The Great Expedition Plan? After taking over the plan that Owen spent a meal writing, Maya was stunned for a moment, and then began to calculate her fortune. After all, the Great Expedition or something, you can tell at a glance that it will involve mobilizing troops, and mobilizing troops often means The reserves of the territory dropped off a cliff.

However, if the master insists, Maya will not dissuade her, but will give her full support, because in her opinion, it does not matter whether the master's order is right or wrong. As long as the master is willing, she will turn wrong into right at all costs.

It's just that Owen is not as careless as Maya thought. He never cares whether he will lose control of the territory after not showing up for thirty years, and he has no intention of establishing prestige by winning a glorious victory in a huge war. Therefore, he so-called The Great Expedition was even more difficult to describe, because he just wanted to visit the Evil Secret Realm.

In Owen's understanding, the secret realm of evil energy is not in reality. It is equivalent to going to another world to fight. Naturally, the words Great Expedition can be attached to it. But he didn't know that when he first saw these three words, Maya was already ready to dig out the words. Prepare for an empty home.

Although we are just going to the secret realm, because it is dangerous, we must strengthen the armed forces of the evil secret realm and mobilize the guards to follow. This is also the meaning of the latter's existence.

But compared to the territory's full support for a great expedition, this cost is really not worth mentioning.

Seeing this, Maya couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At present, the territory has been accumulated for thirty years, but it still needs to be cautious in war. Therefore, Owen's plan is the best in her opinion, and it does not even require the mobilization of troops other than the Goblin Corps and the Guards.

The Goblin Corps has never been open to the outside world since its formation, and the Guards are Owen's personal bodyguards. Therefore, using these two troops will not have a big impact except consuming some resources. It does not even require adjusting the territory's defense strategy and defense lines. Therefore, Maya quickly began to prepare the necessary resources and troops.

In this expedition, Ciel naturally followed, as well as Emile, who was quite comprehensive in all aspects, but the main force was still the Goblin Corps.

Because of Owen's decision, Dagu personally directed the defense change of the Goblin Corps this time, because he was worried about leaving it to others.

The army's defense change was more cumbersome than Owen imagined. Because the two sides had been fighting for thirty years, the Fel Ratmen were already familiar with the goblin army's fighting methods, so they often took advantage of the change of defense to make sneak attacks. Later, the goblin army strengthened their vigilance, and it became A large-scale attack was launched, so we must be fully prepared, otherwise we will pay a heavier price if we want to regain the lost ground.

In addition to being loaded with ammunition and fuel, one hundred bipedal mechas are also equipped with special ceramic armor, making the thick body more bloated.

Owen looked at what was new and asked. After all, this method will obviously put more pressure on the foot joints of the bipedal mecha. Once there is a huge drop in the ground, the bipedal mecha will be empty. A might break his leg.

Regarding Owen's question, the goblin engineer on the side immediately gave the answer.

The outer armor used by the bipedal mecha is a very cheap steel plate. The advantage of this kind of armor is that it is cheap enough and easy to process. The disadvantage is that it has average defense and is relatively heavy.

However, this is not just to save money, it is mainly because evil energy is very corrosive, and the difference between fine steel armor and steel armor is not very big, so goblins will choose the cheaper steel armor.

But this does not mean that you can only die when facing evil energy. In fact, after careful research by the scientific research center, ceramic armor was created.

The hardness of ceramics is very high, and it can dissipate kinetic energy very well after being broken. Therefore, it was used as an insert plate for body armor in previous lives.

In addition, ceramics also have good heat insulation and corrosion resistance. Even if they encounter evil energy, they have more advantages than steel. Therefore, once they enter the evil energy secret realm, not only bipedal mechas, but also steam tanks and infantry will increase their power. Hanging a layer of ceramic armor increases the weight and accelerates the wear and tear of the machine, but it increases the chance of survival, so no one will complain about this.

After wearing the ceramic plate breastplate, the hobgoblin received the order from the officer to prepare for combat. He quickly took out a five-round standard magazine from the ammunition box at his waist and pressed it into the magazine. He also took out the bayonet and fixed it under the muzzle of the gun.

The reason for this is because it is impossible to predict what will happen next, so we can only prepare for the worst, such as close combat.

The strong bugbear also silently attached an ammunition chain to the water-cooled machine gun in his arms, preparing for battle, while the deputy shooter next to him was reinforcing the ammunition box tied to his body.

Although the rate of fire of water-cooled machine guns is not as good as the thousands of rounds per minute of modern machine guns, it is not much worse than the rate of fire of several hundred rounds per minute. The consumption of ammunition is also very considerable, so before the logistics personnel deliver the ammunition, , all they can rely on are the bullets they carry, so bring as many as you can.

After receiving the order, the caster corps on the third floor of the ruins opened the layers of restrictions, and then opened the sealed barrier. Suddenly, a black and green vortex appeared in the open space at the entrance to the ruins. It was full of ominousness at first glance, just like the miserable green color. The pus mixed with the putrid sludge was shrinking like a chrysanthemum. It was really disgusting.

Both Dagu and the Goblin Corps were accustomed to this and moved towards the vortex without hesitation.

The Sarcophagus Bipedal Mecha Corps took steps that became heavier and were the first to enter the vortex. They were combat units between infantry and tanks. They were more suitable for complex and dangerous battles, so they were well-deserved pioneers.

Then came the hobgoblin infantry who started charging in small steps with bayonet rifles, and the bugbears carrying water-cooled machine guns. They not only needed to use bipedal mechas for cover, but also used their wider field of vision and the weapons in their hands. The gun covers the bipedal mecha's advance.

As for the steam tanks, driven by strong steam, they escorted more infantry into the vortex.

At this time, Owen was also fully armed, but instead of using holy objects, he used the next generation heavy power armor carefully developed by the scientific research center.

This type of power armor is called the Silver type because it uses a large amount of high-quality mithril steel.

The Silver Heavy Power Armor is taller and heavier than the power armor currently equipped by the Guards, but its movement response is more agile and faster. Coupled with its excellent defense and power output, it is completely crushing.

It's a pity that this type of power armor is too expensive. The inner lining of the metal skeleton is made of a new generation of adamantine steel, which cannot be said to be indestructible. Ordinary legendary weapons and advanced magic cannot be damaged at all, and the mithril steel used as the outer armor is It is a rare high quality.

The material cost alone is enough to make the average person vomit blood, not to mention the other technologies integrated internally, as well as runes and enchantments, which will undoubtedly cause the manufacturing cost to skyrocket.

Even if the problem of raw materials is solved, mass production will be difficult because many technologies are only mastered by Emily and Brian and are far beyond the reach of others.

This is not a matter of teaching or not, just like the difference between being an apprentice and an eighth-level fitter who are both fitters.

Therefore, except for Owen, others cannot enjoy this treatment at all.

In the future, this type of power armor will either be simplified to reduce costs, or it will be reserved as a technical reserve, and mass production will be carried out until the conditions are met.

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