Regardless of dividing the space or embodying the military buildings, they are actually simple uses of the authority space. So far, Owen's understanding of the authority space is still only superficial, even if he makes it complete again.

However, Owen, who was in various states, was fortunate enough to peek into the deeper rules of the authority space during this process, and felt that he had gained a lot.

It's a pity that Owen couldn't believe it, because he never overestimated his ability and understanding, and he made breakthroughs with just a little knowledge, which was not suitable for people like him who were accustomed to eating soft food. Therefore, he gave up those seemingly profound things and turned to Research is more realistic.

Although this did not immediately increase Owen's strength, it gave him some insights into his faith.

Faith belongs to the realm of gods. Even legends can only vaguely perceive it, but they can never touch it. It is like fishing for the moon in the water. It seems to be close in front of you, but in fact it is far away. Only with divinity can you attract and touch it. The qualifications for faith are that only those with priesthood and authority have the ability to exercise faith.

Owen is not a legend, nor is he a god. It is only through the system that he has mastered the space of authority that ordinary gods cannot have. With the golden tree and many opportunities, he was lucky enough to gain the understanding of faith in his current strength and realm.

For ordinary people, this kind of realization would be meaningless, because there is no way to spread faith, no soil for the development of faith, and no ability to utilize faith, but Owen has all these.

The millions of people transformed by the system are his most devout believers, the ones who are willing to die.

At the same time, he also has the most professional monks and priests as shepherds, and even a powerful Templar Knights to help him maintain his faith. And without his knowledge, the sacred scriptures prepared for him by the territorial temple in the early days have been updated several times. version.

As for collecting idols of faith, Owen also has equipment that integrates holy objects to replace them.

Even in terms of divine priesthood, there is still room for authority and a golden tree to make up for it.

It can be said that Owen already has all the conditions to become a god. It just depends on whether he is willing to take this step.

Although becoming a god is good, Owen is not prepared to turn himself into a third-rate god in such a hurry. He has a long lifespan, huge potential, and powerful power. There is no need to rush at all. He has plenty of time and conditions to make adequate preparations. So he planned carefully.

In addition, Owen remembers a saying in his previous life that incense is poisonous, and gods feed on incense. If the incense is swept away without distinguishing it, he will be poisoned.

In fact, the same is true for faith. There are countless demigods who are driven crazy by faith. There are only a handful of demigods who can survive this hurdle and ignite the divine fire. The main reason is that their faith is impure.

The main reason why missionaries like fanatics the most is because fanatics do not ask for anything in return from the gods, but are only willing to give. In the end, all they want is to return to the gods, so their faith is pure.

As for the vast majority of ordinary believers, their belief in God is purely to satisfy their inner desires, either for money or to get ahead. Anyway, they just don’t want to be ordinary. This kind of twisted belief is no less than seasoning with crane crown red to the gods. Once absorbed, the prayerful cry of desire reverberates, making it difficult to purge.

Although at the life level of a demigod, the influence of this level is like having mosquitoes buzzing in your ears, annoying, but not fatal.

But as the faith absorbed becomes larger and larger, these voices become more mixed and their influence continues to deepen. Even the same noises will gradually merge together, becoming larger and deeper, so even demigods will be affected. The serious impact is that the temper becomes increasingly violent at first, and then there are intermittent outbursts that cannot be tolerated, and the final result is to become a mad god.

Every demigod that goes crazy will cause huge damage, so the empire does not allow the emergence of demigods. This is why the two undead demigods were sealed in the first place instead of killing them to extract divinity at a huge cost.

First, the divinity of the undead has too many consequences, and second, because once divinity is controlled by the royal family or a large noble, it is inevitable to gather faith and try to become a god, and failure will also be inevitable, because this will break the balance, so there is no People will watch the opponent produce a demigod and remain indifferent, and they will surely be attacked by a group of people. Therefore, there can be demigods, but they cannot come from the royal family or the nobility.

Owen does not have these problems, because all believers are members of the system's transformation population, and everyone can believe whatever he says.

Coupled with the equipment and authority space integrated with the sacred objects, Owen has conditions that can make countless demigods go crazy with jealousy.

Thinking of this, Owen checked the sacred weapons left behind.

Irving originally left several pieces of equipment that were fused with holy objects, and asked monks and priests to load them with attributes, which was to rely on publicity to make believers think that these pieces of equipment were sacred and powerful.

The power of faith is extremely special. In theory, it is like a stone. As long as there are enough believers who think that even God cannot lift this stone, then God really cannot move it.

Owen knew little about faith at the beginning, but he just tried it if he could. Therefore, the attributes he was blessed with were: Holy Armor/Holy, Holy Sword/Severing, Holy Spear/Guaranteed Hit, Holy Shield/Protection, and Holy Ring/Dispel .

Although it is not much, it is very comprehensive. If he has all the equipment, even the demigods may not be able to beat him.

This is no lie. From tens of thousands to millions, thirty years of uninterrupted faith have caused earth-shaking changes in these five pieces of equipment that are integrated with sacred objects. Even the author Owen does not know the process. He only knows that these five pieces of equipment have undergone earth-shaking changes. This piece of equipment is very powerful and can be regarded as a new trump card.

In addition to these five pieces of equipment that are regarded as sacred objects, the idol worshiped in the territorial temple is him who wears these five pieces of equipment. Therefore, Owen has already gathered a considerable amount of faith without knowing it.

Using holy objects as the medium, the authority space as the container, and the golden tree as the core, Owen transformed the invisible and intangible power of faith into a special golden thick liquid, which is divine power.

Even the Mother of Dragons can only use the power of faith roughly now, and she is still a little short of giving birth to divine power. However, this does not prevent the Mother of Dragons from being able to use divine power. After all, she only lacks the finishing touch, so this means that Owen has another one. Trump card.

Owen, who was confident, took the Holy Armor, which was the power armor he developed in the early days. It was just a trick, and the technology had already lagged behind. But now it is extraordinary. Under the influence of the power of faith, this thing is like evolving from Agumon to Fighting Greymon is the same, they are very different, but they share the same origin.

Owen stretched out his hand and touched it gently, and the holy armor immediately turned into light and shadow, covering his whole body, and then turned into the holy armor again.

The full-coverage armor was not designed with any life support system earlier, but now Owen does not feel any stuffiness or discomfort. Instead, it is like being soaked in warm water and being massaged by countless small hands all over his body, keeping him in optimal condition.

After trying, even the latest model of bolt guns in the territory could not leave the slightest trace on the holy armor. In fact, the bolt guns and the flames they produced did not touch the holy armor itself at all.

Strong defense was only one aspect, and the huge increase in strength was not taken seriously by Owen. What surprised him most was the increase in his own reaction speed.

It was as if Owen suddenly had two sets of nervous systems, and both of them complemented each other. The internal network connected to the external network, which greatly enhanced his perception and reaction speed. Moreover, the seemingly thick holy armor did not bring any hindrance to him, but was flexible. outrageous.

Owen's physical problem has always been his biggest shortcoming, but now it has been best compensated. With other holy objects and his own trump card, he can't help but want to move.

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