Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 310 The economic pillar of Greenyin Town

Compared to Brian's uncomfortable experiment, Emily's experiment was even more outrageous because she really succeeded in cloning herself. As soon as Owen came to her experimental area, he saw more than a dozen Emily larvae of different ages. Wearing a white coat, she was busy conducting experiments. It was obvious that she had not only completed self-cloning, but also solved the problem of memory transmission.

Owen considers himself a scientific researcher now, but after witnessing all this, he feels deeply grateful that he is not perverted enough to integrate into their group. These two are probably not ready to be human at all.

Compared to the two people who are gradually leaving the human realm, the Flame Queen has much less to worry about. In addition to busy improving the database, she also provides computing services to Maya, Brian, Emily, etc. who have permission.

Thanks to the stable supply of magic power, the Flame Queen's analysis of the knowledge system of other worlds, and the integration of the technology system and the magic system, although the progress in these two aspects has been small, it has been steadily advancing, otherwise the territory's technology would not be updated. It will be so fast.

The only pity is that there are still too few talents in scientific research in the territory. After all, not everyone can engage in scientific research.

Even if Brian is now able to multi-task, Emily's completion of self-cloning will only increase the progress of her own research, rather than fully blossom.

This made Owen more determined to establish Hydra in Academy City. Only by absorbing nutrients from Academy City can Hydra grow stronger and eventually feed back the territory, surpass the empire, and break out of the world.

After gaining a lot of inspiration here and collecting some interesting technologies and knowledge, Owen decided to go to Green Shade Town to inspect the situation of the adventurers, inspect the Magic Academy, and also meet his witch mother to ask questions. I have a question about the witch and the hidden power of the empire. I hope I can get an answer.

When Owen emerged from the fireplace of the Big Tree Cave Tavern in Greenshade Town through the Floo Network, he found that the place was much deserted, but there were still many drinkers here playing Gwent to kill time.

In addition, the variety of food and waitresses in the tavern has been greatly enriched. Many beast-like demi-humans from the mountains have chosen to settle here. Owen even saw a lady he had seen in a special alley in Glen Town. When serving wine to the guests, the professional smile and the appropriate twerking and swaying of the hips all show the word professional.

And there are really some people who are so good at it that they have no resistance to furry beast-like demi-humans, including some female customers. Are they trying to masturbate?

Although he felt that the two sides would have a common language, his appearance was not suitable for talking about such a topic at the moment. Owen shook his head and walked out of the Dashudong Tavern, just in time to see the portal in the square in front of the door preparing to teleport.

Because it uses the invincible teleportation technology, the transmission cost between the two portals is very low. Like traveling to an adjacent secret space, hundreds of people can be teleported in a day.

However, in order to save costs to the greatest extent, there is generally one round trip per day, with no more than fifty people each time. Just like a shuttle bus, it can meet the needs of adventurers. After all, the adventure does not end in a short time, and it is new. The adventure environment takes a lot of time to explore, so unless you plan to take a break, you won't choose to come back, so you don't need to worry about these problems in the short term.

The adventurers who returned were all slovenly, like wild boars that had wallowed in the mire, so the first thing they did when they came back was to go to the public bathhouse to wash off all the dirt. Even those who were injured, they would go there with a bottle of fresh water. , anyway, nothing can stop them from throwing themselves into the hot water, especially the female adventurer who is even more impatient, her legs flying very fast.

When you enter the bathhouse, you first take off your entire set of clothes and put them in a basket. The bathhouse staff will take them out to beat and wash them for the women outside. They usually charge a fee per piece. If they are damaged and repaired, there will be an additional charge.

As long as they are not too unlucky, most returning adventurers have bulging pockets and do not care about the small amount of money. After soaking in hot water and getting a massage from the slime maid, they feel even more comfortable and generous. It can be said that they are the best in Green Shade Town. The economy is driven by risk-takers.

After cleaning up, the adventurer's second stop is often not the Dashudong Tavern, but a place where pink lanterns are lit.

Owen couldn't help but follow the adventurer to the Dream Demon Pavilion to have a look. He's a good guy. He's a big taxpayer. Otherwise, no one else would be able to handle the amount of customers.

Nova, the unlucky demon sorcerer who was hunted down, is living a very nourishing life now. It can be seen from her plump figure, the kind that makes water flow when squeezed, or the kind that is mixed with honey and is so sticky that it becomes stringy. .

And now she doesn't work alone. In addition to the top star Apo, she also summons many succubi to come and do odd jobs. Therefore, even if she opens a branch here in a special alley in the valley town of Gunshan across the way, she still firmly captures the bulk of the customer flow. .

There is no way, the succubus is really understanding. No matter whether the customer is a man or a woman, whether he likes a man or a woman, he will receive perfect personal care from the inside out. The quality of the service can be seen from the fact that there is never a single negative review.

If the hardware conditions didn't allow it, Irving would have to learn a lot about him, and don't be merciful just because of his delicate appearance.

It's a pity. After gesturing that he could only perform the height of two mountains above his head, Owen shook his head and sighed, then turned around to get down to business. He was out of sight but out of mind.

Green Shade Town has always been in charge of the former Goblin General and now the evolved form of the Wild Beast General. At first, it was allowed to grow wildly. Later, it got on the right track after obtaining the Liao Hua template. Now, various developments are in a good shape and can be balanced. The construction of the ruins shows that Liao Hua is not only a pioneer, but also has a good way of governance, and he can easily capture a small town.

Owen, who was very satisfied with this, did not seek speed, but chose to take a sheep cart and slowly go towards the ruins along the field avenue.

This road forcibly carved out of the Devil's Horn Tree forest must rely on super farmland to maintain it. Once the super farmland is removed, the seemingly half-dead Devil's Horn trees on both sides of the road will immediately come to life and extend the thorns, eventually making it impassable.

However, such a dynamic appearance also makes Owen feel confident to start various industrial applications of the magic horn tree, because it has been proven that this energy source is renewable.

Of course, Owen still knows that eggs cannot be put in one basket. Not only has he retained a large number of seeds of the magic horn tree, but he has also tried to plant them on Hydra Island and in the mountains.

Thanks to the unique fertilizers from the system's super farm, initial results have been achieved. However, in order to prevent it from affecting the local ecology, it has been restricted and has not been expanded. Otherwise, it will only be a matter of time before it turns into an alien magic horn tree forest.

Although it only takes a few years to increase the output of the magic horn tree, Owen strictly prohibits the export of anything related to the magic horn tree. The most strict one is the black gum worm that relies on the sap of the magic horn tree. This thing is strategic materials.

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