Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 402 The huge value of the underground world

The development of the dungeon did not slow down because Silo had a big belly. Instead, it accelerated a lot. This was mainly due to the influence of the outside world.

Chaos is only temporary, at least in the main world. After all, even if all the forces want to annex other forces and restore the glory of the empire, they cannot just fight without production.

Besides, it has been in chaos for nearly thirty years, with fighting and chaos. What can be annexed has long been annexed. The rest are helpless and can only maintain the appearance of a stalemate. Moreover, the wealth gained when the empire was torn apart has also been lost. They were almost defeated, so driven by reality, almost all forces put stability first, because only with stability can they produce with peace of mind, accumulate more power, and launch a new round of war in the future.

But this is not easy. Lords want stability and civilians want stability, but there are always those who are unwilling to be lonely, especially members of various evil organizations and criminals who like to fish in troubled waters, because stability means they will lose the chaos they rely on to survive.

During this period, the performance of the Holy Shield supported by the three alliances in the North was quite impressive. It hardly gave those evil organizations and criminals a way to survive, and they were frequently attacked by joint air and ground attacks. Who could stand this?

Other forces followed suit and planned to establish similar organizations, but they soon discovered that it was not that simple for the Holy Shield to achieve such a brilliant success.

First, there is the mobile fortress magic spaceship, then there are mature institutions and systems, as well as efficient air-ground integrated strikes. These cannot be learned by just watching, so the fastest way is to steal them from Holy Shield.

However, the Holy Shield came up with better conditions. Other forces were responsible for providing funds and personnel. The Holy Shield helped build magic spaceships, train personnel, and sell equipment. It can be said that as long as the money is in place and the people are present, anything can be done.

Few forces would refuse such preferential terms, because they were very confident in the loyalty of their subordinates, and at the same time, they also had the idea of ​​​​corrupting the members of the Holy Shield and annexing them, so they gave the green light all the way and strongly supported it.

As a result, branches of the Holy Shield were established in various places, gradually developing from a regional organization into a huge organization spanning half of the empire.

Not to mention the many internal problems and hidden dangers caused by the large-scale expansion of the Holy Shield, at least for now, the Holy Shield, which has recruited nearly half of the empire's talents and received huge support, is unprecedentedly powerful. , almost no evil organization can confront it head-on, even established organizations like the Flesh Church can only choose to hide and avoid head-on confrontation.

This is because it has joint law enforcement powers granted by all forces. Therefore, the Holy Shield is not restricted by local lords to a certain extent. It can pursue evil personnel across regions as soon as possible, and has the right to mobilize local troops. In this way The efficiency is naturally extremely high, causing the evil organizations that were originally having fun and the criminals who took advantage of the situation to avoid its edge and hide in all directions.

But the Holy Shield's division and siege cannot be resisted by an evil organization that cannot scale up and lacks an army, so it can only go to a place of uncontrolled chaos.

At present, in addition to the wilderness outside the original territory of the empire, there are two major chaotic places. One is the original site of the Academy City, which has become a paradise for demons and monsters. It is like the reappearance of an abyss. Normal evil organizations will probably not be able to survive.

The other is the fallen imperial capital. Several evil forces have divided the territory, and it is like a chaotic chaos. If you go there, you will be a cannon fodder. If you want to get ahead, it will be difficult to reach the sky.

Under such circumstances, the underground world full of opportunities is undoubtedly attractive to these desperate people. Therefore, a large number of people and resources have poured in during this period, and Owen's underground city has also benefited a lot.

Now the underground world is no longer a secret. Even the high-level officials in Northland know about it. However, the entrance to the underground world is difficult to find. You can’t just dig down directly. Otherwise, digging a well will not produce water, but will become an elevator. Well.

Not to mention that the underground world is not only complex in terrain, but also full of monsters, and there are also large-scale dungeons, which are so easy to develop.

The Northland Noble Alliance is an example. After discovering the entrance to an underground world, they secretly mobilized thousands of alliance troops and tens of thousands of armed civilians to enter. The result was smooth at first, but only one tenth of them escaped later. People, the entrance was also blown up.

This matter is too big to hide. Besides, the Holy Shield has already penetrated into the three major alliances in the North, so Owen also has relevant information.

After reading it, Owen could only say that they were simply asking for it.

The Northland Noble Alliance somehow learned that there is a Mithril City in the underground world that is rich in Mithril and has huge silver mines. Legend has it that there is endless wealth with silver as the city walls, Mithril as the soldiers, and fine gold as the gate.

After the Northern Nobles Alliance learned of this, they decisively sent troops to attack without considering the consequences. As a result, almost all of them died before they even got close. And if the passage hadn't exploded so fast, they would have been counterattacked by the underground world on the same day. .

These people are obsessed with wealth and have no idea what Mithril City represents. It is one of the largest dungeons in the underground world. It is said that there are several legends alone, and the affiliated forces are as many as double digits. Their comprehensive strength Still on top of the Northland Noble Alliance, it would take a long time to get tired of living before taking the initiative to attack the opponent.

Thinking of this, Owen couldn't help but shook his head, and then fell into deep thought. Because the situation had changed so much, he needed to think about how the territory would develop next. It turned out that his mind was either filled with recipes, two female actors, or not serious. Things, quickly switch to the ontology to think.

The main body is now integrated with the golden tree, spotless, without a thought, and the mind is empty, so the speed of thinking is incredibly fast. His brain is smoking when he thinks here, so it is better to spin around here.

Sure enough, as soon as I turned to the ontology side to think, my thoughts immediately became clear.

Don't look at the Northland Noble Alliance at the moment when it suffers a big loss when opening up the underground world, but Owen knows very well that this will never dissuade anyone from peeking into the underground world, because the underground world is too rich.

The impurities brought by the backflow of the secret realm were nothing but precious minerals and treasures born from the broken origins of their respective worlds.

The laws of the main world are perfect and the origin is stable. Therefore, although there are precious minerals, the quantity cannot be too many, because if you want to derive more precious minerals, the origin will be consumed. This is not worth the gain for a perfect main world.

But the secret realm originated from countless broken worlds in the void, and the origin contained in it was constantly being lost due to the broken relationships, and instead derived countless precious minerals and treasures.

At present, most of these minerals have settled into the newly formed underground world. This is why dream-like cities like Mithril City appeared not long after the underground world was formed.

And this also means that whoever controls the underground world will have access to a steady stream of precious resources, which will be a huge help whether it is development or war.

Therefore, the casualties of the Northland Noble Alliance were not a problem at all, but confirmed the authenticity of the situation.

In this case, the Northern Glory Alliance cannot miss it, otherwise even if Irving cheats, he will face huge pressure.

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