Xu Huang's various attributes are not top-notch, but he has no shortcomings. Taken together, he can be called a famous general. With this template, Aguli quickly adapted to the position of leader and tried to manage the Buffalo City. People's livelihood issues, and at the same time began to reorganize the barbarian army.

The barbarians can be said to have all the people as soldiers. Even the decrepit old man can pick up an ax and chop one or two to death and pull them to his back when he has one breath left, which shows his bravery.

However, except for a few elites who were converted into Teutonic warriors, the vast majority of barbarians were loose in nature, and even the discipline of the army was average. Although they fought bravely, it made them more difficult to command. They would get the upper hand in a fight, and it was useless for Zhuge Liang to come.

At the same time, their easy fighting style also makes them unable to adapt to firearms.

Previously, the territory tried to equip the barbarian soldiers with ax muskets, which were short-barreled muskets with ax blades installed on the top and bottom of the muzzle. In this way, when the distance was narrowed, the shot was fired first, and then the ax was swung to chop, which naturally took advantage of the situation.

But after equipping it, the barbarian warriors either forgot to use it or didn't remember how to load bullets during a fight. Instead, they were distracted and increased casualties. Therefore, they simply used all weapons and thickened their armor and let them charge.

At present, the iron bull heavy infantry, the special force of the buffalo tribe, are heavily armored, wearing horn helmets, carrying round steel shields, and swinging battle axes. Even if the charging cavalry hits them, they will be shattered to pieces.

Although this is a primitive fighting method, this is a fantasy world where you may encounter any kind of enemies, so having an army that is good at cold weapon combat is not a bad thing.

After inspecting the buffalo tribe, Owen then went to the nomadic tribe where Bella belonged.

Because of the special nature of the nomadic tribe, there is no fixed city. Most of the time, thousands of people are scattered over a large area to graze. This ensures that the pasture will not be eaten up by cattle and sheep. It also serves as a link to the west of the territory. line of defense to ensure that it will not be attacked by the enemy.

The characteristic unit of the nomadic tribe is the nomadic cavalry, but they gave up their ancestral bows and arrows and picked up more convenient and faster firearms. Anyway, with the riding skills of the nomadic cavalry, they can eat, drink and piss on the horse, let alone reloading bullets, aiming and shooting. With them here, tens of thousands of people would not even be able to get close to Beicheng.

If the nomadic tribes are the line of defense in the west, then Mara City is the iron gate of the territory facing the south.

To the south of the territory are the Northern Nobles Alliance and the Beiguan Border City Alliance. Once the two major forces invade, Mara City will bear the brunt. Therefore, after years of expansion, Mara City has already become a war fortress, with not only two walls, but also Trenches and traps, as for commerce, leave it to the town not far away.

Because of its heavy responsibilities, Mara City has stationed an army of tens of thousands of people, and even the northern city has a few steam tanks. At the same time, if a war breaks out, the city can still mobilize at least 10,000 to 20,000 militiamen. , enough to support the reinforcements from Beicheng.

Next, Irving secretly went to the city where Countess Ferrier and Count Solari were. He was not afraid of any danger. After all, the population in the city was transformed by the system. As long as he was not encountered by outsiders, he could stay with him at home. No difference.

We haven’t seen each other for thirty years. It’s better that Ferrier is a witch. She still looks good despite all kinds of tricks. She is well-known as a social queen in the Northland Noble Alliance.

In comparison, Solari looks much older. Now he has handed over most things to his son. However, after Irving took action, this man has regained his youth again. It may not be interesting to give his grandson a brother-in-law. He will continue to work for dozens of years. Year is no problem.

Of course, this benefit is indispensable for Ferrier. After Owen left, she was still obsessed with her shiny skin and her waist and hips that no longer became saggy. It is estimated that she will not need the facial features she raised tonight. Go to sleep.

After finally looking around, Owen couldn't wait to return to the castle, took Del with him to take a rippling hot bath, and then. . . . .

After sleeping until noon the next day, Owen lazily asked the Slime Maid to lift him off the big bed, put on a new nightgown, and after becoming comfortable again, he slumped in the Slime Maid's version of the wheelchair. Going up to the back garden to bask in the sun and live a leisurely retirement life in advance is still based on the standard of not being able to take care of oneself.

The greenhouse behind the castle was obviously rebuilt. Compared with the original emphasis on planting and teaching, it now looks closer to nature and beautiful. There are many magical plants and animals, some of which were exchanged from the system, and some were collected from secret realms or other places. , enriching species diversity.

Coming to Dale's territory, it was obviously impossible for Owen to escape unscathed. He lost three kilograms when he walked, and lost two and a half kilograms in sweat alone. His eye circles were blue, and he had to hold on to many modified versions. Make up soup and escape.

Owen, who is addicted to the gentle country, is too lazy to cheer up. The territory has continued to operate for decades without him, but it has become stronger and stronger. If so, how can he cheer up? He might as well put his strength into a few women. If they are in a happy mood, their work efficiency will be improved. Even if it can increase a few points, he can be regarded as making a full contribution to the development of the territory in disguise. What's more, this is also a strenuous job, and it requires a lot of effort and energy, so he is also very hard, okay?

With a large table of soft food to eat, Owen felt at ease. In the following days, apart from slowly understanding the changes in the territory and exchanging some things and knowledge needed for territory research, Owen had almost no use until he discovered the changes in the authority space.

The core of the authority space began to become stable, and the golden tree, which was already somewhat sizable, took root in the void, absorbing and transforming the still chaotic origin, sorting out the messy laws, and reappearing what Owen had originally exchanged in it.

The first ones to materialize are some military structures, mainly the military units from the Heroes of Invincibility series.

Unfortunately, the system is only open to 50%. Due to the high world limit in the Heroes of Invincible series, only level one to four units can be exchanged. Otherwise, a group of dragons and angels will be exchanged, and Owen will dare to walk sideways in the north.

Turning on various states and summoning ancient sages, Owen took the opportunity to rebuild these military buildings and strengthen them to prevent them from falling behind before they reached a large scale.

The golden tree is the core, and natural-oriented buildings are built around it. Then Irving divides the levels into layers to create an upper space and a lower space.

The lower space is located at the root of the golden tree. According to Feng Shui, it is yin. Therefore, whatever evil is piled in it, ten abyss demons who are about to become moldy have learned to play mahjong and fight landlords.

As for the upper level, it is left to the Dragon Mother. She is currently locating through the belief line of the mountain lizard people. Once completed, Owen can try to open the transmission channel between the two sides.

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