Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 389 Jonathan’s Life on the Aegis

When the first ray of sunlight in the morning shone on Jonathan's face through the porthole window, he did not miss the comfortable and soft bed. After washing up in the small but fully functional independent bathroom, he put on the straight uniform that had been ironed last night. Walk out of your single dormitory and head to the nearby cafeteria.

The Aegis, which can accommodate thousands of people, has two large canteens, which can accommodate hundreds of people for dining at one time. The quality and quantity are guaranteed, providing each crew member with sufficient energy and nutrition.

Although it was still early, there were already many people eating in the cafeteria who had finished the evening shift or were preparing to go to the morning shift. Jonathan had long been accustomed to this. He skillfully picked up the trays and cutlery on the side and moved them from the long dining table. The tray contains some pan-fried bacon and sausages, paired with a hard-boiled egg, a bowl of vegetable salad, and fresh milk. A nutritious breakfast of meat and vegetables is completed.

Sprinkling some black pepper and salt, Jonathan began to enjoy his breakfast, and at the same time, a faint sense of satisfaction began to nourish his scarred heart, making him more and more convinced that joining the Holy Shield was a wise choice.

This is the second month that Jonathan has joined the Aegis. In the previous month, they had been familiar with the Aegis in the sky above Green Shade City. It was not until they were able to skillfully control this magical spaceship that they arrived at the border area and began their inspection work.

Because of the existence of the Aegis, the patrol mission was easy, and they could even commute to and from get off work on time. This took a lot of time for Jonathan, who had almost taken overtime for granted before, to get used to it.

Although the task is easy, they will occasionally encounter dangers, but the purpose of their work is to eliminate dangers outside the defense line, so no one will complain about this. Instead, they work more seriously to stop unscrupulous businessmen and evil spirits who smuggle dangerous goods. Organization members.

After finishing breakfast, Jonathan began to check the equipment very carefully, because these equipment are the key to survival.

Compared to when he was in the Demon Hunting Club, Jonathan's equipment at this time can be called luxurious, including a sharp and lightweight mithril rune sword, an enchanted pistol with various bullets, a wand that he needs to use to learn spells, and a very light and good defense. The silver scale breastplate and the series of magic potions produced by the Spellcaster Corps are even more necessary. In many cases, a bottle of magic potion can save a life.

However, the most valuable ones are a sacred book written by the bishop himself and a sacred skeleton necklace given to him by Count Hydera. This can reduce the influence of evil energy on him and constantly purify the polluted body and mind. Jonathan also develops The habit of going to the temple regularly to pray.

After completing the inspection, Jonathan picked up the broomstick behind the door, boarded the deck of the Aegis, and waited for the arrival of his team members.

As a former senior member of the Demon Hunting Department, Jonathan has rich experience, so he is responsible for leading two newcomers, which makes his emotions a bit complicated. After all, many newcomers have been sent away by him due to various abnormal events.

Captain, here we come! Bonnie, who was tall and long-legged and had nowhere to express her youthful vitality, grabbed Blue, who had thick dark circles under his eyes and looked like he was dying, and ran towards him.

Seeing the two of them, Jonathan couldn't help but feel a little headache.

It’s not that they are incompetent. Both Bonnie and Blue are graduates of the Green City Magic Academy. They have systematically studied various mysterious knowledge for ten years. When placed in the Demon Hunting Department, each one is a seed that needs to be carefully cultivated. It can be seen that the abilities are related to their abilities. What's the potential?

It was the personalities of the two people that made it difficult for Jonathan to adapt, especially Bonnie. As a witch, he didn't understand why her personality was so open, full of energy and endless energy. In contrast, as a Bonnie man, My friend's bleu is like the bones that have been boiled repeatedly in a soup pot. It feels empty and light all day long, as if it will go away with the wind at any time.

It's not that Jonathan doesn't know about the affairs between men and women, but Bonnie is really as powerful as he has ever seen before, even if she squeezes her bones and sucks her marrow so hard.

Captain, we're patrolling there today! Bonnie said energetically, holding her own special broom.

Go to District 8. According to the intelligence received, there will be unscrupulous businessmen trying to enter the Northern Honor Alliance from here during this period. In order to prevent the territory from being destroyed, we have to capture them at the border. Jonathan looked at Bru who was drinking tonic. After one glance, it was judged that he could still persist in today's work, and he briefly explained the content of today's work, then sat on the broomstick, and with a slight exertion, the team of three took off from the deck of the Aegis, and formed with other members. The same team, with the Aegis as the center, began to patrol the surrounding areas.

The newly launched Aegis did not fly over the heads of other forces to show off its power, but patrolled around the border.

The problem is that with such a big magical spaceship in the sky, the neighbor can rest assured. Not to mention that in order to deal with the members of the evil organization who broke through the barrier some time ago, the Aegis not only dispatched Aurors riding broomsticks, but also used weapons including artillery. Destructive weapons gave the Alliance troops stationed on the border a good eye-opener.

Since the debut of the Aegis, the Northern Nobles Alliance has been holding meetings for half a month, and even tried to get the Beiguan Border Town Alliance to jointly put pressure on the Northern Glory Alliance to hand over the magic spaceship.

The problem is that the Northern Glory Alliance is too arrogant and its location is too remote. Although it has built a magic spaceship, it only patrols over its own border. Even if the Northern Nobles Alliance tries to exaggerate the threat of the other party, the Beiguan Border Town Alliance still has not united. Instead of exerting pressure, he planned to cooperate with the Northern Glory Alliance to introduce magic spaceship technology.

This move made the Northland Nobles Alliance so angry that they quickly asked Ferrier to send an envoy to the Northern Glory Alliance to cooperate with the other party first. Therefore, the Aegis can now enter the borders of the Northland Nobles Alliance and deal with unscrupulous businessmen and evil spirits. Organize members to arrest them, but they cannot go deep.

Now the Northland Noble Alliance is discussing with the Holy Shield and plans to send some members of the Demon Hunting Department to study on the Aegis.

Although this was in line with Harvey's wishes, he knew better that people never know how to cherish things that are easily obtained, so he never let go.

However, the gifts sent by the envoys of the Northland Noble Alliance Council were not rejected. The Alliance Council understood this and knew that more money would be needed.

Sure enough, after donating a large donation, the Northland Noble Alliance obtained some temporary workers' places.

Jonathan saw many familiar faces among the temporary workers sent by the Alliance Council. The other party was also a little surprised, but he did not show it. Instead, after a while, he pretended to know them accidentally.

Jonathan had already prepared a set of excuses for this. Because he was infected by evil energy, he became disheartened and prepared to find a place to wait for death. He accidentally discovered that the temple could suppress evil energy, and later joined the Holy Shield by chance.

There are many loopholes in this statement, but the more it is, the more realistic it is. Therefore, the Alliance Council intends to win over Jonathan and use him as a nail into the Holy Shield.

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