Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 354 Thirty years after the great change

Stop the outsider. The guard captain holding the hilt of the sword stared at Owen warily and said. The two guards behind him took a step forward in unison, forming a half-encirclement. It was obvious at a glance that they had experienced actual combat.

What's the matter? Owen slowly raised his head, revealing his smooth chin and pink lips. A trace of naughty hair also slipped from the hood, which made the guard captain couldn't help but be stunned, and at the same time he felt something in his heart. I have a question, is this a man or a woman?

Spell casters are not welcome in Stone Wheel Town. If you have nothing to do, please leave as soon as possible. The guard captain, who was affected by the charm, softened his tone, but the principle remained unchanged and he warned.

Thank you for reminding me, I will leave early tomorrow morning. Owen was not angry because of this. Firstly, the other party was executing the order of the local lord, and secondly, it was probably the influence of the undead village.

Warriors will not turn people into undead. Only spellcasters have this ability, so it is normal for the locals to hate spellcasters.

To be honest, the lord here didn't hang all the spellcasters he saw or drive them away directly, so he had a good temper.

Of course, it is also possible that he is afraid that he will not be able to defeat him. After all, spell casters are not easy to mess with, so he is willing to risk his life and stay alive for a long time.

Owen entered Stone Wheel Town and did not go to the tavern. He went to buy some books first.

Fortunately, although there is no special library here, there are places that sell books, but the prices are a bit expensive.

After all, because of the poor communication methods, high prices, and poor literacy rate, books can be classified as luxury goods here, and most people really won't buy them.

After briefly browsing, many books seemed familiar to Owen. He had obviously read them before he was involved in the turbulence. Fortunately, the appearance of several diaries prevented him from leaving empty-handed.

These diaries were left by an old wizard who died in the Undead Village. Because the person who picked them up didn't know how to read, he brought them back as books. Unfortunately, he only exchanged them for two glasses of ale.

The reason Owen bought it was that the old wizard died in the Undead Village last month. As long as he pushed forward, he might be able to determine how many years had passed in this world.

After arriving at the tavern, he ordered a glass of the best wine and sat down at the small round table in the corner. Owen took out his diary and started to read through it.

Diaries are not cheap, and they also serve as study notes, so these diaries are full of useful information, which is a big gain for Owen.

It doesn't matter what the old wizard's name is. What's important is that he lived long enough. In addition, the previous great changes in the world had a great impact. It is naturally recorded on it. Therefore, Owen can be sure that he has been in the turbulence for about thirty years. .

Because it was too shocking, the old wizard devoted a lot of space to recording it, and many years later, he would repeatedly mention what happened that year, and also pursue the secrets of the great changes in the world.

According to the records of the old wizard, the Academy City disappeared too suddenly, and countless demons appeared too suddenly, causing the imperial capital to fail to react. In addition, the Head of Demons, the Flesh Church, the Church of Natural Disaster and other evil organizations jointly implemented the plan The plan was shattered and the imperial capital fell.

You should know that the defensive measures of the imperial capital are enough to withstand the siege of a million-strong army. You can imagine the shock caused by this incident when it spread.

Originally, the great changes in the world caused widespread chaos, and the fall of the imperial capital was the last straw that broke the camel's back. The entire empire fell apart in just a few years, with strong control over the territory, and the most powerful dukes and princes. Time established kings and kingdoms, and large-scale wars broke out between them.

The war lasted for ten years, during which an unknown number of people died. In the end, only five kingdoms were left. Except for the Elf Kingdom and the Dwarf Kingdom, which were located in a corner, the remaining three kingdoms were established by two grand dukes and a prince respectively. .

The next-level earls and marquises also followed suit in Jianguo, but their strength could not support their ambitions, so they expanded their power around cities and formed the Hundred Cities Alliance to resist the Seven Kingdoms.

Unfortunately, the old wizard only moved in the south and had never been to the north. He was not very clear about the situation in the north. He only knew that the northern barbarians went south again and were defeated by three alliances there.

Seeing this, Owen knew something in his mind, so he focused on other contents of the diary. The one that impressed him most was the old wizard's ridicule to the mage.

The foundation of a mage is not only the spiritual power to leverage elements to transform magic power, but also knowledge.

Theoretically speaking, mental power is only the foundation of a mage, and knowledge is the upper limit of a mage.

But since the great change in the world, the knowledge of mages has become difficult to use. Several famous legendary mages even self-destructed on the spot. Those who were still alive had to choose to seal themselves. The wizards and warlocks who were originally small and transparent started to tremble, and even the witches were shocked. Dare to go out for a walk.

However, the wizards did not remain complacent for long, because the world soon ushered in an explosion of professionals. The number of professionals who were originally one in a thousand became one in a hundred, and their number increased by more than ten times.

Anyone with some talent can almost reach the threshold of an extraordinary profession as long as they are willing to practice and have someone to teach them.

The wizard's spellcasting ability is cumbersome and unsuitable for combat. Now faced with competition from many professionals, it has become transparent. On the contrary, wizards are becoming more and more popular, except for demon warlocks.

Under this situation, the old wizard was unwilling to give in. He got part of the Necromancer's inheritance from nowhere and tried to struggle again. The result was obvious, and he was afraid that he would lose it.

Seeing this, it was almost dark, and there were more and more guests in the tavern. Owen, who occupied a table to himself, was a bit conspicuous, but his elegant posture was obviously not something that a gray robe could block, so those who wanted to share a table Often discouraged.

Owen put away the diaries on the table, returned to the tavern room, released the slime maid, and transformed into a soft and elastic lazy sofa. He fell down on it and relaxed, but his mind kept spinning rapidly.

He definitely had to go back and take a look at the territory. Only by confirming the situation of the territory could he make the next plan.

However, Owen will not be in a hurry. He needs to observe the changes in the world with his own eyes. Only in this way can he be aware of it. Otherwise, staying in the safety of the castle and just reading reports will be divorced from reality.

Because of his super high attributes, Owen didn't feel sleepy even though it was late at night, but even if he fell asleep, he would be awakened by the sound of climbing through the window.

After twitching his long ears to receive the subtle sound waves from the outside world and forming them in his mind, Owen could hear a thin man who was not too old carefully climbing from the corner to his window and taking out a bottle from his pocket. A hollow, slender wooden tube.

You don't need to think about it to know what this wooden pipe is used for, but Owen doesn't know that thieves in this world can also use incense.

Interesting. Owen whispered to himself.

Because it was quiet at night, even though the sound was not loud, it was still heard by people outside. He suddenly stiffened and did not dare to take any chances. He pushed hard against the wall and fell to the ground. He rolled to the ground and ran away.

The whole process was extremely smooth, obviously he had practiced a lot, but a thick and long rope flew in and interrupted his escape plan, and he was tied up tightly.

Just when Owen was about to take the person back, the other person broke away from the rope like a loach, leaving only a piece of clothing. He then exploded the smoke bomb and successfully escaped under the cover of the smoke, leaving him stunned.

Even thieves are professionals now? This method is obviously not available to ordinary people, so Owen said with some surprise.

As for being targeted, he didn't care much. After all, no matter his posture or some details, he couldn't hide his good background and his majestic temperament. It was normal for him to be targeted.

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