Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 390 Too much positive energy is poured into it

Recalling his experiences during this period, Jonathan didn't feel like there was anything to be happy about. Compared to being involved in complex political conspiracies, simply performing tasks was more in line with his character, not to mention that he had now found his faith in life. , and even less willing to get involved in these things that disgusted him.

It's just that the Holy Shield needs more political allies, a wider space for activities, and wider support, so that it can proactively eliminate those lawless elements. Therefore, Jonathan had to follow Minister Harvey's plan to induce those envoys from the Alliance Parliament To bribe more senior executives of Holy Shield to achieve their ulterior secrets.

In fact, these have become jokes within the Holy Shield. Many people are betting on who will receive the most and the best things. The loser will naturally not have a good look at the people in the Alliance Council, and they will fight against each other in various ways. To come one after another.

This move made the envoys of the Alliance Council feel that the top management of Holy Shield was very greedy, but they were very happy and confident, because they were not afraid that you would ask for more, but they were afraid that you would ask for nothing. As long as the goal can be achieved, a little investment does not count at all. What, because as long as they have the handle, they will get it back tenfold or a hundredfold sooner or later.

As for wondering whether this is an act, I'm sorry, but I judge others by myself. The level of corruption in the Alliance Council is even more outrageous than what the Holy Shield acted, so it really doesn't matter.

Everything went smoothly according to plan, and there was a dedicated person in charge. Owen didn't need to worry too much, but he was not in a good mood because he had frequent problems of his own during this period. What made him most distressed was that he found that he His desire in certain areas has decreased, and he is always nauseous, which makes him very embarrassed when facing several women in his family.

Of course, it doesn't mean that he is incapable at a young age, nor is it affected by the low reproductive desire of elven blood, nor does it mean that his gender has changed. The main reason is that even though he has made so many preparations, he still cannot avoid being affected by his faith.

The believers in the territory have pure beliefs. After being filtered and purified through multiple processes such as sacred objects, authority spaces, and golden trees, they have almost reached the ultimate purity of faith, and even crystallized it, which is what all gods dream of.

The only problem is that as the main body of faith, this is still something Owen cannot bear. After all, he is still a mortal. Let alone the authority of the priesthood, he does not even have divinity. It is inevitable that he will be affected by his faith and become more and more like As recorded in the Holy Scriptures.

It happened that the holy scriptures written all described him as Guang Zhengwei, and all the key believers believed him. As a result, he was affected by the belief and was flooded with positive energy all day long. The decrease in desire in certain aspects was only an early symptom. If he couldn't find a solution, Solve it, he is afraid that he will gradually become a saint without selfish desires, just like the emperor of the Warhammer world, divinity is greater than humanity, only big love without small love, and even himself is just a tool that can be used.

If Owen were a commoner, he would naturally hope to have such a selfless emperor, but he would not be able to accept it.

This one is still a human being, but each one is just a machine created by God.

But now unless Irving is not the object of this belief, there is no solution.

Owen has a headache about this, and wants to maintain his humanity from being overwhelmed by sparseness through constant external stimulation. Simply put, he wants to enjoy a depraved life as much as possible.

Obviously Irving needs more and greater stimulation, the kind that can stimulate him from the inside out to the point where his face turns red, his ears turn red, and his heart beats faster.

This is not easy. It's not like Irving just traveled through time and was almost hungry. Now he has eaten all the things he has seen before. Pure female sex can no longer make him react through quantity, at least not a strong reaction.

Moreover, compared to women, Owen needs more and more profound life experiences and experiences to improve himself, find and strengthen his own beliefs. Only in this way can he maintain his self-awareness without being changed under the erosion of beliefs.

The question now is how to do it. In theory, being an adventurer and jumping repeatedly on the edge of life and death is the best and fastest way. The second is to be a tyrant or a wise king, by ruling the country or launching wars with foreign countries. Constantly temper your heart and will to achieve the ambition of being a king and to be superior to thousands of people.

Owen doesn't want to choose any of these. His current life is so comfortable and his territory is so safe. Why should he ask for trouble and risk his life?

It's a pity that he can't help it now, because the problem will not disappear without solving it, so Owen has to rack his brains to come up with a less dangerous solution.

The first step is to prepare to become a god. Once he becomes a god, these problems will no longer be a problem, and he barely has the conditions to become a god. Although it is too early, he can still make some preparations in advance.

Of course, things are not that simple, even if he becomes a god, because Owen is the biggest problem and weakness in all plans.

Apart from some hardships when he first traveled through time, after the system was turned on, Irving said it was a smooth journey. This led to his muddled thinking not being completely changed, and he even suffered from stomach problems and relied heavily on his woman.

To put it simply, he lacks responsibility and firm will, has no pursuit, does not want to make progress, and just wants to eat and die.

This is going to be fatal. He can't be helped up. To say that he is perseverant is pure lies. Therefore, in the process of becoming a god, his character and will will be 100% recast by faith, and Being trapped in the priesthood and authority and unable to extricate himself means that he has completely changed as a person. It will be difficult to say that he is not himself anymore.

After reaching this conclusion, Owen had to add more links to his plan to become a god in order to be able to maintain himself.

After some explanations, Owen relied on the system, authority space, elf blood, and Druid profession to integrate with the golden tree that was no different from God, and passively accepted the sublimation of life.

The golden tree plays an important role in stabilizing space, transforming beliefs, and weaving laws. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a god. Owen integrates into it and can experience the feeling of being a god in advance, and through this, he can condense his own divinity, and gold The tree can also help him withstand the direct erosion of his faith.

The divinity condensed in this way is undoubtedly the most suitable for Owen, but it will take longer and more understanding.

During this period, Owen does not plan to be idle. He plans to create an incarnation and walk around the world, gain more insights and experiences, and prepare to become a god.

Because he is not a god yet, if he wants to separate his incarnation, Owen needs to use external forces.

Now there are three divine fruits on the golden tree, representing skeletons, ghosts, and zombies respectively. They were taken away from the blood prince. Among them, the divinity about the blood clan was fused by Blood Ji Anqi and became the demigod of the territory. These three fruits The fruit is the purified divinity.

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