Although he is excited, Owen does not intend to use war to solve his plan for the underground world. In contrast, he prefers trade and peaceful means to solve the problem.

Jianghu is not about fighting and killing, the same is true for farming. No lord relies solely on war to maintain the development of his territory.

The domineering push may look fun, but in fact it is a way of injuring the enemy by a thousand and damaging himself by eight hundred. Even if Owen's cheating can reduce the loss, it still requires time and energy to manage it. You can't just leave it alone after it is defeated. Then he What’s the point of starting a war.

In addition, Owen is actually not that ambitious. Even if he is given an empire, it will be managed by a few women in his family. It is impossible to expect him to do it on his own, so the territory has not been expanded all year round.

With this kind of mentality, it is normal for Owen to choose to obtain resources through trade.

Now that we have decided to take the trade route, the underground city Owen has built now will play a huge role.

As long as this underground city is strong enough, it can be used as a trading center between the territory and the underground world.

As for what to trade with the underworld, it's simple.

Even though the underground world is rich in resources, and even because of its depth and level, the total area is no less than or even larger than the surface world, 90% of the underground world is actually not suitable for survival.

These places are either occupied by powerful monsters or the environment is extremely harsh. Only a few underground spaces have the basis for survival, that is, air, plants and water.

However, due to the limited area and unique underground environment, no matter how good the conditions are, it will definitely be greatly affected in many aspects. At least large-scale planting and breeding will not be feasible. At most, it can feed a city.

As for technological production, playing with steam industry and firearms in the underground world is purely seeking death, so handicrafts and cold weapons are the main focus.

In this case, the goods with the greatest demand in the dungeon are never rare resources and treasures, but daily necessities such as food, salt, and cloth, followed by luxury goods.

The former is easy to understand. There can't be only one city lord in a dungeon. People eat horses' chews, and the demand for food is definitely indispensable.

As for the strong demand for luxury goods, it is because many underground cities still retain slavery and believe in the law of the jungle. Therefore, the higher you go up, the more concentrated power and resources are. When people in power have no worries about food and clothing, the demand for luxury goods is naturally not high. will be low.

It just so happens that the excess production capacity in the territory can be used to exchange for precious resources in the underground world. Even if the territory has access to the mountains of other worlds, it will not disapprove of the precious resources in hand.

But the premise is that Owen's ogre incarnation must have strong enough power, not only personal strength, but also the power of the underground city. Only the two combined can gain a firm foothold in the underground world, and it will only become bigger in the future. trading volume.

Thinking of this, Irving planned to use part of the progress value to build the dungeon. At present, the first and second level troops alone are obviously not enough.

The Ogre Dungeon is now small-scale. The industrious cavemen have built mushroom gardens and large snail farms, which can provide a large amount of cheap food, blacksmith shops, taverns and markets. The successive construction and improvement of these buildings have also Bring stable customer base and income.

But it was not enough. These were just small fights and could not meet Owen's needs at all, so a migration group composed of monsters quietly appeared not far from the Ogre Dungeon.

Although the ogre dungeon seems very crude to Owen, in Silo's eyes it is her hard work. Even if it is obtained through kissing Tianzhu, it is the result of her own efforts, and you think everyone has it. With such a size, she could hold an ogre inside. If she hadn't practiced it before, people would have done the splits.

While Silo was enjoying her daily patrol of the dungeon, she suddenly saw the goblin who was responsible for patrolling the outer area fleeing back in a panic. She immediately knew that something was wrong. She was about to respond, but she found a group of terrifying monsters pouring in from the entrance.

Beholder, Medusa, Minotaur! Silo was stunned on the spot. Even in the underground world, these three monsters are very difficult to deal with. Such a group is enough to destroy many smaller underground areas. city, so she thought it was an army sent by that powerful underground city, and she couldn't help but have the thought of surrender in her heart.

This kind of annexation method of conquering cities and territories is normal in the underground world. It is normal for the big fish to eat the small fish. However, this time, it can only be said that the reality is more magical than imagined, because the other party is not the enemy.

We respect the great dragon slayer, the awesome Ogre King, and are willing to join the Ogre Dungeon to serve the city lord. Please take us to meet the city lord. The leader of this group of monsters is a tall and very rare Meidu Queen Sha, at this moment she lowered her head and looked down at Silo, staring at her with her cold eyes surrounded by snake hair, and said expressionlessly.

Although under the other person's gaze, she felt like a mouse being stared at by a snake, but Siluo couldn't help but twitch her mouth when she heard this, thinking that she was acting so perfunctorily that she really thought she was a fool.

At this time, she didn't know that these monsters were most likely related to her own ogres, but since the other party wanted to act, she had no choice but to cooperate. It was clear that she couldn't defeat these monsters at the moment, so she brought This group of monsters came to the meeting hall.

Owen was wearing an apron and was trying the thirteenth method of making dragon bones. However, the color of the soup was getting weirder and the smell was getting weirder, let alone drinking it. Otherwise, no matter how much she liked to patrol her dungeon, Silo wouldn't be able to. Walking around outside all day long, I am not afraid of being dragged into trying it. The psychological shadow caused by the two balls and one fish last time has not dissipated to this day.

After seeing the arrival of the monsters, Owen pretended to comfort them and then asked them to find a place to live. The monsters also separated obediently and built their own unique buildings in a peaceful manner.

Si Luo watched the whole process, but this time she didn't even think about asking, she just had a mouth full of old words and no place to spit.

It's okay for this damn ogre to hide something from her, but at least it's a treat. Being so perfunctory is also a test of her acting skills.

And this bastard was hiding too deeply, but she didn't panic, because she was about to give birth, and as long as she held the child in her hands, she would have the legitimate heir in her hands, and the initiative would be hers.

As for her dream of becoming a drow mistress, although Silo still hasn't given up, she knows how difficult it is to realize it, so she waits until she finds the other person's flaw.

Being so passive, Silo has no choice, because she still doesn't even know the true identity of this ogre, or even what it is. No matter how many calculations there are, it's just like scratching the itch and missing the point. .

Now Silo's only bargaining chip is the child in her belly. Regardless of whether it is the other person's biological child or the product of some kind of experiment, it must be very important to the other person.

As long as this ogre still valued her offspring, she would have a chance to make a comeback, so Silo remained calm and raised her fetus with peace of mind until that day came.

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