Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 371 The War of Evil Energy (Part 1)

In addition to the silver heavy power armor, Owen's rarely used thunder power hammer, chain sword and bolt gun have all been strengthened. It can be said that he is armed to the teeth. He can't even break through the defense after being legendary.

It was only because of knowing the performance of these equipment that Owen could bear the thought of using the holy weapon directly. After all, it was a trump card. Unless there were special circumstances, it would not be easy to use it.

Full of confidence, Owen took Charles and Emile into the secret realm of evil energy and embarked on his own great expedition. Whether everything goes smoothly depends on whether he is open-minded enough.

As soon as he entered the Fel Secret Realm, Owen heard the deafening sound of gunfire. Obviously, the Fel Rat Man did not miss the opportunity to change defenses and launched a fierce attack.

But what impressed Owen the most was the ubiquitous whine. This huge demiplane-like secret realm was dying. Its origins were extracted and its laws were distorted. Therefore, the sky was gray-green and the earth was dead. The entire secret realm was It is turning into evil energy. No wonder the evil rat-men still cannot kill them all in such a harsh environment. They rely on swallowing the entire secret realm to reproduce.

The advantage of this is that as long as the secret realm is not destroyed, the Fel Ratmen cannot be killed at all. The disadvantage is that if they do not escape before the secret realm collapses, the Fel Ratmen will disappear. Therefore, the goblin corps that controls the entrance to the secret realm is Fel Energy. The mortal enemy of the Skaven.

It's just that Owen doesn't understand what the Fel Ratman thinks, because although the defense change will cause some chaos, before the defense change, he only has to face one goblin corps, but when he changes defense, he has to face two goblin corps. Don't they count?

Irving didn't know that this was because the Fel Rat Man could not forget the benefits he had experienced several times. Therefore, even though the Goblin Corps had been constantly improving and no longer had any advantage, they still habitually launched attacks when changing defenses.

However, the Goblin Corps spent a lot of thought on the station in the Fel Secret Realm. With the portal at the entrance of the secret realm as the core, they built a large number of semi-permanent defensive buildings, and connected them with criss-crossing trenches to form a dense defense network. Currently, there are a large number of semi-permanent defensive buildings. The goblin infantry raised their rifles and set up machine guns, and launched a frantic attack on the Fel Ratmen swarming down the mountain. The carefully constructed artillery positions also responded with angry roars, killing countless Fel Ratmen on the way to charge. shred.

Irving's helmet comes with various functions, which are more complete than the upgraded Nuanbaobao. Currently, a large amount of data is put in front of his eyes through tracking amplification and data analysis.

According to the information Owen had read before, the one currently running wildly on all fours is the weakest evil ratman. Except for his green eyes and stronger explosive power, he is not very different from the black-backed ratman in the early ruins, so his combat effectiveness is not the same. They are not strong, but there are too many of them, so even if they know that they are not strong in combat, they cannot be allowed to get close. Otherwise, once they fall into hand-to-hand combat, the advanced units of the Fel Ratmen will take advantage of the situation, causing the Goblin Corps to lose its long-range advantage.

This was the reason why we lost position several times. Therefore, even though we knew that these Fel Ratmen were very weak, the guns could not stop until the barrels overheated and the infantry needed to replenish ammunition. At that time, the Fel Ratmen's advanced units also joined the battle. when.

Because it was a war of attrition that had just begun, Owen didn't pay too much attention, and instead looked at the positions that the Goblin Corps had spent many years building in the Fel Secret Realm.

The hilltop where the Goblin Corps is located is also carefully selected. Except for the soil one or two meters deep on the surface, there are solid rocks below. This greatly reduces the efficiency of the Fel Ratmen digging tunnels.

On this basis, semi-underground bunkers were built with rocks and cement, and were connected with tunnels and trenches. Behind the bunker defense chain, there were multiple artillery positions, ranging from mortars to fire tornado rocket launchers. They can be accommodated perfectly, so despite the deafening sound of gunfire at this time, both sides are actually warming up.

Although his equipment had astonishing defensive capabilities and he had legendary guards, Owen still did not stay outside for long and headed to the command center under the leadership of Da Gu.

Before leaving, Owen turned his head and looked at the portal behind him.

This is the core of the entire defensive position, because the caster corps has bound the entrance to the evil secret realm in the portal with special restrictions. Therefore, if the evil ratmen want to invade the outside world and escape from this secret realm that is about to be destroyed, they can only Go through the portal or smash it, otherwise you will be like a rat in your pocket and don't want to harm the territory outside.

The command center is located on the top of the mountain, with a total of eight floors, but there are only two floors on the ground. The remaining parts are deep inside the mountain and serve as barracks, warehouses, canteens, hospitals, transportation hubs and other important functions, connecting the defense system into a whole.

However, although this place is perfect, it lacks traces of magic. Except for the portal, there is no trace related to magic here. This is mainly because evil energy corrodes magic very seriously.

I didn't know this at first, so many casters entered the secret realm of evil energy, but they were all infected by evil energy unknowingly. If the casters who came here were not transformed by the system, they would probably have backlash on the spot. The advance corps suffered huge losses.

Even so, none of the spell casters were able to save any of them. They all pulled the evil rat-men to explode themselves to death, because they knew very well that they were hopeless. If they didn't commit suicide, their souls and bodies would be completely penetrated by evil energy. At that time, no matter how strong your will is, you will not be able to control yourself.

The problem is that although this method of death was heroic, it also gave birth to the first batch of evil rat warlocks, which caused huge trouble to the subsequent goblin regiments, and even fell more than once or twice because of it.

It was only after this incident that the territory realized the specialness of the Fel Ratmen, and did not dare to bring in the Ultramarines or the like. Otherwise, who knows what the Fel Secret Realm would have developed into, perhaps dropping airdrop pods and explosive bombs all over the sky. Shooting guns at each other, maybe cutting each other with chainsaws.

Although you can't use magic, there is no big problem with technology. After all, the mechanics of the evil ratmen have already made tanks and mechas, so except for some special technologies, most commonly used technologies can be used here. , such as monitors, radios, intercoms, etc., so Owen can perfectly control the battle situation even in the command center.

As the goblin staff continued to receive news from various fronts from the communications troops, more and more chess pieces were placed on the huge sand table in the command center. Dagu commanded calmly and made various responses. The whole process was smooth. , all familiar to him, which made Owen very emotional. As expected, time can change a person the most.

However, as the first round of artillery fire ended and more than half of the ammunition carried by the infantry was consumed, the real war had just begun.

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