Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 410 The Lizardman Clan’s All-out War

After learning that Owen had become a god, Maya was stunned for a long time, and then she held an emergency high-level meeting of the territory as if she had been given a shot of chicken blood, intending to re-plan the next development strategy of the territory, because they had a god, and at the same time the territory's biggest weakness He was also compensated, so naturally he had to do something big.

Owen does not need to intervene in these. It is not because of lack of intelligence. Now that he has become a god, his brain operates at a speed that is not comparable to that of an ordinary supercomputer. It is just that most of it is used to speed up the integration of divinity and priesthood, as well as to understand the laws, sort out beliefs, and respond to prayers. Wait, so the more believers he has, the busier he will be, and he is a newbie, so he doesn't have much energy to spend on managing the territory.

What's more, he doesn't need to manage it himself, otherwise what would his subordinates be doing?

But there are some things that he really has to do personally, such as the incarnation of the Ogre King, and the underground world that has just begun.

Owen does not intend to give up the incarnation of the Ogre King. After all, he has special skills. In addition, he needs to be used to suppress the Black Castle Mistress. The normal-sized incarnation is really unstoppable, but his strategy for the underground world needs to be changed.

Simply conquering cities and territories is not very suitable for the underground world, unless Angel takes action personally like he took down the Black Castle, but later management is still a problem, and it is not necessary.

What Owen needs is not an underground kingdom, but the rich underground and scarce resources on the surface. These can be obtained through trade. This was also his decision from the beginning.

But once the territory starts trading with the underground world, it will attract a lot of malicious eyes. By then, things like the Black Castle will not be an exception but the norm, and will attract more and more powerful enemies, because as long as it lasts With your brain, you know how big the profit is.

Therefore, it is okay to build underground cities as transfer stations, but you cannot rely on a few underground cities to hold the place.

Thanks to now that he has become a god, Owen has another way, which is to preach.

Guang Zhengwei's temple is not suitable for the underground world, and he will be called stupid. The Death Shadow Sect is, and just from the name, you can tell that it is very suitable for preaching in the underground world.

But having only one god was a bit weak, and Owen didn't have the extra energy to create another incarnation, so he asked Angel to take the name of Blood Witch as the god of the Death Shadow Sect, and take the Black Castle Mistress and her daughters with her. Specially responsible for spreading faith, thereby accelerating influence and control over the underground world.

Although becoming a god has been hasty, it also gave Owen enough confidence, so the pace of development can be taken a little further. For example, the lizard man gods in the mountains of other worlds can be dealt with.

At first, because there was more than one god among the lizard people, out of caution, Owen just asked the Dragon Mother to change her appearance to spread the faith. He was not sure when it would be completely resolved.

Now that Owen has ignited the divine fire and become a real god, he still has a lot of high-end combat power, so he is naturally capable of dealing with these divine spirits who are not even pseudo-gods.

After Owen made his decision, the Dragon Mother, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately issued an oracle to start a full-scale war.

The priests of various tribes who had long been renamed the Dragon Mother Clan received the oracle one after another. When they saw the content of the oracle, they became more and more enthusiastic. Especially after knowing that the target this time was the old enemy Voodoo Clan, they wanted to rush over and kill them immediately. Cut off the heads of all enemies and sacrifice them to the gods to prove their devout faith.

Under the aura of the oracle, facing the hatred of their old enemies, countless lizardmen from the Dragon Mother clan gathered together. At the same time, the slime brand compressed dry food and Hydra Island brand weapons originating from the mountains were turned into They were shipped in piles to prevent the lizardman army from collapsing due to logistical problems.

With sufficient weapons and food, guided by their faith, the lizardmen of the Dragon Mother Clan launched a fierce attack on their old enemy the Voodoo Clan.

Thanks to the occasional support from the mountains and the birth of the Dragon Mother, the population of the Dragon Mother clan has more than doubled. Coupled with the introduction of the professional soldier system, it has begun to transition from a primitive tribe to a feudal territory, so it is overwhelming as soon as the war begins. , the old enemy Voodoo clan was pinned to the ground and rubbed repeatedly, resulting in numerous casualties and loss of a large amount of territory.

The Voodoo Clan tried to fight back, but there was a huge difference in strength between the two sides, not to mention the fact that they were usually domineering and had many people who got into trouble, leading to successive defeats. The angry Voodoo King flew into a rage and not only ordered the Voodoo Clan to dispatch a large number of Voodoo The zombies also asked their priests to release a deadly plague and began to attack indiscriminately.

Faced with the fierce counterattack of the Voodoo Clan, the Dragon Mother Clan had to choose to temporarily retreat, firstly to avoid the sharp edge of the Voodoo Zombies, and secondly to eliminate the plague.

The incarnation of the Ogre King was thrown into the mountains of another world by Owen because it was fleshy, hard, and had a long health bar. At this time, with a slightly fat belly due to too much power poured into the body, he was busy cooking a potion to cure the plague. .

After becoming a god, it is not difficult for Owen to master the previous knowledge, which naturally includes potions.

However, due to the limitations of the Ogre King's hardware and habits, the rough cooking method had some side effects, but one pot of soup could satisfy thousands of people, and the efficiency alone was enough to make people ignore this small problem.

While the Dragon Mother clan's army was resting, the Dragon Mother also responded to the Voodoo King's counterattack.

As a dragon's son, the female fire dragon leads the salamander warriors who drank the dragon's blood potion and transformed into dragonborn, fighting against the plague zombies.

The Dragon Mother Clan Legion, which had completed its repairs, launched another fierce attack with the detoxification soup cooked by Owen, which made the Voodoo Clan miserable before they had time to take a breath, and finally forced the Voodoo King to choose the most direct method. God war.

Whenever there is a slight choice, the King of Voodoo will not do this, because the war between gods is too dangerous. Once the war starts, there is almost no chance of going back on it, and the chance of dying together is too high.

The problem is that conventional war cannot be fought, and the two sides are still feuding to the death. There is no possibility of peace talks, and the Voodoo King cannot abandon the followers of the Voodoo Clan, so he can only choose to fight for his life.

However, the King of Voodoo is not stupid. He has long known that the Dragon Mother is no longer the deity that the Mountain Mother Clan originally believed in. Therefore, he has no confidence in starting a divine war, so he specially found two helpers, the Blood Skull Demon of the Blood Skull Clan. The gods of assassination from the Black Claw clan are all old acquaintances.

These three are not native gods of the mountains, or even lizard-men, but humans.

Hundreds of years ago, as companions of the legendary mage Emily, they came to the mountain world to inspect the ruins. Because they discovered the opportunity to become gods, they joined forces to assassinate Emily, leading to her death.

And these betrayers also paid the price, losing their bodies, but they used it to become gods, and each controlled a part of the lizardman tribe to form their own clans.

Because of this disgraceful past and the wariness of each other, although they became gods, they never met each other, let alone stayed together. Otherwise, the Shanmu clan would still be alive today.

However, after feeling the crisis, the Voodoo King took the initiative to contact his two original companions, intending to join forces to deal with the Dragon Mother.

This is not easy. There is no way to invite those two without enough price. After all, whether it is the Blood Skull Demon or the God of Slaughter, you can tell by their names that they are not easy to deal with, so the King of Voodoo used his divinity as bait.

If there are three points of divinity, then each person has one. If there are only two points of divinity, then he gives up his share.

None of the three believed this nonsense, but as long as there were enough interests ahead, pretending to be stupid was not unacceptable, so the three joined forces again after hundreds of years.

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