Owen, who thought he had nothing to do, was stunned when Maya treated him like a ruthless stamping machine, going up and down, ups and downs, becoming more and more helpless amidst the banging and banging sounds, and finally found an excuse to escape.

Owen, who was lucky enough to be able to walk out on his own, was still a little uncomfortable. He squeaked, as if he missed the tonic soup made by Del.

Unfortunately, with his current physical condition, he would definitely get angry after drinking, and he had no way to vent his anger, so he had to find something to do by himself to distract from the evil fire he was holding back.

Owen thought about it and decided to go to the underground city first to see the roots and the scientific research center of the territory, and then go to Greenyin Town and other branch cities to inspect them all, so that he could have an idea. After all, the territory was developing too fast. If he If you don't patrol it every once in a while, you might even feel unfamiliar with your own territory.

Before he took two steps, he met Ciel who was already waiting outside. Owen was not surprised, but he remembered another thing, so he spoke.

The territory has opened a passage to the secret realm. You, Bella or others can go there at any time. It doesn't matter what you gain. It's enough to hone your combat skills and gain some experience. Owen can't let a bunch of masters stay in the territory. , it just so happens that the secret realm is very suitable for them to go.

That is to say, Owen's ancient blood can bypass the seal. Otherwise, it would not be so convenient. Even the academy city that guards the seal has to be opened once every ten years according to the space fluctuations. We dare not send out legendary-level combat power for fear of affecting the seal. The stability can only allow students with fresher life energy and easier acceptance to enter.

Ciel nodded, because Owen went to school in the academy city, and as a personal guard, she couldn't go with him. It would be boring to stay in the castle all the time. It was better to go to the secret realm to hone his combat skills so that he could better protect his master.

Returning to the castle, he first enjoyed some delicious food, then took a bath and changed clothes. It wasn't until he woke up that Owen entered the dungeon.

The roots are developing faster and faster, and have expanded their sphere of influence to the borders of the empire. This is mainly due to the intelligence network and connections of the Black Hand, otherwise it would not be so smooth.

But Little Thumb faintly noticed something and stopped coming to Beicheng. Even the intelligence center he established in Beicheng was subject to some restrictions.

Sam was unmoved by this and allowed his little finger to test him, because he would never have thought that all the personnel in the intelligence center he established in Beicheng had been assimilated, so he felt nothing wrong even though he felt nothing was wrong. No evidence could be found, and the several test missions arranged were completed very well, even if it was a death mission, this made Little Thumb wonder if he had a split personality.

Because there was a good leader, the development of the roots was very smooth, and Owen just walked around and went to the second floor of the dungeon.

Although the industrial area was moved to the second floor of the ruins, the second floor of the underground city was not abandoned. Instead, it became more and more complete. It was mainly aimed at manufacturing high-precision bionic puppets and equipment. It can be said to be the high-tech production center of the territory.

Because the requirements for processing precision are very high, there are only spirits here, because spirits are more obedient to orders and have stronger processing capabilities.

For this reason, after the progress value reaches 50, the system can exchange for the first to fourth level troops and buildings of Invincible Heroes. Owen also upgraded the original spirit workshop to a spirit manufacturing factory, which can recruit high-level spirits.

If ordinary spirits are high-level mechanics, then high-level spirits are the eighth-level fitters in teleportation. Theoretically, as long as there are enough high-level spirits, rocket engines can be rubbed out, so the second floor is now divided into three areas.

The core area is mainly responsible for high-level spirits. They imitate the production and assembly of intelligent cores, energy cores, and high-precision parts.

The second area is in charge of ordinary spirits. They produce minor parts and are also responsible for assembling important parts of equipment and puppets.

The third area is the assembly line, where high-imitation puppets are responsible for assembling and molding.

These high-imitation puppets are actually variants of the T600. They use the mechanical skeleton of the Terminator series and the intelligent core and energy core imitated by advanced monsters. Therefore, their performance is limited. This is also the reason why there are no T700 and T800, because the imitation of the two cores is not smooth. , resulting in the inability to exert the performance of the latter two, it is more cost-effective to switch to the cheap and large-volume T600.

Even so, the T600 is enough. They are not only responsible for assembly, but also responsible for the security of the dungeon. Equipped with firearms, it is difficult for even professionals to break through the defense line formed by them.

After studying in Academy City, Owen found it difficult to decide whether the T600 would be a puppet or a golem, but it would be fine if it was easy to use.

Due to upgrading, the previous steam-powered puppets have been eliminated and are now sealed in a warehouse. Irving took them away with him and planned to take them back to College City for recycling.

The third floor of the dungeon is the core area of ​​the entire territory. It not only stores the Flame Queen's host and database, but also concentrates the most powerful scientific research talents in the entire territory.

As soon as he entered, Owen saw a row of biological transformation chambers. Brian, who had transformed himself into a suspended mechanical barrel, was observing the changes in the experimental subjects.

Owen did not disturb Brian, but connected to the Flame Queen's database through Nuan Baobao to check the transformation project.

Ultramarines - 127 optimization experiments.

Irving called him crazy, but after seeing the results, he fell silent.

The Ultramarines used the Teutonic warriors as samples. After the T-virus tyrant strengthened their vitality, they performed organ transplants, nerve reinforcements, muscle fibers, and bone density. Now it also involves the endocrine and digestive systems, making them closer to the interstellar warriors.

These transformations are so cruel that even the Teutonic warriors, who are said to be the pinnacle of mankind, must be strengthened by the T-Virus Tyrant before they can withstand it.

Even the strengthened Teutonic warriors would be unbearable if high-level potions were not used at all costs during the transformation process.

But what he got in exchange was a terrifying body that was indescribable in words. Even Owen felt dumbfounded when he saw it, because this was not just a simple battle power, but an all-round evolution.

Today's ultramarines are two meters tall, weigh 350 kilograms, and have a strength of about 3 to 5 tons. Their reaction speed has long exceeded human limits. Their endurance depends on their own energy reserves. Their physical strength and injuries recover very quickly, and every day they are injured. Both of them are weapons masters, but they are relatively inferior in skills and spirituality, but they are definitely the ones who can survive the battle of life and death.

Such monsters are equipped with ever-improving power armor, chain swords and bolters. Apart from legends, they have almost no opponents.

Even so, Owen still told Brian to take it easy after he finished his observation, and not to treat the soldiers in the territory as guinea pigs or expendables.

However, what Owen didn't expect was that Brian, either out of increasing the success rate of the experiment or simply imitating Owen's story about the Space Marines, actually got the Ultramarines to believe in him, and even created an armor-conferring ceremony, which involved ringing a bell. The second or third time made him quite speechless.

But I have to say that the effect is really good. Fanatic belief and calm thinking make these monsters more terrifying.

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