Carrying the wild boar with its head smashed, Owen wanted to change his taste, so he found a dead tree, easily broke it into pieces with his hands, and then gathered some dead grass and lit it with flint, creating a huge bonfire.

Drawing out a broad knife with a thick back and a thin blade similar to a butcher's knife from his waist, Owen deftly disemboweled the wild boar and threw the smelly internal organs aside. He was not afraid of attracting wild beasts. At worst, he would have another meal. The wild boars were pierced with thick wooden sticks and roasted on the campfire. The smell of pig blood dripping in the fire and the burnt pig hair made the campfire picnic in front of them instantly no longer so exciting. .

But Owen didn't care. They were all cooked, half-cooked, each had their own taste for the ogre, and he never disliked it. What's more, he was too lazy to do anything now. If it weren't for the purpose of tempering himself, he would have summoned a bunch of servants to serve him. .

There was no way he could do it. He was quite excited when he first transformed into an ogre. After all, the expansion spell he used was only of this scale. But as he became more familiar with his current body, the stupid and lazy side of the ogre gradually began to affect him. It made him less and less lazy to think, or even lazy to move.

Fortunately, Owen's true body is still there. Although he is affected, as long as he keeps in touch with his true body, he can continue to correct his distorted personality and avoid turning into a stupid ogre.

But doing this all the time would have no meaning in training, so Owen found some suitable martial arts from martial arts games, intending to hone his will and change the ogre's lazy nature through martial arts training.

Because of the backflow of the secret realm, the law system of the main world was severely impacted. In addition, messy new laws were constantly integrated into the main world from the broken secret realm, causing the original strict law blockade to become more and more impurities. As the hips become more and more stretched, the role that the Irving system can play becomes greater and greater.

However, there are really not many martial arts suitable for ogres, so Owen found an eagle-clawed iron cloth-shirted outer door to practice kung fu, grabbing things and getting beaten. This thing has nothing to do with IQ, as long as he still has a brain. Practice, but unfortunately he was too lazy to practice after a few days. After all, there is a system, it would be great to upgrade directly, why waste time and energy to practice hard.

When he came to his senses, Owen couldn't laugh or cry. It seemed that he had a long way to go, and his biggest problem and biggest enemy was himself.

Even so, Owen is not in a hurry. Regardless of the lifespan of his body or the current situation, he has enough time to polish himself.

After eating and drinking, and ignoring the beasts around him who were attracted by the smell of blood, Owen moved away from the bonfire and lay down on the hot ground baked by the bonfire. He hummed a few times comfortably. After a while, his thunderous snoring became louder and louder.

A few cunning foxes quietly emerged from the bushes, took the heart out of the water without greed, and slipped away quietly.

Seeing the successful example, several wild wolves also went to bite the intestines and stomachs of the remaining wild boars. Unfortunately, there was too much movement. Owen, who was woken up, kicked one to death, and everything fell silent immediately.

It was three o'clock in the morning the next day before Owen woke up from a deep sleep.

I slowly climbed up and walked to a big tree. I opened the gate to release the water directly without reaching out to support me. I saw a thick and turbid water flowing down the thickened and thickened pipe against the wind and spraying out eight feet away and falling to the ground. A pit the size of an ocean bowl was dug out, which shows how shocking the reserves and impact are.

Shaking it off with satisfaction, Owen yawned and walked towards the creek, intending to replenish water and wash away the pig blood and grease stained on his body. Unexpectedly, he encountered a common scene of the protagonist, the opening chapter of the hero saving the beauty - the beauty. In distress.

I saw a ragged and beautiful black-skinned elf lying by the creek. Judging from the blood around her, she was seriously injured. She was thirsty due to excessive blood loss and wanted to go to the creek to replenish water. He was unconscious here due to excessive injuries.

As for why Irving was able to make such an accurate judgment, it was mainly based on the blood dripping all the way, and where the other party was kneeling, with his face on the ground but his butt raised. At least now it can be ruled out that the other party was because of relatives. Just bleeding.

Owen happily walked over, took out a mithril steel collar that had little use after it was made, and put it on the other party.

The collar engraved with dense runes immediately lit up the moment it was buckled, and countless runes were made into fine threads and integrated into the opponent's body, and then lurked, waiting for the moment of activation.

Owen's move can be called taking advantage of others, but if the target is a black elf, anyone who knows this race will only give a thumbs up and praise a job well done. It is true that the reputation of this race is too bad. Apart from appearance, All derogatory words can be applied to these dark elves.

Black elves are born conspirators and betrayers. It is their instinct to stir up chaos, murder is their pleasure, and betrayal is their nature. It can be said that where there are black elves, betrayal and chaos are inevitable. Therefore, the elves firmly oppose The other party called them elves, so a long time ago the black elves had a new title, drow.

It is because of such a bad reputation that drow disappeared from the empire many years ago. After all, no one dares to use betrayal as a race. Those who do not believe in evil will be deceived in many ways. There are many examples of drow. They became the object of disfavor in heaven and earth, and gradually disappeared from the eyes of the world. No one knew where they had gone.

However, according to the intelligence in the territory, the fall of the imperial capital and the current chaos were all behind the drow. Obviously, the opponent was not extinct, but was just hiding in the dark looking for opportunities, and now they finally caught the opportunity.

In addition, it is said that the Dark Church, which is famous together with the Devil's Head, the Church of Flesh and the Church of Scourge, and is good at conspiracy and murder, was formed by Drow by absorbing scattered black hand organizations. I don't know if it is true or not. It seems that Harvey has more tasks. One already.

Because he knew this, Owen came up and locked his neck and treated the other party as a slave. Otherwise, it would be 100% likely that the other party would retaliate and stage a story about a farmer and a snake.

He stretched out his thick fingers and pinched open the other person's mouth, and roughly stuffed half of the potion bottle into it. After seeing that the wound started to heal, Owen ignored the other person and relied on the effect of the Hogwarts potion. As long as he doesn't die on the spot, he can be saved no matter what, let alone the fusion of witch, Hogwarts and Tsunade. Emile has led the territory to improve for thirty years. I dare not say that he is the best in the world. , but if the effect is comparable, the cost is definitely more than ten times or a hundred times higher than the territory.

Sure enough, not long after he drank the potion, Drow's heartbeat became much stronger, but the opponent's body still didn't move at all, his breathing rate didn't change at all, and even the eyeballs under his eyelids didn't move. , it can be seen that the drow have definitely worked hard in this regard, and from this, we can realize how harsh the drow's living environment is.

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