Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 401 Gene Seed Completion Plan

While fighting for Irving's limited shares is important, it's not the only one, especially when the dungeon is just getting started.

In addition to the gray dwarf who immediately entered the daily work of the blacksmith shop and the tavern, the two women also each found or divided some rights, even if these rights now seem small and pitiful.

Yunus took charge of the tavern and became the beautiful proprietress. She was also responsible for trading with wandering merchants.

Silo has the advantage of being the first mover. In addition to having the right to stay in the meeting hall and turn a deaf ear, she also has the diplomatic rights in the dungeon, which means going out to attract people, especially male drow. She has not given up on her dream of being a mistress.

Thanks to everyone's diligent efforts and Owen's cheating, the development of the Ogre King's Dungeon is gradually on the right track. It has become a regular stopping point for many wandering businessmen, and nearby evil creatures have also heard about it, and even A male drow assassin appeared, which immediately caught Silo's attention.

Although she was not very satisfied with the opponent's strength, Silo was still unwilling to miss the opportunity and prepared to use Drow's secret technique to conceive her first child. However, she was shocked to find that she already had her first child!

Thunderbolts are not enough to describe Silo's inner shock at this time, because she dares to swear to God that during this period of time, she has only had relations with that ogre. After all, compared to the three-meter-tall ogre , normal males don’t interest her at all, because toothbrushes don’t actually like toothbrushes.

Similarly, if it weren't for the purpose of giving birth to offspring, Siluo would probably not even take a look at the enoki mushrooms of the same race.

So now the question is, whose child is she carrying?

Logically speaking, it must be that ogre's, because I haven't heard that drow have the ability to reproduce parthenogenously.

But except for humans, dwarves, barbarians and elves, who have a very small chance of giving birth to mixed-race offspring, the remaining races have reproductive isolation. Even the emergence of demi-humans was related to some ancient magic experiments.

A drow and an ogre, the gap between the two is bigger than that of a monkey and a gorilla. Theoretically, even if she is pickled, there is no chance of giving birth to anything. How could she be pregnant? !

Silo's thinking inevitably fell into chaos. She finally regained her sanity and immediately rushed to the meeting hall. Now she just wanted to go to the damn ogre and ask questions, because the only way to do this was to And the only one who has a chance is that damn ogre!

But it's not easy to pretend to be smart, but it doesn't take much talent to pretend to be stupid. Owen's humming and ah-ah pretending to be dumb makes Silo helpless. What makes her even more annoyed is that as her belly gets bigger day by day, that damn thing will happen ten thousand times. The demon warlock actually seized the opportunity to occupy her share of the shares, and blew the pillow wind, but she could only hold her belly and watch on.

While Silo was incompetent and furious, Owen had actually been observing, and it was obvious that Silo's belly was caused by him.

In fact, Owen had long discovered that he was unable to give birth to offspring through normal methods. He was not stupid. With the way he worked day and night without protection, and the women all had good fertility figures, he could probably have a class of children.

Later, Owen discovered that this was not because his seeds were not good, nor was it a problem of reproductive isolation, but that he was extremely unique, so strong that it even affected his offspring.

Obviously this inexplicable uniqueness is related to the system, so even Owen is helpless, because now he is still half way from fully opening the system, let alone understanding and mastering it.

But this does not mean that Owen gives up. He can choose not to have children, but it does not mean that he can accept not having children, so there is a gene seed project.

Owen's body once extracted his own genetic genes. After research, he found that his genes formed a perfect genetic spiral with no gaps, locking all the genetic information inside and unable to completely remove it, so he used special means to Crush it to pieces, then extract the genetic fragments, then use the power of the system to complete them, and finally implant them into the mother's body to be born.

This plan was named the Gene Seed Completion Plan by Owen. Theoretically speaking, the children born in this way can barely be regarded as his descendants, right?

In fact, even Owen himself couldn't figure it out, so although this plan was gradually improved, it was never used because he was unwilling to risk several of his women and did not want them to become fertility machines.

At present, Siluo is just right in terms of size and size, and she can be regarded as my woman, but she doesn't feel bad if it gets worn out, so she planted a seed early and watered it three times a day. Otherwise, no matter how lustful he is, he will Don't treat this thing like a meal.

Although she knew that this damn ogre was causing trouble, Silo had no intention of aborting the child because she was also curious about what kind of monster she would give birth to.

Yes, to Silo, the child in her belly was a monster, a monster with the strength and physique of an ogre and the cunning and agility of a drow.

If such a monster is really born, Siluo will get an extremely terrifying and useful tool.

Thinking of this, Silo couldn't help but get excited, caressing her bulging belly, and thought happily of the scene in the future when she would command a group of powerful children to conquer cities and territories.

As for maternal love, haha, the drow clan does not have this concept at all. Every drow matron regards her children as slaves and tools. There is no so-called love at all, everything is for herself.

No matter what, the child in Silo's belly was still getting bigger day by day, at an incredible speed.

As an immortal species, except for drow who dare to use secret magic on their own bodies, it is very difficult for any elf to give birth. Not only is it difficult to conceive, but the several-year gestation period plus the long growth period of the larvae makes it simply a nightmare. Kind of suffering.

Although drow possess secret skills, they must follow the elves' fertility laws.

But the child Silo was pregnant with this time was different. According to her calculations, it would only take ten months to be born, but the price would be ten times the amount of nutrients.

Silo's face turned green. Unless she was a legend, she would not be able to support the monster in her belly.

Damn it, you're really going to cause me trouble! Silo said with a gloomy face, patting her belly, but she was unwilling to give up this child. After all, once this child inherited the advantages of ogres and drows, she would Undoubtedly, he created a powerful race and even became one of the most powerful drow matrons in the underground world.

Seeing Silo's appetite, Owen obviously discovered this problem, so he specially prepared a set meal for pregnant women.

Born brain soup, dragon marrow porridge, dragon blood potion, one meal a day will keep you full of energy. Owen, who spoke more and more eloquently, fiddled with the nutritional meal for pregnant women he had just added to the ogre's recipe, and said to Silo arrive.

Thank you for your concern. Silo's face twitched, and she said with a smile as she looked at the clear soup with brain fragments floating in front of her, the dark rice porridge, and the pungent dragon's blood potion.

Although the appearance is not good, the nutritional value is really high. Before birth, the granary seems to have been expanded. With Owen's current body shape, it is even more comfortable to handle.

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