Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 372 The Battle of Evil Energy (Part 2)

At this time, most of the defense lines of the position have been replaced. The goblin regiment that has been stationed in this damn place for half a year is a little tired, but has no intention of leaving impatiently. Instead, the logistics personnel and the disabled leave first, followed by the war machines that need overhaul. Finally, they are the infantry.

Because it has been repeated many times, although it takes a long time, it is orderly and not chaotic at all. This is also the last chance for the evil ratman.

Once the defense change is completed, the portal will be hidden again. At the same time, the huge space fluctuations caused by large-scale space passages will slowly calm down, causing the Fel Ratmen to lose the chance to escape from the Fel Secret Realm again, so they will not give up. of every opportunity.

As the commander-in-chief, Dagu knew this very well. While he sent soldiers to fill the defense line, he also prepared more firepower points to prepare for battle. He was not careless at all because there were countless evil ratmen dying at the foot of the mountain. Because these are cannon fodder sent by the evil ratmen to consume the ammunition of the goblin regiment, and the real main force has not yet appeared.

This rat sea tactic was still somewhat useful in the first few years. At that time, the Goblin Corps was mainly equipped with steam nail guns and front-loading muskets. The steam of the steam nail gun was not endless, especially after continuous shooting, it would weaken quickly. The power of the spikes, but the front-loaded musket has a slow rate of fire, and the barrel is prone to overheating after continuous firing, making it easy to be forced into close combat with the Fel Ratmen.

However, with the emergence of more advanced bolt-action rifles and water-cooled machine guns, as well as amazingly powerful steam tanks and cannons, it is difficult for simple rat sea tactics to be effective. After all, it will take time for evil ratmen to regenerate. It nurtures and grows, and as long as the resources can keep up with the ammunition, it can be produced in any amount. Therefore, in order to consume life more effectively, the Fel Ratmen have corresponding arms.

Because the Goblin Corps has long-range advantages, the Fel Skaven evolved Fel Archers and Giant Rat Cavalry in a targeted manner.

Fel shooters look a bit like the rat version of radiation infantry, but they are actually similar. These fel ratmen wearing gas masks and carrying metal cans storing large amounts of fel energy spray out the fel energy through the thick barrels in their hands. Although the range is short and the hit rate is not high, the lethality is very high. Even a steel plate several centimeters thick will be melted through. If the goblin infantry is hit, not even a complete bone can be found. Most of the time it is just a corpse. The end of no existence.

Fel Archers are the regular soldiers among the Fel Ratmen, but the real elite are the Giant Rat Cavalry.

Although this giant rat specially modified by evil energy has average endurance and not outstanding strength, it has strong explosive power and speed. With the soft musculoskeletal structure of rats, it is so flexible that it can even dodge cannonballs falling from the sky. When he was running fast on the complex battlefield, he could only see a black shadow.

One has long-range attack methods, and the other is good at rapid breakthroughs. Even the goblin regiment with the defensive advantage did not dare to be careless, so they immediately loaded their ammunition and prepared to call for artillery support.

The evil shooters wearing gas masks and carrying metal cans don't move very fast, but they pose the greatest threat. Once hit, there is no rescue value at all.

But the giant rat cavalry cannot be ignored, because the giant rat cavalry is also called the trench killer. Once the giant rat cavalry rushes into the trench, before killing them, the giant rat's huge size, virus-carrying fangs and claws, There is also the sharp scimitar of the rat cavalry, which can often cause double-digit casualties. If it reaches a large scale, the entire front may be lost, so no one dares to be careless.

At this time, the sound of gunfire became more intense. The hobgoblin infantry squatting in the trench placed several five-round magazines within easy reach in advance. Once empty, they immediately reloaded, trying to maintain the fire network without loopholes for more weapons. Many giant rat cavalry are approaching.

The bugbears at the machine gun position opened their mouths wide, revealing sharp canine teeth. At this time, they no longer looked like honest coolies, but like beasts that wanted to eat meat and drink blood. Under the brute force, the heavy water cooled them. The machine guns became very flexible in their hands. As the canvas bullets beat rhythmically, hot bullets streaked across the sky, hitting the incoming Fel Ratmen, making them become more broken and sparse. , to reduce the pressure on the defense line. As for the gathered evil ratmen, their own artillery was responsible for blasting them away, and the battle became more and more intense.

Owen has already seen the main force of the evil ratmen through Nuan Baobao. The evil energy shooter will often shoot concentrated evil energy through the barrel of his hand after taking a few steps. This evil energy sprayed out is very corrosive. Not to mention the goblin infantry, even the trenches became pitted, making it difficult for the goblin infantry to concentrate on shooting.

At the same time, the goblin infantry had to be careful of the giant rat cavalry that came out of nowhere. These cavalry were silent and extremely agile, and were more threatening than the fel archers. Once they jumped into the trench, the nearby goblin infantry would be attacked. You must immediately raise your bayonet-mounted rifle and rush forward, blocking the opponent with your life and flesh, and even firing grenades to kill your opponent together, even if you accidentally injure your teammates, otherwise there will be more casualties.

Even so, the battle situation still changed from one-sided at the beginning to a back-and-forth situation, and Da Gu, who was responsible for directing the battle, became more solemn.

Following an unknown muffled sound, more than a dozen huge pale green light clusters fell from the sky like meteors. Each time they hit the ground, everything within a radius of dozens of meters would evaporate and turn into incomprehensible rotten dust. It doesn't matter whether the goblin infantry or the steam tanks serving as fixed firepower points are within this range, because with the green light flashing, nothing can be seen.

It's a huge evil cannon. It's not in the way. Dagu looked up and glanced at the place where the muffled sound came from, explained to Owen, and then continued to adjust the battle line to make up for the severely damaged areas without allowing the steam tank to attack and destroy it. The intention of those huge cannons, even though those huge cannons were so powerful, was to cause serious damage to the battle line.

The Fel Cannon is another shocking work of the Fel Ratmen. Through complex pipes and compression devices, this seemingly huge cannon can launch incredibly powerful Fel Disintegration Bombs with destructive power. Very amazing.

Theoretically, with these dozen cannons, the hilltop where the Goblin Corps is stationed can be razed to the ground, but this is unrealistic, because the evil energy is not endless. At least the amount of evil energy required by the evil cannons exceeds that of the evil rats. The upper limit of what a person can provide, so unless necessary, the Fel Rat Man would rather send tens of thousands of his compatriots to die rather than open fire easily, but once he fires, it proves that the Fel Rat Man is serious.

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