The little man who bowed his head and just wanted to survive has long been tempered in his roots. It was he who led the people in the roots to launch a brutal assassination battle with the Black Hand's power in the North when the empire collapsed. At the cost of losing an eye, he personally Killed the little finger, and this is why Irving chose him. After all, it is common sense for Aegis to have one eye.

Let's take a look at this plan first. Owen looked at Harvey, who was wearing an eye patch and had a slightly weathered look on his face, and nodded with satisfaction at his image. Although he was not bald, his temperament was quite suitable.

After receiving the information and spending a lot of time looking through it carefully, Harvey asked a few more questions and accepted the task knowing what he was doing.

Very good, I'm very optimistic about you. Owen specially gave him a black leather windbreaker and a new eye patch, and then signed the appointment letter and other documents.

Harvey, who put on a black trench coat and a new eye patch, respectfully took the letter of appointment signed by Irving, as well as a box of Aegis-style badges.

From today on, you are the minister of the Holy Shield. You have rights independent of all departments in the territory. You are directly responsible to me. Owen's words are not small, even if the Northern Glory Alliance is known as the Uncrowded Neither Queen nor Maya can interfere with Harvey's actions, which makes Harvey feel great pressure and honor.

In addition to Jonathan, I will transfer Blood Princess Angel to you as deputy minister, Death Blade Vanessa as the leader of the action team, Necromancer Mog as the magic consultant, and the rest will be deployed from the territory. Owen's words made Harvey He took a breath of cold air, considering that his current city was a bit unbearable.

The necromancer Mog was originally a member of the Imperial City Mage Group, but he was cursed to become an undead. However, this did not affect his rich knowledge, which was enough to serve as a magic consultant. Harvey had no objection to this.

Vanessa, the Blade of Death, the top assassin in the territory, a legendary swordsman and warrior, and also a famous legendary hunter. If he is staring at the Black Hand with eyes that have nowhere to hide, then Vanessa It was the sharp blade that cut off the Black Hand.

If Vanessa's joining only made Harvey feel valued, then Angel's joining was a shock.

Few people know that there is a demigod in the territory, and that is Angel, who absorbed the demigod's original divinity.

A high-level necromancer, a legendary hunter, and a vampire demigod, together they can cause a natural disaster on the territory of any force. How can he have these three as his subordinates? The only reason is that they are sacred. The Shield's mission is not that simple, Harvey thought with a secret sigh.

Seeing Harvey's solemn expression, Owen nodded with satisfaction. Very good. He was not blinded by the benefits he gave. He was still very awake and immediately noticed the problem, so he continued.

Clean up the Demon Head, Flesh Church, Undead Spellcaster, and Evil Energy in the North. These are just regular tasks. The Holy Shield has four more long-term tasks. Owen paused, and then said something that made Harvey's eyes dazzle. If you jump.

Collect information on the original locations of the Imperial Capital and Academy City, and search for the missing Academy City and Sky Trace.

Harvey, who stretched out a hand to press his blindfold, couldn't help but wonder if it was still too late to retire.

There is no way around it. I don’t know how many people or forces have been interested in these four events in the past thirty years. Countless people have died for it, including some powerful organizations and legendary experts, but none of those who dared to go deep came back alive.

I don't ask you to go in-depth exploration now. Let's collect enough information first. Owen knew that this was a difficult task, otherwise he would have gone there by himself, so he spoke to comfort him.

Harvey breathed a sigh of relief, then thought for a moment and put forward some conditions.

Owen didn't care about the conditions put forward by Harvey, because he was the orderer and the other party was the executor. Without strong support, how could things be done well.

After getting the conditions he wanted, Harvey hurriedly turned around and left, fearing that Owen would propose another super task that would make him lose his hair.

He is not afraid of death, and he will not disobey Irving's orders after the system transformation. Harvey is afraid that he will not be able to do anything wrong.

Harvey is very aware of how involved these four things are. It is not an exaggeration to say that the whole world is paying attention. Therefore, if a mistake is made and someone catches the tail and finds the territory, it will definitely be a big trouble.

Fortunately, the mission has no time limit, which gives Harvey more time to plan, just like how he eliminated the Black Hand's men in the North, but now he will first take over the base where the Lord gave the Holy Shield.

There is a strange tower on the third floor of the ruins compared to before. Fortunately, the space here has been continuously expanded, otherwise it would not be able to accommodate it.

In fact, the worry is in vain, this tower is far more magical than most people imagine.

The tower occupies the original location of the void magic well, and has obviously integrated the void magic well into the tower, becoming the tower's energy core.

Because it is filled with huge void magic, this tower can enter the void or in between at any time. As long as the attack method cannot break the space, then the tower can be immune to damage from the void and the main world, and this is It is just an insignificant part of the functions of this tower that are constantly being improved.

This is a military building that Owen redeemed from the System Heroes World. It is a mage tower that can recruit fourth-level mages in Academy City.

Compared to summoning mages in batches, this mage tower that Owen integrated with the magic guild in Heroes is more suitable for doing various magic research. Therefore, in addition to the recruited mages, the spell caster corps also moved in to complete this tower. One of the strengths of the tower is also one of the two major scientific research cores in the future territory.

Since it is so important, most people would only dream of getting close, let alone entering. However, with the authority given by Owen, Harvey successfully entered here and found the necromancer Mog who was waiting for him.

Where is the base of the Holy Shield? Harvey only knew to find Mog here, but did not know where the base of the Holy Shield was, so he asked.

Here, the second round of testing has begun. Once the testing is completed, you can take it away. From now on, you will return every six months for maintenance and improvement. Although Mog became an undead, he completely retained his consciousness when he was alive. He said to Harvey very excitedly. Obviously, even though he had experienced a lot in the imperial capital during his lifetime, he was still amazed by what he heard and saw today.

When Harvey heard it, he understood that the base of the Holy Shield was not an underground base like the roots, but a magic base that could move freely, and he immediately felt refreshed.

The base at the root is of course good. Not only is it large, but all facilities are very complete, but it is only suitable for the territory, because if it is built outside the territory, once it is discovered, no matter how good the base is, it will fall into endless passivity, so it can be moved. The base is the most suitable for Holy Shield.

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