The war at the border of the empire was fierce, and Owen was busy recruiting refugees, registering small nobles, and forming the Northern Glory Alliance.

Except for Owen, the Northern Glory Nobles Alliance is composed of small nobles who make up the numbers. There are many, but their strength is dispensable. After all, they were looted by the barbarians from the south. It is good to be alive, so the so-called alliance is just an empty frame. .

But don’t worry about whether it will be used in the future. Let’s build it first. What’s more, the small nobles who have taken refuge are more or less talents. They can fill the vacancies in the territory and can also be used as a disguise to the outside world. After all, the anomalies in the territory still need to be covered up.

The Northland Noble Alliance, which had been busy running around since its establishment, took no time to ask for support from the forces behind it. It wanted all the manpower and property. At the same time, it was busy building cities in places that avoided the war between the two sides, and it was equally busy.

Although the Northland is in trouble, the problem is that they have no choice, either to return to the empire and become wastes waiting to die, or to stay in the Northland and risk their lives as lords.

In fact, it is a good choice. Every war will end one day. No one force can fight the war forever. When the war is over, the Northland will still be their world, so even if the risk is high, most of the Northland nobles are still willing. Stay persistent.

In fact, the war has begun to enter its final stage. If the army of the Barbarian Kingdom had not relied on plundering along the way, it would have been unable to withstand it long ago. After all, the foundation is too weak, and the long journey is too long. Domestic support alone cannot sustain it. Similarly, the border army If it wasn't for the empire, it wouldn't have lasted long.

But overall, regardless of the fact that the border troops have been beaten, the death toll is close to 100,000, and there are countless civilians, but the final victory always belongs to the empire.

Not long ago, the empire sent two legendary mages, together with a legendary knight and two legendary warriors belonging to the border army, to implement decapitation tactics. Although the goal was not achieved, it still caused considerable losses to the top brass of the Barbarian Kingdom's army, and even almost severely damaged them. The leading coach.

Afterwards, the barbarian kingdom's army launched a retaliatory attack, but these losses were nothing to the empire.

As time goes by, the frontier troops who suffered heavy losses have been replenished, and the reserve troops reorganized in the rear alone number as many as hundreds of thousands, not counting those who have arrived one after another.

It is conservatively estimated that within three months, the total strength of the Empire's frontier troops will reach 500,000. Regardless of how many elite soldiers there are, at least before these people die, the Empire can mobilize more soldiers. , this is the empire’s confidence.

Owen once estimated the empire's war potential. Regardless of the cost, the total mobilization of troops could reach more than 20 million. If it were any more, it would collapse due to a complete breakdown in logistics before the war started.

Of course, this is only theoretical, because first of all, the whole country, including the traditional nobility and royal family, must obey the emperor's orders to achieve this, and this is obviously impossible. Even if the end of the world comes, the possibility of achieving it is pitifully small, because of human nature. It's actually pretty fucked up.

In any case, with its immense war potential, it is only a matter of time before the empire wins. Even the commander of the Barbarian Kingdom's army knows this very well, so he has already begun transporting supplies and slaves to the rear.

It makes no sense to kill slaves for blood sacrifices now. After all, several legends are nearby. There were no legendary mages before. Legendary knights and warriors were afraid that there would be no return, so they chose to sit idly by. Now that there are legendary mages, they dare not say anything. You can go freely, as long as you pay a small price, there is no problem in destroying the blood sacrifice.

What's more, now it is no longer a question of expanding the results of the war and burning the flames of war into the empire, but a question of how much gain can be gained by paying so much.

Fortunately, the empire's frontier troops were unexpectedly wealthy. The large number of war-prepared warehouses left the unsophisticated Barbarian Kingdom army dumbfounded and at the same time pitiful. Due to lack of maintenance, a large amount of equipment rusted, mountains of food spoiled, and massive supplies decayed.

These man-made losses alone exceed the output of the Barbarian Kingdom in decades. This shows how fat the imperial frontier troops are, and how distressed the barbarians will be when they see this scene, so they seize the time to transport them to the rear.

Not only did the army of the Barbarian Kingdom gain a lot, but the Devil's Head and the Church of the Flesh who joined in the process were also full of food. However, when the final carnival was approaching, the members of these two evil organizations disappeared collectively.

The commander of the Barbarian Kingdom's army suddenly felt bad. Compared with the people brought from the north, he had never trusted the southern barbarians who had joined the empire halfway. Therefore, he immediately ordered the army to be on alert, and at the same time ordered the rear army responsible for escorting supplies to set off immediately.

Unfortunately, it was too late. The magic circle that enveloped most of the military camp made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice kiln.

With three legendary mages as the core, a mage group composed of more than a hundred archmages and senior mages jointly cast a forbidden spell that was superior to the legends. For a time, countless sky fires fell from the sky, the earth cracked, and poisonous gas was rampant, burying tens of thousands of barbarians in one fell swoop. Army.

If the commander of the Barbarian Kingdom's army hadn't made a decisive decision and sent one hundred thousand skeleton soldiers to the rear, and all the survivors would have given up their supplies and returned immediately, the losses would have been even greater.

Although a lot of supplies were obtained this time, more than 100,000 barbarians were lost, leaving only 50,000 or 60,000 people. The commander of the barbarian kingdom army did not know whether it was a loss or a gain, but he knew that this was just the beginning. When a new batch of soldiers grew up, , that’s when they went south again.

Owen did not pay attention to this battle at all times, especially after discovering the emergence of the Legend, he directly recalled the Cyclops Eagle and relied solely on the intelligence network he had set up before to obtain information.

Although it has various flaws, it is still better than what is discovered. With its legendary perception and intuition, the one-eyed giant eagle cannot hide it from them.

The barbarians were defeated and returned. The imperial border troops had no time to celebrate and were busy rebuilding the border pass. Many mages also stayed behind. They tried to build a magic barrier at the border pass to warn the barbarian army heading south again. However, this was obviously not an easy task. .

The Northern Nobles Alliance also received material and population support from the empire. This move was not for poverty alleviation, but to build a barrier between the barbarians and the imperial border. When necessary, with an order from the empire, these northern nobles had to Sending troops and food to assist the empire's frontier troops in fighting, the empire's things are not so easy to get.

The North City also fell into the eyes of the empire. In one battle, tens of thousands of people were beheaded and tens of thousands of barbarians went south. It can be said that this was the only bright spot among the northern nobles in this war. Naturally, they were regarded as a model and received various benefits.

Of course, along with the benefits comes all kinds of suspicion and suppression. After all, many forces in the empire have invested a lot in the North. Having a force as powerful as Hydra is not conducive to their plans, but after seeing Those concerns were put to rest once casualties were reported.

All regular military establishments were almost crippled, and the temporarily recruited militiamen also suffered heavy casualties. It can be said that the losses were heavy. Even if there were enough people and resources, it would not be possible to recover for another three to five years, because soldiers cannot appear by clicking and deducting gold coins. of.

Another reason is the high proportion of firearms equipment.

Everyone knows that firearms are useful, but they are canceled again after large-scale deployment. There is naturally a reason.

Worrying about the huge hidden dangers caused by living among the people is only one of them. The biggest problem is the existence of extraordinary professionals.

Firearms are too easy to target, so although firearms are good, they are not suitable for large-scale equipment.

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