Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 391 The Unleashing Nature of Ogre Owen

With Owen's current abilities and realm, it is impossible for him to become an incarnation like a god, but he can use tricks to exchange for military templates through the system, and then integrate them into his own consciousness to become an alternative incarnation.

If the strength is not enough, just eat the three divine fruits and you will become a demigod.

I kept them because the three divine fruits were all of the undead type and were not in line with the path of the main body. Now that I am using the incarnation, there is no need to worry about it anymore. However, considering the preciousness of the divinity, Owen did not dare to I experimented with the divine fruit when I came up, but chose the fourth-level ogre in Heroes as the first incarnation.

In fact, he originally planned to choose to dote on his concubine to experience a different kind of excitement. After all, how many time-travelers can experience the joy of small sheep's hooves and flexible tails, but he was afraid that it would be the first time he did this, especially for his own few. Woman, for fear of death in society, he planned to talk about it later.

No matter which world they are in, ogres are synonymous with stupidity and strength, and the ogres in Heroes are no exception. Similar to the caveman’s sunken forehead, it all shows that the ogre’s brain capacity is not optimistic, but it is extremely strong. Her body gave Owen, who had always been a pretty boy, a special impulse. Unexpectedly, the animal skin skirt was pushed up, as if he was lifting the curtains with a bat.

Sure enough, my choice was right! Feeling the long-lost impulse, Owen was a little eager to give it a try, but looking at his current appearance, he finally didn't go to his women because it was too awkward, Ogre It's true that it's green, but he doesn't want to turn the body green as well.

As his body fell into sleep, the ogre Owen also gained freedom. He packed up his things and embarked on the road to temper himself.

During this time of training, Owen did not choose to go to the familiar Northland or the Empire's homeland full of secrets. Instead, he left Green Shade City and headed east to explore this mysterious forest.

The Devil's Horn Forest is the largest forest in the North. It is like a thick touch of green smeared on the wilderness of the North, adding more colors of life. No one has fully explored the entire forest so far.

There are three reasons. First, it is a vast area with no end in sight all the way east. Second, the environment is complex and there are more than one dangerous situation like the Devil's Horn Tree Forest. Third, there are many monsters and they are in groups.

The Northland is vast and sparsely populated. Regardless of whether they are interested in the Devil's Horn Forest or not, the Northland barbarians and the Empire's pioneering group do not have enough time, energy and strength to explore this forest. Instead, they stay away because of the monsters.

When the Green City was built, it would not have been so stable if it had not been backed by the Devil's Horn Tree Forest, where even monsters could not survive, and most of the people living there were goblins. Later, a large number of adventurers continued to clean up the monsters.

Even so, the territory's exploration of the Devil's Horn Forest is limited to one or two hundred miles around Green Shade City.

The Empire's homeland is too far for Owen's territory, and the Northland will not change much for a long time. Moreover, an ogre appearing in these places is simply seeking death, so Owen plans to take the opportunity to explore it when he starts his own business. The forest was a huge help.

Although there is no mount, the ogre's legs and feet are not slow, and his endurance is even more amazing. With no shortage of food, he can enter the unexplored area of ​​the territory in three to five days. There are only a few adventurers here, and there are many Dare to stay long.

After Owen set foot in this area, he felt much more relaxed. He finally no longer had to worry about being beaten by adventurers as a monster after his identity was revealed.

Putting away the full set of plate armor used to conceal his identity, and retaining only the original flavor of the animal skin skirt, which was still in neutral gear, Owen released the nature hidden deep in his heart and wandered towards the depths of the forest. Don't tell me. , the feeling of the wind blowing under the short skirt is really special, and it feels hairy. No wonder short skirts must be paired with stockings, especially those with long hairy legs.

Owen simply threw his legs out and strode forward with a splayed figure. He was swinging extremely boldly, and his animal skin skirt was almost swayed by the big pendulum. If Emile saw it, he would be so shocked that he would not be able to close his legs. .

Thinking of this, Owen cheerfully lifted the big stick on his shoulders, just like carrying Emile's long legs of 1.4 meters. His steps became more cheerful and powerful, ignoring the goblins who were running away along the way, and stepped on the opponent. The ogre looked at the trap as if it was a joke and just moved forward.

It has to be said that ogres are uniquely endowed with not only the size and strength of a small giant, but also rock-hard skin and thick bones. Their digestion ability is even stronger than that of goblins. There is almost nothing they cannot eat, and even When you swallow a stone, it will be smaller when you pull it out. Therefore, there are almost no natural enemies in the forest. Whether it is venomous snakes, venomous insects, wild boars or bears, they will choose to flee when they see the rampaging ogres.

Interestingly, a group of goblins actually carried a dead deer in front of him, obviously offering it as an offering.

Goblins are known as rookie killers, which shows how weak they are. Therefore, in addition to clinging together, providing support to strong people as protection is also one of the habits of weak monsters such as Goblins. Therefore, Owen, a fat and strong ogre, was looked down upon. On board, the group of goblins tried to lure him with food as the protector of the tribe.

Although Owen was curious, he had no intention of accepting it. After all, his journey had just begun, so he tore off a deer leg and left, leaving behind the goblins fighting for the deer.

Twenty kilograms of deer legs are about the same as chicken legs in the hands of ordinary people to the ogre. Owen opened his big mouth and easily bit into the tender venison. The raw meat that should have been difficult to swallow was in the taste of the ogre. But it was unusually sweet, which made him savor it a little bit.

After all, he became an ogre. Although he didn't intend to eat people, Owen didn't deliberately pursue exquisite food. Instead, he tried the ogre's recipe. So far, it seems to be pretty good. The bugs are crunchy and bursting with pulp, and the taste is like a poisonous snake. It's like spicy strips, but you have to eat them from scratch, bite the venom sac, and use the venom and snake blood as seasonings. Otherwise, they only have umami flavor and lack of stimulating taste.

As the staple food of raw meat, venison is the best. It is extremely tender and melts in your mouth. Wild boar is also good. It is a bit fishy, ​​but has a unique flavor and a chewier texture.

It’s not his true form, so Owen, who is not afraid of eating something wrong, really let go and took a few bites of everything he caught. Anyway, with the ogre’s physique, the poisonous mushroom soup would at most give him the feeling of drinking too much. It's not that easy to poison him.

Eating and drinking along the way, rushing to fight with monsters when they encountered them, Owen gradually became more and more familiar with the ogre's body.

It can be said that except for the poor brain, the ogre has almost no shortcomings, especially as a soldier who charges into battle, it is even more perfect.

It's a pity that if the brain problem is not solved, everything you say will be in vain. Even Owen feels that he is becoming more and more lazy to think.

Firstly, this is not the real body, it is just like playing a game. Just restart it after death. Secondly, the ogre's brain is really hard to use. Owen can't even memorize the multiplication table now.

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