Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 350 The Power of the Skeleton Sea

The next image played by Maya made Owen's expression become ugly.

At first I thought they were plundering the population to serve as slaves or even for food, but unexpectedly they turned out to be sacrifices. This is very bad news. Maya said faintly after enlarging the image of the mass grave.

At the edge of a huge pit, the barbarian warriors stood in a circle like chefs with butcher knives. They tied the slaves in a string like slaughtering chickens, wiped their necks one by one, and threw them into the pit. The opponent's body gradually became cold and hard in the convulsions, and the flowing blood cooled and turned into big ice lumps at the bottom of the pit. At this moment, their knives were cold, their blood was cold, and their hearts were cold. They were frozen.

The shamans on the side made fresh skulls into decorations and sacrificial items like peeling lychees. The originally primitive but close-to-nature sacrifices also became evil, but the effect was remarkable. Thousands of skeletons broke free from their restraints. of flesh and blood, removing cumbersome internal organs, removing useless eyeballs, shaking out large chunks of brain, and crawling out of the pit cleanly, becoming qualified cannon fodder and skeleton soldiers.

This is just the beginning. Whenever enough slaves are plundered, the same blood sacrifice will appear, causing the cannon fodder of the Barbarian Kingdom army to increase exponentially. As the number becomes larger, the scope of the impact becomes wider and wider. At the same time, the plundered slaves also More and more, not only the people of the empire, but also the barbarian tribes have become the targets of their plunder and blood sacrifice.

Such a grand killing feast excited the Demon Leader and the people of the Church of Flesh and Blood lurking in the North. Not only did they participate in the feast, they also joined the army of the Barbarian Kingdom and became a member in charge of the butcher knife.

Something's wrong, it's so wrong. Even if it changes, it won't change so fast. Owen muttered to himself.

Although the barbarians in the North are savage and aggressive, and even have some customs that can be called cruel, they do not kill needlessly. The shamans believe in the way of nature. Otherwise, if hunting is allowed, no amount of prey will be enough for the barbarians.

Therefore, it is unbelievable, unscientific, and against the laws of nature to have such a big change in a corner without external threats. Therefore, there must be other factors that caused this abnormal change.

The situation in the Barbarian Kingdom must be very bad now. Owen has already seen the prototype of the Iron-blooded Military State, as well as bloodthirsty cruelty and desire for power. Now it has also been mixed with the Demon Head and the Flesh Church, plus the originally evil Frost Giants. Like the Dragon Man, the Barbarian Kingdom already has all the ingredients to become a villain’s base.

Although the situation is very bad, the Barbarian Kingdom army is getting further and further away from the North City, and Owen's territory is not affected at all. After all, unless the Barbarian Kingdom army makes a special turn, it has nothing to do with Owen's territory, let alone the Barbarians. The kingdom's army has a clear purpose and goes straight to the empire's border. Now the empire's border army and the newly established Northland Nobles Alliance have received the news and are in panic.

The Northland Noble Alliance can still hide. After all, the Northland is vast. As long as they stay far away, the barbarian kingdom army will not specifically pursue them. The empire's border troops cannot hide and can only prepare for war with all their strength.

It's a pity that the imperial frontier troops have been lax for too long. Even if they are reorganized quickly, they can only scrape together about 100,000 regular soldiers, that is, regular soldiers who can wear armor and fight, and the rest can be used as auxiliary troops at best.

This is obviously not enough. In theory, as a defender of the city, relying on the strong pass and the strong city, it is impossible to attack without three or five times the enemy. However, the army of the Barbarian Kingdom cannot be calculated using common sense. What is more terrible is that there are as many as hundreds of thousands. Moreover, the number of skeletons in the army is still increasing. If these cannon fodders swarm forward, no powerful city can dare to say that they can stop it.

It's not that the skeleton soldiers are powerful, but because there are too many of them.

There are tens of thousands of people who are boundless. This does not mean that they are truly boundless, but that they cannot see the boundaries.

Tens of thousands of them were like this. Hundreds of thousands of skeleton soldiers were spread out in a way that could only be described as a sea of ​​bones.

What's more, the skeleton soldiers have a high reduction in long-range damage. It is difficult for arrows and bullets to cause effective kills. In addition, the light and strong body is very suitable for climbing the city wall. It is like a wave of bone sea. Unless a few legendary mages wash it together. Otherwise, soldiers alone would not be able to defend it, even if professionals join in.

First of all, a person's energy is limited. With a helmet and armor constantly wielding weapons, if it can last for half an hour, it is not bad. It can be called an elite. Veterans of hundreds of battles are just better at allocating physical strength. They are also not made of iron. Can't resist the waves of impact.

Facing the same humans, you can still hold on and wait for the opportunity to switch defenses, but facing the tireless and fearless skeleton soldiers coming in waves, daring to switch defenses is simply seeking death. You can only continue to hold on as if you are adding more fuel. As for how long you can hold on. No one knows when it will happen, only that it will collapse sooner or later.

This is the most frightening thing about the undead. Fighting against the undead for physical strength, endurance, and will is purely courting death.

Everyone now knows that this large-scale war is inevitable, and it started when no one was prepared.

As the former shaman who was transformed into a death priest held up various magical weapons made of bones, the sea of ​​skeletons made waves. Just like peeling an onion, layers of skeleton soldiers stepped towards the city wall, and for a moment, they clicked. The sound of bones rubbing together covered up all sounds, including the chattering teeth of the city wall defenders and the sound of Suosuo's trembling bodies shaking the armor leaves.

Fear and fear are not important. The defenders' heartfelt rejection did not change the direction of the skeleton soldiers. The arrows fired and the roar of the artillery also failed to do this. The white sea of ​​skeletons was accompanied by falling snowflakes. , constantly moving forward, trying to cover everything.

The war began, and what was unexpected was that the huge imperial frontier army was at a disadvantage. Even if the knights and mages were deployed, they could not regain the disadvantage. It was really the barbarian kingdom's army that went too far.

First, there was the nearly costless Skeleton Sea Impact. When the defenders were almost exhausted, there were the Frost Giants who threw thick ice spears, the Dragon Men who dived and turned people into pieces, the Demon Warlocks who were good at summoning, and the Flesh Cultists who liked the distortion of flesh and blood. , turned into a sharp ax, easily splitting the defense line of the city wall completely, and then the barbarian warriors who were not afraid of death rushed forward to completely tear the defense line apart and successfully won the victory.

What's even more frightening is that the army of the Barbarian Kingdom does not need prisoners, only constant blood sacrifices. Through blood sacrifices, they can easily obtain more skeleton soldiers as supplements. At the same time, the shaman who has been transferred to the death priest class has become more powerful.

Although the whole process was cruel, it was efficient. Even the imperial frontier troops with defensive advantages were unable to resist and could only delay time by fortifying layers of defenses.

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