Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 408 Hastily embarking on the road to becoming a god

When Owen saw the real drow matron for the first time, he was very surprised, because her body shape was obviously not elven. She was a proper alien version of the eight-foot lady. With her tonnage and hips, it was no wonder she looked down on the thin dogs of the same race. , no wonder even as a prisoner, you can still drool when you see him.

But it has to be said that the advantage of body size is still very big, because after her daughters filled up the remaining half of the pot of donkey-hide gelatin, she drank up all of it. Although she was not very willing, does Owen care about such a trivial matter? ? Do you really think you can’t get it in without opening your mouth? Innocent.

With the sound of pops that could be heard both inside and outside, the most important person in charge of the Black Castle, the drow matron and her daughters, cried and shouted to agree to the request to be incorporated into the Ogre King's dungeon, and resolutely gave everything they had. I just hope they don't drink the soup. It's really drafty and their stomachs are cold.

Owen was not an unreasonable ogre, so he readily agreed and recorded the name of this soup on the ogre's recipe book.

What follows is naturally a big scene that readers love to see but cannot see. Even though Owen has experienced many battles, he not only laments that the drow, especially the drow mistress, are not only smooth, but also have many tricks. With the cooperation, It almost capsized him in the gutter.

In fact, if it were Owen's true body, he would definitely not touch these drow whose private lives are so messy that ordinary animations cannot draw them. But it is different now. To Owen's true body, the so-called ogre incarnation is almost like a tool purchased with money, and it doesn't even break. It hurts, let alone using it.

Of course, Owen's horse riding was not just out of lust, but had another purpose.

So it didn't take long for these drow's bellies to grow.

Obviously, it is impossible for an ogre to make a drow pregnant, so it was Owen who planted the gene seeds.

These gene seeds are different from Issex. They are simplified mass-produced types. They were prepared by Owen to form a corps. They were inspired by the Primarch and Descent Corps of Warhammer, and Issex was his chosen corps leader.

What’s interesting is that the Black Castle mistress, who originally had a lot of belly, turned out to be particularly obedient after her belly grew.

The reason is simple, because she saw Issei.

Compared with Silo, the Black Castle Matron is more aware of the terrifying potential that Issex possesses, which is the legendary seed that breaks the upper limit of ordinary drow. No drow matron can resist the temptation to give birth to such an offspring.

Therefore, as the provider of seeds, the Black Castle Mistress is more concerned about Owen's safety than himself, so she is very cooperative in many cases.

As for being deprived of territory, becoming a prisoner, and even having her little daughter ride on her head, it was not unacceptable to the Black Castle mistress, because she had the same idea as Silo.

Besides, as an immortal species, temporary gains and losses are nothing. She may not have the chance to stand up and make the decision. After all, when it comes to having children, several daughters together cannot beat her. By then, with the numerical advantage of daughters, she will build a family again. .

No matter what the mistress of the Black Castle thought, after taking the Black Castle, Owen did gain a lot, at least he knew more about the underground world.

The underground world was not created after the secret realm was poured back into the world. In fact, the underground world existed when the main world was formed. It was just that the scale was too small to become a climate. Only monsters like Drow that everyone shouted and beat could do it. Choose to live in the underworld.

This is also the reason why after the underground world expanded, many drow matrons were able to build underground cities in a short time, because they are the natives of the underground world, and therefore the black castle matron who has lived in the underground world for hundreds of years has mastered A lot of precious information about the underground world gave Owen a clearer goal for the next development.

In addition, Black Castle also controls an obsidian vein and a high-quality gem mine, but these are of little value in the underground world because obsidian is difficult to mine and transport. As for gems, except for a few top-quality gems, they are of little value in the underground world. The value is not high, and sometimes you can pick it up on the ground if you walk around a lot. Therefore, unless the trade route between the underground world and the surface is completely opened, gems are just beautiful stones.

Among all the harvests, the most precious one is the fantasy treasure box kept secret by the Mistress of Black Castle.

Fantasy Box makes all your wishes come true. No matter whether you want to be a strong man like Hercules, or want to fall in love with the goddess of love and beauty, or even stage a battle between tentacle monsters and magical girls, as long as you dare to think, you can have it, and it is extremely realistic. It is impossible to tell the real thing from the fake one. It is a secret treasure kept by the mistress of the Black Castle. Many lonely and unsatisfied nights have been spent relying on the treasure box.

But neither the Black Castle Mistress nor An Qi discovered the true value of this treasure.

In fact, if the Mistress of Black Castle had not taken out this treasure one night because she was worried about falling out of favor, even Owen would have ignored it, because this treasure was so special that he would not have been able to detect it if he did not possess the same power. question.

Who would have thought that the divinity of the God of Reality and Illusion would be used as a real version of Little Butter. Owen said with great emotion.

The God of Reality and Illusion is the God that Owen knows the most and has helped him the most. Even just a fragment of the Authority Space has brought immeasurable help to him, so he can't wait to hand over the treasure box to the main body for processing.

With the golden tree and the space of authority, taking out the divinity from the treasure box was not a problem. However, Owen's body did not expect that the extracted divinity would turn out to be an enlightenment object, making him unprepared and step onto the path. The path to becoming a god.

Owen completely underestimated the changes caused by the emergence of the same source of divinity and the authority space. As the controller of the authority space, he first automatically integrated the precious divinity, and then triggered the infusion of the origin of the authority space. This Everything is constantly pushing him towards the path of becoming a god, and he cannot stop at all.

Although becoming a god was Owen's next goal, becoming a god in such a hurry brought him huge troubles. Even his originally calm faith began to become restless, and the golden tree also showed inexplicable changes.

Owen turned on all states and released the ancient sage's external brain. He came to the conclusion in the shortest possible time that becoming a god was inevitable, but it must not become a hodgepodge.

Owen now faces three paths to becoming a god. The most promising one is of course to completely merge with the Golden Tree, then grow into the World Tree, create a complete world, and then develop his own god system on this basis, and finally become the God King. .

The disadvantage of this path is that the earth is a prison. The more powerful the world he creates, the harder it will be for him to break through the cage he has built.

The second path is to follow the old path of the God of Reality and Illusion. This is the Lord God who is at least as powerful as God. The most important thing is that Owen already possesses the divinity and authority of the other party, and has created the prototype of the Kingdom of God. It can be said that choosing this path Road, there will be no bottlenecks before becoming the Lord God.

The disadvantage is that it becomes a replica of the god of reality and illusion, and it is difficult to escape the framework of this template.

Needless to say, the third path is the one Irving chooses, which is the most troublesome. It all depends on whether the system will support him in the future.

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