen's worldview has expanded, and he has gradually gained a deeper understanding of the void, the world, the laws, the origin, etc.

This is a good thing and a bad thing. Sometimes, the more you know, the more serious your inner anxiety will be.

Fortunately, Owen is just a rookie new god now. Even if the world is destroyed, it will not be his turn to carry it.

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