Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 386 The Holy Shield is referred to as the Aegis

Jonathan, who originally wanted to go to Green City to spend the last part of his life in seclusion, never expected that he would be caught just after arriving in the North City, or by the temple, so he had no hope for what would happen next. .

It would be nice to know what methods the temple will use to purify people who are contaminated by evil.

But Jonathan's fate did not end there. Instead, he was escorted by a whole team of tin cans to a castle, which was also the only castle in the entire North City.

Of course Jonathan knew who the owner of this castle was, and it was because he knew that he felt incredible.

Count Hydera, the Lord of the North City, the controller of the Northern Glory Alliance, but Jonathan couldn't connect these with the young man in front of him who was probably less than twenty years old. However, after seeing the other person's appearance and pointed ears, , he understood why Earl Hydera never cared about his title, why the North City did not expand all year round, and why the Northern Glory Alliance had never seen this controller, because the other party was an elf, or an elf superior to the high elves. Royal Family, I am afraid that all this is just a small game in the other person's long life.

Please sit down, Mr. Jonathan. I'm looking at your information. I need to wait for a while. Owen smiled at him, and then asked the house elf to bring desserts and drinks.

Jonathan nodded with a stiff expression, and then began to eat and drink with abandon. Don't mention it, he had never eaten such delicious food in his life.

As for his own intelligence issues, Jonathan readily confessed after being caught by the temple. It was not that he was a weakling, but as a senior member of the Demon Hunting Department, he knew very well that because of magic, simply speaking harshly was meaningless. Medicine, magic, curse, there is always something suitable for you. Even if you die, unless you use extremely expensive and rare poisons or props that can affect the soul, death is not the end, so there is no concealment, so this is a bit embarrassing. Who else? No one knows how to do crafts without having something to do when they were young, and the rigid Jonathan is no exception.

Owen looked through it and put it aside. When he saw the empty plate in front of Jonathan, he knocked on the table and with a bang, all the drinks and snacks were replaced with full ones. Then he asked with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

How much do you know about evil energy?

Owen's question made Jonathan stunned for a moment, and then he said seriously.

I don't know much, but I personally believe that the threat of evil energy is still greater than that of demons and undead.

Jonathan is not talking nonsense, mainly because demons and undead are not naturally produced and need to be summoned by blood sacrifices. In other words, as long as targeted strikes can weaken or even eradicate them, evil energy will take root in the main world. Lingering sores.

Good knowledge. Take a look at these information. Owen nodded, then took out a crystal ball and asked him to check the information inside.

You have blocked evil energy for thirty years!? Jonathan said in surprise after only reading part of it.

Yes, because the evil ratmen have been unable to break through the blockade of the territory, they chose to break through the secret realm. Although they suffered heavy casualties, they have to say that their purpose was achieved. The evil energy finally polluted the main world. Owen did not expect evil energy pollution. It spread so fast and was mixed with the Demon Head and the Flesh Church. He heard that the undead casters were trying to integrate the newly emerged evil energy into the undead system, which made him feel bad.

There is no shortage of smart people or ambitious people in this world. The problem is that smart, capable and ambitious people themselves are the biggest source of trouble, because they are restless and have the ability to cause trouble.

Now more and more people are paying attention to evil energy. As you can imagine, many smart people have begun to study evil energy and even plan to take it for themselves.

Because according to the research team of the territory, the evil energy in the main world has a special source, which is ownerless. Therefore, in theory, whoever masters this source will control the evil energy in the main world. If it is operated properly, it can be condensed It is not impossible for divinity to ignite the divine fire, but it has a very high success rate.

The reason is simple. Evil energy can devour lives and souls and continue to grow stronger. Even after reaching a certain amount, it can erode the laws and origins of the main world and completely turn it into an evil energy world.

So if you master the source of evil energy and become a god, and then turn the main world into the kingdom of evil energy, a powerful god will appear.

This can't be kept secret for long. If someone has started planning now, Owen also believes it. There are too many smart people in this world, and they can't kill them all.

Originally, Owen didn't want to get involved in this mess, but the problem is that now that the empire is gone and divided into pieces, who would have thought that the Northern Glory Alliance, which was just a joke at the beginning, would become a force.

In this situation, if he kept ignoring it and being an ostrich, he might be burned by the evil fire without even realizing it, so Owen decided to set up a special organization as a means of dealing with it.

Unlike the Hydra interest study group founded in Academy City, this time he planned to set up a justice organization similar to SHIELD. He had already thought of a name, and it was called Holy Shield, or SHIELD for short.

In Owen's vision, the Holy Shield is a semi-public cross-regional organization that needs to reach consensus and cooperation with local rulers. In this case, it is not suitable for people who use the territory exclusively, so he chose Jonathan.

Jonathan's father was the first generation member of the Demon Hunting Department of the Northland Noble Alliance. If he had not died early, he would have been at least one of the top leaders of the Demon Hunting Department. As his son, Jonathan's current upper limit must be more than a senior demon hunter. So simple.

Although Jonathan is rigid, he is fair and always takes the lead in actions. Therefore, his reputation in the Demon Hunting Department is not low. In addition, coupled with the connections left by his father, it is precisely because of the perfunctory pursuit of the Demon Hunting Department after his defection. reason.

Owen is optimistic about Jonathan's abilities and also needs his connections in the Demon Hunting Department.

As long as the demon hunting department is opened up and the matter is raised to the Alliance Council, Ferrier and Solari will take over and contribute.

These two are not just spies sent out of the territory. As the first batch of feudal nobles in the North and the elders of the alliance, they have considerable influence in the alliance overtly and covertly. They offered some benefits in exchange to facilitate this. The probability of it happening is as high as 80% to 90%.

However, it is definitely not possible for Irving to envision an organization with just Jonathan alone. In fact, he has already initially thought about the organizational structure and key personnel.

Inform Harvey to come over. Owen knocked on the table, and someone went to notify him. The floo network all over the territory also made transportation extremely fast. It didn't take long for him to hear the sound of the fireplace.

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