Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 409 Becoming a God and the Divine Network

It was rare for him to regain his full concentration, and Owen was carefully feeling the changes in himself.

He gave up the two paths with the most promising prospects and chose to integrate three points of death divinity, as well as the newly obtained point of reality and illusion divinity.

The bloodline of Chaos Gods and Demons, born from angels and demons, is full of potential and highly compatible. It can fully accommodate four points of divinity. Moreover, because it has not reached the upper limit of the potential of the bloodline, it will only change the attributes without distorting the essence. This is Owen's choice. The reason for this road.

Most people choose this way simply because they are mentally ill. How confident they are to dare to act like this. After all, it is good to have the opportunity to become a god. Who dares to be picky? If you miss the opportunity, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

But for Irving, who has a system, becoming a god is not the focus. In fact, his advantages will become greater as time goes by, and it is the stupidest way to hastily shape himself.

Not to mention that the bloodline of gods and demons originating from the world of Diablo is the bloodline with the most potential that he currently has. It can grow from being as weak as a mortal to pressing the Demon King's blaster. This potential has already surpassed that of demons and angels. Naturally, he was reluctant to overdraw his potential.

Also because of the huge potential of the bloodline of gods and demons, in addition to the third path, Owen actually has another way to choose, which is to use the huge potential of the bloodline of gods and demons to absorb the faith of millions of believers, so as to give birth to his own divinity. And this will be the divinity that best suits him.

The problem is that the Holy Scriptures describe him as too majestic, so the divinity he condenses will most likely be the Holy Light and Order.

This kind of divinity is good, but once it is condensed, it is basically impossible for Owen to continue to mess around in the future. Instead, he will become more and more rigid, and he will not tolerate the slightest grain of sand in his eyes, becoming a god who is willing to sacrifice his life for justice. .

Therefore, although this type of divinity is good, it has too many restrictions. At the same time, it will turn the precious blood of chaotic gods and demons without attributes into the blood of angels that is biased toward light. This is something Owen cannot accept.

Therefore, making a choice too early is not suitable for cheaters like Irving. Who knows what benefits the system will reward him after breaking through the upper limit of progress value in the next stage.

Although the choice has been made, four points of divinity are obviously not enough to support Owen's becoming a god, because only when the accumulation of divinity reaches five points can the divine fire be ignited, and as the basis for supporting the priesthood, the attributes of five points of divinity cannot conflict with each other. The result of the fusion of darkness and light is that it explodes on the spot, so it is simply not feasible to use existing beliefs to condense the divinity of the light order type as a supplement.

Fortunately, Owen still has an artifact. The Shadow Brand Ring shows its true attributes after he fuses divinity, which is to add three points of shadow divinity. The most important thing is that the attributes of death and shadow match well, not to mention the A bit of the divinity of reality and illusion plays a mediating role in it.

The divinity of reality and illusion is very special, and its attributes are difficult to summarize, because they are ever-changing, ranging from yin to yang to chaos, and between existence and non-existence. Therefore, they can perfectly integrate any attributes, and can also combine two different divinities. Fusion together, playing the role of connection and reconciliation.

Because of the particularity of the divinity of reality and illusion, Owen successfully ignited the divine fire to condense the priesthood after gathering seven points of divinity, and the new attribute column was launched.

Name: Owen, priesthood: Shadow of Death, divinity: 4+3, divine power: weak divine power.

Divine spells: Finger of Death, Shadow Night, Real Apparition.

Artifact: Shadow Brand Ring +3 Shadow Divinity.

Judging from the changed attributes, Owen has become a god who prefers death and darkness, but his essence has not changed much, at least not yet, so in theory he still has unlimited possibilities, and this is why It was the reason why he chose the third path, giving up the current benefits and looking to the future. Even if he became a false god who relied on artifacts to maintain his priesthood, he did not change his mind.

It's a pity that while Owen has received such great benefits, he also has to pay a sufficient price.

From then on, Owen's body cannot leave the authority space, and at the same time, he needs enough faith as an anchor, otherwise he will be excluded from the main world.

The reason is simple. Owen's body, penetrated by divinity and law, begins to absorb faith and convert it into higher quality divine power. Eventually, the body filled with divine power will become extremely heavy, so heavy that the world cannot bear it, just like a The newly born satellite, so the main world would not let him get close at all, let alone enter, so there was repulsion.

In this case, the faith of believers in the world is gravity, and the traction satellite will not leave the scope of the main world. Theoretically, the stronger the gravity, the stronger the power Owen can put into the main world. If there are not enough believers, the gravity will If it weakens, once it is forced, it will push itself away from the main world. This is why gods rarely interfere in the mortal world.

Although Owen is a newly minted god, he has a deep foundation. Coupled with the millions of believers in the main world, once he forcibly enters, it will have an impact on the existing laws of the main world. Therefore, the world instinctively refuses the arrival of gods, and even You have to exclude the gods even if you tear yourself apart, and this is also a problem that most gods need to face.

In this case, if you want to enter the world, you have to dismantle the divinity and reduce its dimensionality or use an incarnation to weaken yourself to the extent that the main world can accommodate it.

This made Owen very dissatisfied. Fortunately, the space of authority is special. Although he can't get out, several of his women can enter freely. In addition, he has also mastered an alternative incarnation ability, which does not make him feel like he is in jail alone. Same.

In addition, after becoming a god, Owen vaguely sensed the existence of the abyss of hell and the elemental world, and also came into contact with a strange network.

It's just that whether it's the abyss of hell or the elemental world, there are countless powerful auras hidden, and Owen doesn't even dare to take a second look.

The feeling is the same as when I saw a group of tattooed men with watermelon knives in an alley when I was shopping all my life. If I didn’t leave quickly, why should I take a closer look and take a photo to compare with them?

But Owen was very interested in that strange network.

Shennet? After a little touch, Owen, who got some information, had a strange expression, and at the same time he was a little expectant. He was like an innocent boy who came into contact with the Internet for the first time. Therefore, knowing the risks, he resolutely chose to go online. .

The Divine Network uses laws as the network and the world as the nodes to jointly build a super network across the void. It is the same method as the belief field that Owen built in the territory, but it is more advanced.

As for the function, it is really similar to the Internet. Most of the gods choose to register on the God Network to communicate and trade with each other, such as news, believers, materials, coordinates, divinity, artifacts, and even the Kingdom of God.

Because the amount of information was too large, Owen could only put it aside for the time being and prioritize the affairs of the territory. After all, his sudden transformation into a god would definitely have a huge impact on the subsequent development of the territory.

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