Strong heartbeat, heavy breathing, and clumsy movements. Although the body odor was very light, Silo still accurately judged that the creature next to her was an ogre.

Then through the taste in her mouth and the reaction of her body, Silo knew that someone had given her some kind of high-quality potion, which made her secretly relieved, because it proved that her life would not be in danger in the short term, but The touch of the collar around her neck always cast a shadow in her heart.

From the touch, Silo noticed that this was a mithril steel collar or a magic collar. She still knew the probability of an ogre possessing a mithril steel magic collar, so she guessed that she should It fell into the hands of a spell caster, and the ogre next to him was just a guard sent by the other party.

The first time Silo regained consciousness, her first thought was to escape, but the collar around her neck made this idea unrealistic.

Before she understands the function of the collar, any rash action will make her fall into a more passive situation. After all, the collar can be said to be the most merciful of all kinds of restrictions. It is better than soul curse, slave contract, or even being made into a living body. Props are much better.

When Silo was thinking wildly, Owen knew that the other party was awake and knew what the other party was planning, but he didn't care about it. He couldn't even play tricks on the other party. The problem was that he was not afraid of death.

It doesn't matter life, it doesn't matter death. It's not a problem that he can't play with women. The worst thing is to start again, so Owen has been invincible from the beginning.

Although the other party used a special method to reduce his heart rate, Owen estimated that the other party had almost recovered, so he picked up the other party and continued on his way.

Zhuoer is very good at using their own advantages. Beauty traps and honey traps are all leftover by them. Therefore, they dress as simple as possible to reflect their own advantages. The same is true for Silo. The whole body of fabrics cannot be combined together. Half a towel, if it had not been stuck somewhere, Owen would have almost ignored the rope, so it was impossible to pick up the clothes and walk away, so he could only put Silu, who continued to pretend to be dizzy, on his shoulders and let her lie down on the back, and then hold the high bulge with your hands.

Drow's private life is notoriously messy. It doesn't matter who they are, whether they are men or women. There are even people who are specially responsible for summoning Warcraft and monsters to cheer up. Ordinary little emperor uncles would not dare to write like this, but I have to say that thanks to With the blood of elves, even if they play like this, there is no peculiar smell on the body, and they will not ravage fresh beef into beef jerky. This makes Owen more and more satisfied. Even if it is a naughty toy, no one wants it to be soaked in the smell of heather.

Silo tried her best to relax herself and keep herself in a comatose state, but this ogre was so rough that her rough, rock-like skin turned red, as if she had pink eye, and her upper body was hanging upside down. It also kept rising and falling with the ogre's footsteps, making her chest hurt and her stomach churning. If she hadn't gone through the cruel training, she would have vomited on the other person's butt.

I don’t know how long I walked, but when I saw the sun was turning westward, Irving planned to find some food to prepare for the night. I didn’t expect that I was really lucky today. I picked up a drow beauty in the morning, and in the afternoon I met two bears that had just emerged from the tree hole. .

Under a huge tree that no one or twenty people could hug, there was a huge tree hole between the criss-crossing thick tree roots. Two bears, one brown and one yellow, had just come out when they met a very hungry bear. of Owen.

He casually threw the drow beauty on his shoulder to the ground. If this was not a forest and there was a thick layer of fallen leaves on the ground, this drop would have knocked Silo out. Even so, she was short of breath and chest tight, and almost couldn't bear it. Suddenly, I felt like tearing this stupid ogre into pieces a hundred times.

Owen didn't care what the other party was thinking. He picked up the big stick that had been dragging on the ground and smashed it at the two bears.

This big stick is five feet long, as thick as a thigh, and has edges and corners. It is made of a mixture of dark iron and iron from the martial arts world. It weighs three hundred kilograms and is considered indestructible. It is completely overqualified for use against bears. One after another, the two bears fell in front of Owen one after another, becoming the ingredients for dinner.

After touching his specially shaved bald head and stepping on a bear with one foot, Owen felt quite accomplished and felt like he had become the king of the forest.

The ogres could eat, but not to the extent of eating two bears at a time, and since he was too lazy to hunt all day long, Owen decided to smoke some bear meat and hang it in a tree hole. He would leave when he finished eating.

Owen was busy preparing to smoke the bear meat, but it made Siluo miserable. What could be found on the forest floor? There was never a shortage of snakes, rats, and insects. They crawled over the smooth skin one by one and just tasted it from time to time. , having undergone poison resistance training since childhood, she would not die from poisoning. The problem was that these snakes and insects kept drilling into holes such as her nostrils, ears, and eyes, making her miserable.

Although it is not that she has never experienced worse situations, there is a purpose. What is the purpose of pretending to be unconscious now? Just to trick an ogre? What's the point?

The series of question marks made Silo stop pretending, she got up and shook off the snakes and insects on her body. Then she pinched one with two fingers and pulled out one that was too deep. She threw it to the ground and trampled it into a pulp with her feet. The result was like this There was a big movement, but the ogre just glanced at her, then pulled out a strange broad knife from his back and gave it to her, then pointed at the bear next to him, with the obvious intention of letting her go to work.

Although Siluo, who took the knife, wanted to chop this stupid ogre into pieces, she felt no temper at all when she touched the collar around her neck and saw the dense runes carved on it.

For a magic item of this level, let alone her, even if the Archmage comes, it will take a long time to study it before he dares to undo it, and it is not certain whether it can be untied.

So even if this stupid ogre is just a guard sent by the owner of the collar, Silo can't openly disobey the other party's orders. After all, who knows how much authority the owner of the collar gives this stupid ogre.

In fact, Silo has not encountered similar situations before, and not once or twice. There was even a period of time when she liked to send herself to the door, and used various methods to attack those greedy and stupid males when they thought they had control of everything. Kill them and watch the intoxicating look of despair.

It's a pity that the owner of the collar is not there, only a stupid ogre, which makes Silo's proud talent useless. As for using it on this ogre, come on, it's not that she can't eat it, mainly because The aesthetics are so different. Drow have captured ogres before and used them for fun, but it's hard to explain.

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