Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 411 Small-scale divine battle

On the altar of the Dragon Mother Clan, Owen was cooking soup. Even the lizardmen couldn't stand the weird smell, and they didn't dare to stick out their tongues. Therefore, the surroundings were quite empty, which was convenient for the subsequent battle.

Owen's brain is not working well at the moment, but the Dragon Mother is not stupid. She is also a god. She naturally knows what choice the other party will make in this situation. Therefore, when the three gods came incarnate, she was not surprised and even wanted to laugh a little. .

The King of Voodoo was a legendary wizard during his lifetime. He looked like a gloomy middle-aged man. His semi-long hair was slightly greasy, his thin lips were pursed tightly, and his eyes were looking around. You could tell at a glance that he was a scheming man. , at this time, he was surrounded by a plague that could bring death, his hands exuded strong witchcraft fluctuations, and he came with two gods.

It's just that he was full of confidence before coming, but now he realized something was wrong as soon as he arrived. However, he was deep-minded and calm on the surface, but in fact.

Come on, kill her and her divinity will be ours! As soon as the King of Voodoo opened his mouth, the Blood Skull Demon, who was a warrior in life, rushed forward immediately. The God of Slaughter, who was an assassin, also quietly disappeared. Only the Witch The poison king ran away

To be honest, not to mention the Blood Skull Demon and the God of Slaughter, even the Dragon Mother was stunned. Only Owen, who was still making soup, looked up and then continued making soup indifferently.

To be honest, the Mother of Dragons had no grudge against the King of Voodoo, but since they had fought so hard, there was no way she could let him go, so she immediately turned into a red dragon and spread her wings to chase and kill the King of Voodoo who had escaped.

The Blood Skull Demon and the God of Killing, who were originally able to stop him, have no intention of taking action. Whenever possible, they would rather kill the bastard King of Voodoo first, but unfortunately they can't escape now.

Putting the pot under the pot to a low fire and slowly simmering it, Owen took off his dragon skin apron, holding an iron mixing rod in one hand and a butcher's knife in the other, walking towards the Blood Skull Demon with heavy steps. God, the flash of blood and cold light around him told me that he was having a lively fight with An Qi.

Owen knew the other party's information. After all, they were all Emily's companions at the beginning. Although they were the kind of people who stabbed each other in the back, he still knew some things. Naturally, he would not fail to make targeted arrangements, so he would An Qi transferred him to deal with the god of assassination. As for the blood-skull demon, of course he left it to him.

The Blood Skull Demon is an excellent warrior, brave and fearless. He rushes to the front in every battle and blocks the enemy's attacks with his body. He is Emily's most trusted partner. However, he has the blood of a demon, even if he is powerful. His willpower was still gradually lost in the killing, and he was eventually tempted to commit the crime of betrayal.

Despite this, the Blood Skull Demon still maintains his true character as a warrior. Even if he knows that there is a trap in front of him, he still rushes forward without fear brandishing his two beloved battle axes.

The Blood Skull Demon is more than two meters tall, covered in red, with two thick devil horns on its head, holding two blood-stained battle axes, and has an astonishing aura.

Although Owen does not have amazing momentum, his steel and iron bones are extremely strong. Faced with two tomahawks that chop flesh and bones into pieces, he will not lose at all in a hard fight.

Both sides followed the route of using their strength to save themselves. In one word, recklessness, whoever retreats will be the grandson, until one party lies down first, and for a while, the two axes and the mixed iron rod butchering knife were fighting, and the fire was flying.

If the Blood Skull Demon was still alive, Owen would definitely not dare to do this, because it was a demigod with a long health bar that could turn corners. Although the main body had put a lot of effort into this clone, it could not defeat a fighting demigod. god.

But the body of the Blood Skull Demon is already dead. Although it is called a god, it is actually just a divine ghost.

The divine spirit is not a physical entity. If it is cast remotely, it can still pose some threats. When used as a warrior, it can only be said that the brain is not working well, and it is stuck by Owen.

However, the first to decide the winner was An Qi and the god of assassination. One was a demigod who was proficient in assassination, curses, magic, and tricks, and had almost no shortcomings. The other was a half-hearted god who was proficient in assassination. When the other party chose to step out of the ground The moment he entered the Kingdom of God, his fate was already determined.

Not long after, when An Qi appeared with two points of divinity wrapped in blood, the Blood Skull Demon fell into madness. However, the body of the Ogre King was equipped with a full-level golden bell and the powerful vitality infused by the body. It's easy to win, but hard to kill. Not to mention that An Qi doesn't know how to watch. With just one knife, the curse was planted. Then Owen, who turned on the bloodthirsty spell and entered a violent state, smashed his head with a stick, revealing the hidden secret. Divinity in the depths.

With quick eyes and quick hands, An Qi turned the blood into a chain, locking the hidden divinity and pulling it out with force.

Now that the vital point was grasped, the Blood Skull Demon wildly swung his double axe. At the same time, the smashed head was recovering quickly, trying to hide his divinity again.

But Owen used his body to resist all the attacks of the Blood-Skull Demon. Even though his whole body was covered with huge wounds and he felt as if he was about to be dismembered, he still refused to give an inch. Instead, he slashed the opponent's divine body with a stick and a knife. The constant breaking up made the resistance more and more weak.

As the divinity of the Blood Skull Demon was seized and suppressed by An Qi, and the body composed of soul and faith was devoured and disintegrated by the Dragon Mother's earthly kingdom, this divine war has come to an end.

It can be said that the King of Voodoo made a great contribution in this battle. Without him to lure these two people out of the Kingdom of God on earth, it would not be that easy to eliminate them.

Because they first have to penetrate the opponent's lizardman clan, go deep behind enemy lines, and then rush into the opponent's kingdom of God on the ground that has been laid out for hundreds of years, and fight a divine war at the right time, place, and people without any advantage, even if Even if you can win, you will lose miserably.

It's a pity that neither the Voodoo King nor the two unlucky guys who were attracted have ever fought a divine war at all. They even know a little about the gods and rely on instinct most of the time. Therefore, the lizardman clan under them cannot After the victory, it was natural to decide to take action personally.

But they don’t know that real gods rarely take action in person, let alone leave the kingdom of God on earth easily. This behavior is no different from a hermit crab leaving its shell to find a lobster. Although it is not without resistance, it is better than nothing and reduced to food. The probability is greater.

Not long after, the Dragon Mother also came back. Judging from the happy look on her face, the Voodoo King was probably finished.

Sure enough, the Dragon Mother, who had transformed into a human form again, opened her hands, revealing the two points of divinity she had brought back.

Although the three points of the Dragon Mother's divinity have nothing to do with combat, as a red dragon, she has super high resistance. It is difficult for the Voodoo King's methods to be effective. In addition, Owen gave her the power to override the power of faith. With divine power, it’s hard to lose.

The next battle does not require Owen's intervention. After losing the three gods, it is only a matter of time before the Dragon Mother clan's lizard army wins. Then Owen and the others will need to take action. The female fire dragon alone with the Salamander Corps is enough. .

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