Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 352 The scar in the sky is broken

Strengthening city defense, replenishing soldiers, and adjusting strategies all required Owen's intervention, so it was a headache. This did not include the establishment of an alliance and the preparation for the cold winter.

Fortunately, the abilities of Howard and his son, as well as teachers and students of Emily, were quite good. After some processing, Owen found that there were not many things that he needed to deal with, but more of making decisions, which suddenly changed from composition to multiple-choice questions.

The city wall continues to be taller and wider. Although it doesn't mean much, for ordinary people, tall city walls mean safety and serve as a deterrent to outsiders.

After signing for approval, Owen put down his pen and rubbed his smooth chin, thought for a while and said.

I will arrange a group of gargoyles and iron golems to be placed on the city wall. You will see how they can be integrated into the existing defense system.

Gargoyles and Steel Golems originate from the game Invincible Heroes. They belong to the golem category. Although they are not flexible enough, they are quite suitable for city defense.

Owen previously exchanged the corresponding military buildings on the second floor of the dungeon, and now he has accumulated a lot, which comes in handy.

As the need for progress value in the authority space decreases, Owen plans to exchange some more heroic and invincible military units to replace the imperial era units that can no longer keep up.

However, this will be a very long process. At this stage, the territory still needs the high-quality and low-cost troops from the empire era to take the lead.

After taking care of some things, Owen returned to Academy City because he wanted to see how the empire would react to this battle.

In fact, there was no reaction. The imperial capital was still prosperous and the academy city remained unchanged. Even if he heard that a terrible plague had appeared in the south and many people had died, no one cared because it was too far away from them.

There are so many evil organizations in the south? Owen was chatting with Corgi, and he was the only one in the entire specialty class who could talk a few words.

Just now, Owen talked about the Devil's Head and the Church of Flesh and Blood that appeared in the northern war. Corgi said in passing that the Scourge Church was behind the plague in the south, and he was stunned.

Who would have thought that the seemingly powerful empire was already riddled with holes inside, with the nobles and royal families holding back, and a bunch of messy villain organizations seeking death. Owen couldn't help but shake his head.

That is to say, the empire's financial resources are strong enough, otherwise it would have been lost long ago.

It was originally just a topic for chatting, but who knew that the plague in the south was getting worse and worse. Academy City, which had already dispatched a group of mages and alchemists to support the construction of the imperial frontier army, had to mobilize a group of people to go to the south because it was said that the people infected with the plague had changed. It's like an undead zombie, which makes people think of the undead demigod who caused hundreds of thousands of deaths and injuries in the north before he showed up. You must know that such a person was also sealed in the south.

To be on the safe side, not only do we need to research the antidote to the new plague, but we also need to check out the sealing points. This requires a lot of manpower and is very urgent.

There is no way. Although the empire will not be damaged in the northern war, it will be a huge waste to repair the damaged border, rebuild the border army, and restore the lost population in the north. What if the south does this again? The empire couldn't bear it, so it had to deal with it quickly, so it was surprisingly efficient, but Owen always had a feeling of panic.

Because a large number of teachers and senior students have been expelled, the academy city is now in a state of semi-paralysis. Many students have no classes to attend. In this rare leisure time, the students have learned to have fun on their own. The air is filled with a happy atmosphere. It is estimated that Many people will become parents next year, but Owen is getting more and more nervous.

The other students in the specialty class noticed this. They didn't understand, but they believed in Owen's feelings. Except for the missing elf deer girl, others built a shelter under Owen's leadership.

Although I don't know what the use of this is, I would rather do this than go to class. The dwarf muttered and drew drawings, making the underground fortress built by Owen stronger and more complete.

According to their respective races, their mental ages are very young, and they are all very interested in building underground fortresses. Even Corgi rarely stays to help with suggestions.

Owen's premonition became a reality. The long-term peace made Academy City careless, and so many people were mobilized. Therefore, when the Flesh Gate towered over Academy City, there was no defense or counterattack mechanism activated for a while.

These two mechanisms definitely exist in the college city, and there are dedicated people responsible for maintaining them, so there is no other possibility except an insider.

Even so, a mere Demon Gate is not a big problem for the Academy City. After all, although the level is high, it cannot attack or move. It can only attack by triggering demonization and summoning objects. If you accumulate strength secretly, It might turn into trouble, but hanging in the air in broad daylight would be underestimating the foundation of the academy city.

But what no one expected was that the purpose of the Devil's Gate was not the Academy City, but Tianzhihen.

The Scar of the Sky is the scar of the world. Although it has many seals, it is still fragile, because the increasingly huge secret realm puts huge pressure on the Scar of the Sky, making it impossible for the Scar of the Sky to heal.

The problem is that the secret realm is the food of the world. Even if it causes pressure, it cannot be abandoned. Therefore, the organization Tianzhihen is created to mediate and allow both parties to reach a balance.

But the balance is fragile, and the Devil's Gate that can communicate with the abyss is not a vegetarian. With the careful preparation of the Devil's Head and the Flesh Church, it is like a door key or a steel needle, easily breaking the Heaven's Gate. At this moment, the sound of breaking chains resounded throughout the world. Even in the imperial capital, illusory chains could be seen breaking and disappearing in the sky.

As the chain broke, the seal began to disintegrate. The mark of the sky was squeezed by the secret realm and began to dent inward. The shape changed from a cross to a convex mixed hemorrhoid. A large amount of unexplainable material was vented down, filling the hole. It grew bigger and bigger, even falling to the ground.

As soon as the turbid glass-like substance flowing from the sky touched the academy city, the entire city was distorted. Then, like a painting falling into a vortex, it disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if it had never existed, and was replaced by a burning On the land, countless demons appeared out of nowhere. After a short period of adaptation, they spread happily around.

Standing at the entrance of the underground fortress, a group of people in the special class were dumbfounded. Faced with a disaster of this level, no bunker would be easy to use. Demons are much more powerful than huskies, and they can be dug out no matter how deep they hide.

Owen originally wanted to teleport away with everyone, but who would have thought that the whole space would become chaotic. It was not necessary to teleport. Once it was used, it was like pulling out the plug when taking a bath. It was all chaos and everyone was sucked in.

As the core, Owen was the worst, and was the deepest involved in the turbulence. Seeing others escape from the turbulence, he was the only one who could not escape. He had no choice but to expand the authority space, but he was surprised to find out what the authority space was absorbing. On the contrary, it became increasingly impossible to get rid of it and got stuck in it.

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