Devil's eggs, twisted flesh and blood, and the curse of the undead. These are the three most troublesome things in the main world today. One can turn people into half-demon, one can distort people's flesh and blood, and one can be cursed into undead. Either way can cause a lot of trouble, at least massacring the village will be fine.

If it spreads to a large number of cities, no city can be said to be 100% able to defend it.

It's just that the formation of these three things requires a lot of life and soul, so members of evil organizations rarely produce them in large quantities unless necessary. After all, wouldn't it be better to use them to strengthen themselves.

The problem is that the elite team of the Demon Hunting Department found many traces of cultivating these three evil items in the city, and found that the other party had successfully taken these items away. No one knows where these dangerous items will explode next. What a disaster it will cause.

After learning about this matter, the Demon Hunting Department immediately reported it to the Alliance Parliament. While condemning the inaction of the Alliance Army, they confidently demanded more funding and more rights. This caused a headache for the Parliament, but they had to obtain it from the public. A part of the construction cost was allocated to appease the Demon Hunting Department. As for condemning the Alliance Army, it was impossible to condemn. The only way to survive was to allocate more funds.

Jonathan, who was on the run, didn't know this, but he could guess it because the Alliance had always been like this, and this was one of the reasons why he chose to defect.

Jonathan thought he had been numb for a long time, but when he personally executed those young teammates who were unknowingly corrupted by evil energy, his traumatized mind was hit hard again.

Especially when he endured the pain, rushed to the Dead City as soon as possible and successfully found important clues, but after it became a means for the Demon Hunting Department to seek profits, he could no longer hold on.

The upper echelons of the alliance don't care where those dangerous evil items will break out, nor how many people will die. Wealth and power are their only pursuits, even if many people will die for this, but for them this is just a necessary means. , anyway, the population is like weeds in the ground, and a lot of them will grow in a blink of an eye.

Jonathan didn't want to continue like this anymore. In the little time left, he wanted to find a place where his soul could rest. He didn't have much time.

Seeing his pupils reflected in the water, which were gradually taking over the color of green, Jonathan had prepared an alchemical bullet for himself. When necessary, he would take the initiative to give himself peace.

The alliance's intelligence network is like a sieve. The Beiguan Border City Alliance soon learned of this. In addition to strengthening border management to prevent the inflow of dangerous items, it also took the initiative to break out low-intensity fighting in certain controversial places. .

Similar battles have long been routine for both sides. Who made the Northland Noble Alliance choose to build the city with its back against the empire's border when faced with the threat of the Barbarian Kingdom's army? As a result, the border between the two sides is now like a zipper, entangled with each other. , but neither side wanted to take a step back, and both stationed a large number of troops on the border.

With so many troops stationed here, they cannot lie in trenches basking in the sun every day. Therefore, various low-intensity local wars have continued. This has not only stimulated the arms industry within the alliance, but also trained a group of qualified soldiers.

But this time, the Beiguan Border Town Alliance added insult to injury and took the initiative to provoke in many important places. The two sides fired back and forth at each other.

The problem is that the defense lines of both sides have been quite perfect after years of construction. Whoever takes the initiative to attack will suffer the consequences. As a result, the two sides fire at each other from a distance of a mile, with less than double digit casualties in a day, but the consumption of ammunition is very large.

Firearms are easy to use, but they consume too much, and alchemists are needed in key areas of production, resulting in high costs.

Moreover, the ammunition produced has a shelf life, making it difficult for both alliances to reserve large amounts of ammunition in advance.

In comparison, the Northland Noble Alliance suffered even more. Firstly, its wealth was not as good as that of the Beiguan Border City Alliance, which inherited the imperial border army. Secondly, the 10,000 alliance troops shelled the dead city for several hours and consumed a lot of ammunition. Although the alliance's internal The strategic warehouse still has a lot of reserves, but it is already close to the warning line. For this reason, the alliance has to spend a sum of money and plans to purchase a batch of firearms from the Northern Glory Alliance.

Beicheng is the first force in the North to install firearms on a large scale, and it is also the largest exporter. Even though most of the forces now have their own firearms workshops, Beicheng brand firearms are still recognized as the best in the North.

The person in charge of purchasing this time was Countess Ferrier. Her good skills were not only well-known within the alliance, but also the Northern Glory Alliance and the Beiguan Border City Alliance. In addition, as a woman, she could get preferential treatment in Beicheng, so she became The best choice, after all everyone knows that the real controller of Beicheng is a former maid.

Of course, no one dares to say that now. One is the other party's right to control, and the other is the other party's amazing ability. Even the most conservative nobles have to admit that the other party is worthy of respect.

Through Ferrier, Maya obtained more detailed information and handed it over to the root for processing. Of course, Owen also sent a copy somewhere, and I don’t know when he would read it.

Jonathan quietly escaped from the small caravan that followed Ferrier. These small businessmen, who relied on Ferrier's light and only hired a small number of guards, were busy doing business and didn't even notice that one person was missing. Even if they knew, they would I won't care, after all, the caravan's population flows very frequently.

But Jonathan didn't know that he had been noticed a long time ago. Even if he covered his eyes with a hood, he couldn't hide the evil energy emanating from his body.

The believers spread throughout the territory are the ends of the belief network. Although they are weak, they are the cornerstone of the entire belief network. Therefore, any evil that dares to get close will touch the threads that make up the belief network.

This level of contact is difficult for believers to notice, but the priest who presides over the temple will not ignore the evil that dares to invade.

Taking a deep breath, Jonathan slowly pulled out the long sword and took out the hidden alchemy firearm. Then he slowly placed it on the ground and raised his hands to express surrender. The whole process was very skillful.

The two Templars pressed him away, one on the left and the other on the right. The tall figure and the thick plate armor all showed that Jonathan made a wise choice. With the weapons he equipped, he could not even break through the defense. As for attacking, The joints of the armor and the gaps in the helmet's eyes, haha, that's the way to deal with the weak, not the strong. Given the opponent's strength, speed and reaction, one punch can teach him how to behave.

All in all, facing the two Templars, Jonathan has no chance of winning. Even if he is lucky enough to escape from these two tin cans, there will be no place for him in the entire North City. Countless ancestors have proven this with their own lives. .

The Northern Glory Alliance, which is dominated by Beicheng, is able to stay in a corner, not because it is honest, but because it is strong enough.

Excellent and large-scale equipped firearms give the Glory Corps an advantage in defense. No rational person would want to attack such a place head-on, so private infiltration has never stopped, but against Northern Glory The infiltration of the alliance was not smooth from the start.

The civilians here are wealthy, peaceful, and loyal. Most bribes end in failure. As for coercion and inducement, although there are occasional successful examples, the retaliation afterwards will definitely let the other party know what it means to lose more than the gain. Over time, Beicheng becomes An insulating ground for spies.

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