Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 373 The Battle of Evil Energy (Part 2)

Although the destructive power of the evil cannon is astonishing, the three salvos of more than a dozen cannons did not actually cause many casualties, but the tight battle line inevitably tore a hole, let alone the goblins. Even the trenches were razed to the ground, leaving gaps in the originally dense fire network.

The giant rat cavalry that had been wandering on the battlefield were keenly aware of this change and did not miss this opportunity. In an almost death-defying manner, they rushed forward against the bullets of the goblin infantry on both sides. Even if they were hit by the bullets, Even if they were overturned by the shock wave of the bomb, a considerable number of these extremely flexible cavalry still rushed into the trenches.

In an open place, the giant rat cavalry is no better than the rats running around in the streets. The bullets fired are like broomsticks hitting the ground, and the shells falling from the sky are like big-footed volleys. How can one word describe how miserable it is? But once Once in the trenches, the giant rat cavalry showed its sharp fangs.

The trench, which was not very big to begin with, was almost filled with fat giant rats. The low chassis and flexible body made the giant rats very adaptable to the trench environment, and they charged extremely fast, running like they were in the barrel of a gun. Bullets, even bugbears couldn't withstand the rampage. Even if they could withstand the impact, the giant rat's claws and the scimitars of the cavalry on their backs were not decorations. In an instant, an unknown number of goblin infantry died tragically in the hands of the giant rat cavalry. .

It’s not that the goblin infantry are not brave. They raised their rifles with bayonets and never retreated. But the standing giant rats were more than two meters high. The minions that could leave deep marks on the steel were simply not something that flesh and blood could stop. , not to mention that the rat cavalry clinging to the back of the giant rat were all carefully selected masters. Their two scimitars were as fast as lightning, and many goblins had their heads chopped off before they could react.

Seeing this scene, the goblin officer not far away immediately gave up the idea of ​​leading troops to support, because there were too many giant rat cavalry breaking into the trenches, and they didn't know where they came from, just like rats in the gutter. There were so many that they couldn't be eliminated in a short time, so they immediately ordered the machine gunners to fire indiscriminately, block the trenches with fire, and at the same time place bombs to blow up the trenches. The giant rat cavalry should be restrained first, otherwise the entire front would be in chaos.

But how could the Fel Ratmen give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? The Fel Ratmen, who had originally slowed down their attack due to heavy losses, began to rush forward regardless of casualties, covering the Fel Energy shooters and speeding up the approach to the trenches, allowing the Fel Energy Shooters to use the Fel Energy Guns. Take out more firepower points.

The current situation is very clear. Once the evil shooters and giant rat cavalry are mixed together, the gap will become wider and wider, and eventually it will be out of control and the entire defense line will fall.

What's even more deadly is that the ground not far away collapsed in several places. With the sound of heavy treads, evil mechas produced by Ratman technology came out of the hidden tunnels and joined the war.

Owen, who had been sitting idle in the command center, immediately became interested and mobilized many warm baby clones to collect data.

It can be said that the technology of the Fel Ratmen is completely copied from the goblins, so the Fel Mecha has a strong goblin style, which is stupid, thick, and very crude. A large number of mechanical parts are exposed, and the armor is also very careless, with rivets. Forget it, it's not neat and it looks like it's just been repaired at a country roadside car repair shop.

This is because the Ratmen's industrial foundation is relatively weak, resulting in the performance of the evil mechas produced being very average. If it were not for the blessing of evil energy, these mechas would have fallen to the ground due to various malfunctions before the war started. After all, Owen is well aware of the reliability of goblin technology. As their apprentice, it is surprising that the evil ratman technology is so good.

But Fel Energy is really cheating. With the blessing of Fel Energy, these wasteland-style mechas are walking heavily, and a small-caliber Fel Energy Cannon on a mechanical arm continuously fires Fel Energy Bullets, destroying some At the threatening firepower point, a mechanical arm equipped with a huge mechanical claw kept grabbing, crushing the goblin infantry who rushed up with explosive packages into a pulp, and unstoppably approached the defense line in the smoke.

The current situation is very bad. As more and more firepower points are knocked out, the cannon fodder of the evil rat people who are not smart enough and only know how to rush forward are constantly pouring towards the mountain like a gray-black wave, while the hidden The evil shooters among them cunningly targeted the goblin infantry, tearing the defense line into pieces even more.

However, the biggest threat is still those evil mechas. Although they have many problems, mechas are still mechas after all. The thick armor cannot be penetrated by ordinary bullets. It is common to continue to advance against the rain of bullets. As for artillery support, Because the Fel Ratmen had cunningly dug tunnels to the foot of the mountain, the artillery could not hit the target at all. Because the ballistic trajectory was an arc, it was very difficult to accurately hit the Fel mecha at the foot of the mountain.

But this is not the first time this has happened. It is impossible for the Goblin Corps to be unprepared. In addition to the bipedal mechas that are coming, the Goblins also use various targeted weapons.

The hobgoblin jumped out of the trench bravely with a flamethrower on his back, aimed at the swarming evil ratmen and pulled the trigger. The strong air pressure sprayed the mixed fuel thirty or forty meters away. With a flash of sparks, it was ignited. The mist instantly turned into a greedy fire dragon that devoured life. In an instant, an unknown number of Fel Ratmen were burned into candles, revealing the Fel Archers hidden behind, as well as the muzzles of their guns that were glowing green.

The Fel Archer didn't care that his kind was burned into a small curled lump. He smiled strangely and used Fel Energy bullets to kill the Goblin Flamethrower. Even the flames of the explosion became dim under the erosion of Fel Energy. As for the more threatening firepower points, the Fel Mecha uses Fel Cannons to destroy them.

But the goal of the goblin flamethrowers rushing out has been achieved. Without the cover of the cannon fodder fel ratmen, the exposed fel shooters will face targeted sniping by the goblins.

Bugbears carrying thick rifles are already in position. They are holding 20 mm caliber single-shot anti-armor guns in their hands. Although they are very heavy, they have to be said to be very powerful. The evil shooters can fire one at a time, even if they are completely connected. There were no corpses left, and the cockpit of the evil mecha was rattled, causing the mecha's movements to become somewhat deformed.

In addition, there are cluster bombs, rocket launchers and other targeted weapons, so the Fel mechas dare not leave the cover of the Fel ratmen and Fel shooters. They can only keep firing at those goblins who are desperate for life and death.

Fortunately, the sarcophagus bipedal mecha arrived in time. The large-caliber steam nail gun and flamethrower hanging on its arm quickly cleared away the evil ratmen that were about to pour into the defense line. At the same time, it activated the honeycomb bombardier on its shoulders. Grenades the size of cans were ejected by steam and landed on the evil rat camp. With the violent explosion, gaps were cleared. Although it was covered with minced meat and broken fur, it had to be said that the effect was indeed very good.

However, these weapons have almost no effect on the Fel Mecha. Although the thick spikes with a diameter of 20 mm can pierce the rudimentary armor of the Fel Mecha, they are difficult to cause greater damage, and the ejections mainly kill infantry. The grenade didn't even have the ability to shake it. Even if it was stepped on by the mecha's feet, it would only raise a puff of smoke, so they chose to fight in close combat.

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