Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 353 The impact of the secret realm

Owen's fragments of authority were incomplete and he had been using them reluctantly. It was not until he obtained the seeds of the golden tree that he had hope of becoming complete again.

But the authority space is left by a true god, and it is extremely difficult to completely restore it. It is not realistic to just redeem the progress value to fill it. It is not impossible, but it takes too long. In the early stage, even Owen could only barely provide the foundation. Now he is in In the turbulent flow, like a sponge falling into water or a mouse falling into a rice vat, countless law imprints and origins poured into the space of authority, making him not want to get out.

However, what Owen didn't expect was that the flow of time here was different. The deeper you went, the faster it flowed. It didn't take long for him to look like two or three years old. With the growth cycle of the Elf Royal Family, this time would be feared by ordinary people. It has been buried long ago.

Owen, who knew he couldn't stay any longer, could only choose the opportunity to escape from the turmoil and return to the human world.

When Owen appeared again, he had become a young man. According to the life cycle of the Elf Royal Family, it would take at least three to four hundred years to grow to this point.

Although time flows at different speeds in the turbulent flow, it is a bit scary. At least Owen was shocked, because he was not sure how much time had passed. He only knew that the progress value reached fifty times many times.

I don't know what's going on with the territory. Owen said with a frown as he put on some fitting clothes.

Because he was not sure about the time, Owen didn't know how many years had passed in the territory and what the current situation was like, so he eagerly wanted to return to the territory, but he soon realized something was wrong and the world had changed.

The original world was like a glass bottle, empty and free. Owen could teleport freely as long as he wanted to, but now it was not only filled with glass beads, but also filled with viscous juice.

Turbid, heavy, and difficult to break free from, this is the feeling that the world brings to Owen now.

Thinking back to when the Sky Trace was broken, the secret realm collapsed, and the academy city disappeared, Owen understood that this was caused by the secret realm.

The secret realm is composed of a large number of world fragments. It is a food reserve for cheats in the world where Owen lives. Tianzhihen uses various methods to slowly integrate the gentle and non-dangerous fragments into the world and become the nutrients for the growth of the world.

To a certain extent, the existence of the secret realm and the Sky Mark is beneficial to the world.

But no matter how good something is, it will be fatal if it is too much, and the same is true for world fragments.

Each fragment of the world carries different imprints and origins of laws. Even in the void, it is not easy to consume. If digested, it will naturally be of great benefit. However, swallowing too much in one breath will lead to indigestion and food accumulation. .

Nowadays, the large amount of law imprints and chaotic origins that are pouring in make it difficult for the world to adapt. As long as it is not digested in a day, not only the world, but also the creatures living in the world will bear this invisible pressure. The external manifestation is that it is difficult to deeply lever it. Laws make it difficult to break through. The advantage is that the rich laws allow extraordinary professions to expand horizontally.

Extraordinary professions are closely related to laws. The more law marks there are, the easier it is to access them and the chance of becoming a professional is higher. The problem is that 90% of the law marks today are foreign. Not only are they broken, but they have not been integrated into the current world. In the system of laws, that is to say, there is no way forward. Unless the laws are perfected, there is no way to advance.

This is just one of the effects of the collapse of the secret realm and the influx into the world. Another effect is the complexity of space and environment, making long-distance transmission extremely difficult, because the original empty bottle is now filled with glass beads. From the beginning of straight-line transmission, It becomes necessary to overcome many obstacles and endure the deviation caused by chaos.

In other words, if Owen really dares to teleport, even he himself can't guarantee where he will be teleported, because not all the world fragments are poured into the world.

When the secret realm collapsed, there were still many well-preserved world fragments attached to the outer wall of the world, forming a semi-independent small world, which is a demiplane.

The existence of the demiplane increases the contact between the world and the external void, and swallowing too much causes the outer wall to become weak and many tiny holes appear.

Owen is still not familiar with the current complex space environment. If he really dares to teleport from a long distance, who knows whether he will be teleported into the void.

In desperation, Owen put on his mage robe, took out his staff and sword, and climbed onto the dragon sheep. He planned to travel around first and collect some information.

Along the way, Owen kept trying and found that mages were subject to too many restrictions, far less convenient than warlocks and other professions whose abilities are derived from blood.

On the other hand, the spell system of Hogwarts is not affected at all, because this system is a fusion of half blood and half soul. It achieves the effect by distorting reality and has almost no reliance on laws, so it will not have any impact even in the void. .

In addition, the ability to redeem directly from the system is not affected. Although the skills he mastered through learning are somewhat affected, Owen found that through constant familiarity and adjustment, this effect can be eliminated.

Suddenly Owen stopped and stared at the small village in the distance because he felt negative energy gathering.

Thanks to the elves' excellent vision, Owen discovered the undead lurking in the village.

Apparently someone massacred the entire village and held an evil undead ritual, but I don't know why they didn't take away the undead. Is the other party still there?

In this world that had become strange again, Owen didn't want to meddle in other people's business. He bypassed this direction and successfully found a main road.

The appearance of villages and roads made Owen understand that the world has not changed much. It has not returned to the primitive and has not developed technology. It just does not know what the army and professionals are like.

Thinking of this, Owen put away his extremely conspicuous outfit, put on a low-key gray robe, and walked on the road on foot.

There had been no new traces on the road near the undead village for a long time. It was not until they reached a fork in the road that new wheel marks appeared. Owen also saw two travelers traveling together, but they did not appear friendly. One of them took a He took out his crossbow and drew his dagger. He stared at him warily. After a moment, he slowly retreated. After reaching a safe distance, he quickened his pace and left.

Well, the security here doesn't look very good, otherwise they wouldn't be so vigilant and sensitive. Owen shrugged, thinking helplessly that he originally wanted to inquire about the information.

Now that a traveler has appeared, it is not far from the human gathering point. I hope to get the news I want from there.

Thinking of this, Owen involuntarily quickened his pace, passed the two travelers who were so frightened that they almost made a move, and arrived at Stone Wheel Town.

Stone Wheel Town does not look small, and is a bit prosperous, so it can build tall stone walls, and the guards' equipment is not bad, including thick leather armor, one-handed swords and bucklers, standard infantry equipment.

Moreover, the guards were relatively strong and capable of advancing and retreating in a controlled manner. They had obviously undergone considerable training.

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