Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 349 The Army of the Barbarian Kingdom

The scene shifted to Beicheng. The war was over. Just as the great shaman expected, the tribal alliance lost unexpectedly.

There are many reasons. For example, the barbarian warriors are said to be warriors, but in fact they have not received any military training. They are just a group of strong hunters who are not afraid of death. They can still take advantage when fighting alone or in a small team. When two armies go to war, their numbers will only be small. Let them fall into confusion and blindness. Most people don't even know where the enemy is and what they look like at the beginning, let alone respond and cooperate.

Just because he knew this, the great shaman chose to send out all the combat power of the tribe at once, because once a fight started, any command and plan would be useless.

The great shaman racked his brains to let the barbarian old man take the new soldiers to both sides of the North City to mobilize the troops, but no matter how many times he went, he couldn't implement it because there was no command, no channel to convey the order, and no soldiers to execute the order. Overly complicated command would only Create chaos, so Yiboliu can't win, they lose, and they don't even have a chance to come back.

What's worse is that because of the single-mindedness of the barbarians and the various brainless blessings of the shaman, the barbarians can endure huge casualties. This is both an advantage and a disaster, because either they will win miserably, or they will not be able to fight to the death. The retreat suffered huge casualties, and there was no other possibility. Even the great shaman could not pull back the bloody barbarian warriors.

Not only did a large number of barbarian warriors die in this battle, but a lot of food and supplies were also lost. Because the great shaman tipped off the information, the witch riding a broomstick easily burned most of the luggage. This was what the great shaman did to convince others. prepare.

Under this situation, this short-lived tribal alliance was undoubtedly in dire straits, so the great shaman took the opportunity to propose that he take the remaining people to join the nearby powerful barbarian tribe, the Buffalo tribe.

The other shamans who noticed the big shaman's intentions were silent. No one wanted to join a strange tribe, but they also realized that the tribe was already on the border of life and death. If they took one wrong step, the tribe would perish.

After some discussions, most of the tribes decided to follow the Great Shaman and join the Bison Tribe, while some tribes chose to continue southward, and the two sides separated peacefully.

On the way to the Buffalo Tribe, the great shaman had mixed feelings in his heart. Although he knew that this battle was not his fault, he still felt guilty and just hoped that his decision this time was not wrong.

In fact, the great shaman knew very well that there must be something wrong with the Buffalo tribe, but it was still a barbarian tribe, which was better than joining Beicheng, who had just fought to death.

As for continuing to move south, let alone the benefits gained from losing so many warriors, the barbarian kingdom alone is a threat that is not inferior to the imperial frontier army.

Yes, in the heart of the great shaman, the barbarian kingdom is also a threat. It is not that they abandon their traditions to form a kingdom. In fact, if possible, the great shaman also wants to turn the tribal alliance into a more powerful kingdom, but because of a premonition.

As one of the few remaining great shamans among the barbarians in the North, the great shaman had an ominous premonition long before the snowstorm arrived.

At first, because he had a premonition that the danger was coming from the north, the great shaman thought that the cold current would move down the northern mountains and cause disaster to the survival of all living things.

But after crossing the river, he was surprised to find that the direction of the threat had changed, heading southward.

This aroused the alarm of the great shaman, so he formed a tribal alliance to attack Beicheng, because he wanted to avoid the threat, and as long as he captured Beicheng, the tribal alliance could gain enough harvest and return to its original territory to spend the winter.

Unfortunately, the Great Shaman underestimated Beicheng's strength, and by the time he realized something was wrong, he was already helpless.

Of course Owen would not refuse the tribal alliance to join the Bison tribe, but this also brought about a new problem.

As a branch city, the upper limit of the population of the Bison Tribe is only 10,000, but the original population is thousands, plus more than 10,000 northern barbarians, the population is obviously excessive and cannot be converted at all.

However, the solution is also very simple. Just upgrade the town center. Anyway, the authority space is about to complete its evolution, and the demand for progress value has been greatly reduced. Owen has enough energy to manage the territory.

In fact, the town center can only be upgraded to level five at most, but there is nothing that cannot be solved by the progress value. If there is, it means that there are not enough progress points, so Owen forcibly upgraded the town center to level six, with a population limit of one million. With ten sub-city quotas, each with a maximum population of 50,000, the total population is 1.5 million. Not to mention in the North, it is the top traditional noble even in the empire.

It's a pity that the population is not easy to increase, especially without external supplements. After absorbing the refugees caused by the barbarians moving south, the territory's population has only increased slightly, and it is still far away from 200,000.

These are arranged by Maya, and Owen's main focus now is on collecting corpses.

Although it is only a guess that the undead demigods sealed in the north will break the seal, Owen will not take the gamble, not to mention that the accumulation of a large number of corpses is a hazard in itself, and the authority space in the evolutionary stage also needs these corpses, so he is rare Get moving.

Not only were there tens of thousands of corpses in the North City, Owen also used broomsticks and other means to quietly collect a large number of corpses in the North, but he didn't know how much trouble his actions caused to some people.

But even if he knew, Owen wouldn't care.

Have you found the army of the Barbarian Kingdom? Owen, who hurried over, wiped off the snowflakes on his body and said to Maya.

Well, I've been tracking it for a while, but because the other party has flying units, all I have is the long-range images taken by the Cyclops Eagle. Maya clicked on the projection and zoomed in on the key points that needed attention.

Preliminary estimates put the number of the Barbarian Kingdom's troops at between 170,000 and 190,000. Because a large number of people were dispersed to plunder, a more accurate estimate cannot be made. Now it is confirmed that 90,000 to 100,000 of them are the main soldiers, with heavy equipment. Armor and iron weapons, and the rest are auxiliary arms.”

Through the enlarged image, Owen could see that the warriors of the Barbarian Kingdom were stronger and more sturdy. The main body was barbarian warriors equipped with heavy armor and giant blades. Although they only nailed iron sheets to thick leather, the weapons were more like cast iron. , but the increase in lethality is not just a little bit. If the barbarian warriors who attacked Beicheng before were equipped with this kind of equipment, the losses would be more than doubled.

Moreover, these barbarian warriors are real soldiers. Not only have they received training, but they also know how to cooperate and march. The threat they pose is far beyond that of tribal warriors.

In addition, Owen also saw other races in the barbarian army, such as the very rare frost giants and draconians.

There are dragons in this world, and naturally there are giants, but they are rare in the empire and have been wiped out by adventurers.

Frost giants are called the shame of giants, not only because they are shorter and thinner than other giants, but mainly because they are too cunning and do not have the honesty of giants.

But this does not affect the strength of the frost giants, because the frost giants living in cold areas have the natural ability to control ice, and can attack from a distance and melee. Coupled with the field control ability of the ice system, they are said to be giants, rather than oversized. The ice mage.

The dragons are not inferior either. The half-human, half-dragon dragons not only have scale armor with good magic resistance, but also have sharp claws and wings. In addition to the lack of dragon horns, the head looks like a lizard, which is said to be a trumpet. Any dragon will do.

Most dragonmen have no spellcasting ability, but they have strong melee capabilities. Plus they can fly, they are very difficult opponents.

Although from the color point of view, these dragonmen belong to the weakest white dragon series, they are enough to serve as flying troops. At least if they are against each other, Owen will not dare to easily send out the flying broomstick witch. Even the one-eyed giant eagle responsible for surveillance will fight. The other party is unfamiliar.

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