Forget it, the increase in population is also a good thing. Besides, the main reason I came back this time is to show you how much development value there is in the secret realm. Owen recounted the events in the academy city in detail, and also asked Nuan Baobao to play a lot Video.

Maya was the most outstanding graduate of the School of Service that year and knew a little about the college city. She couldn't help but feel emotional when she saw the familiar scenery again after so many years. However, compared with her current life, the past was nothing to mention, because From the beginning of the existence of the Service Church, no Service Maid has ever been able to reach her current position.

As soon as Owen finished speaking, the way of thinking derived from Zhuge Kongming's template set off a storm in Maya's mind. Countless inspirations and ingenuity broke out. Hundreds of plans were continuously summarized and streamlined, and finally three strategies, upper, middle and lower, were left for Owen to choose from.

Owen rolled his eyes, pretending that he had never seen the Three Kingdoms, so he chose the best option without hesitation.

Little did he know that Maya had predicted his prediction. As soon as Owen nodded, she started writing the plan neatly.

In fact, the best policy is very simple, leave everything to the adventurers, and all the territory has to do is control the access and logistics. As long as these two points are in hand, no matter how much profit the adventurers gain, the territory will never lose money.

Especially with Brian, Emily, Emile, Owen, Dragon Mother, Flame Queen, strength, bloodline, equipment, treasures, and faith, it can be said that the territory can provide everything you want for adventure. The only difference is At what cost.

In addition, the longer you stay in the territory, the deeper the assimilation will be, and the adhesion to adventurers will be very high. Therefore, the number of adventurers in the territory is increasing. The magic horn tree forest and the mountains of the other world are no longer enough. Completely digested, the appearance of the secret realm can be said to be very timely, able to release the energy that adventurers have no way to vent.

Owen's decision made Green Shade Town the focus of territorial development in the coming time. The Interior Department headed by Maya would be busy for a long time to improve the plan, but he had nothing to do.

Where is Vanessa? How is her development recently? Owen suddenly remembered the legendary assassin he bought from the secret auction, so he asked.

Now her growth rate has slowed down, and she only looks like she is eight or nine years old. However, as long as she has enough nutrition, her growth rate is twice that of a normal person. She will not stop growing rapidly until her body function is about to reach its peak. The entire territory Everything about the situation was in Maya's mind, so she answered Owen's question without thinking about it.

It's okay. Anyway, the territory has no shortage of combat power, so there's no need to worry. However, the territory doesn't support idle people. Let her go to a magic school to be a swordsmanship teacher. Owen said casually. Even if a legend is not at the top, being a teacher is still more than enough.

What's going on with the teacher I poached from the War College and those female knights? Owen continued.

Knight Emily has good talents. She is temporarily serving as the logistics director. I plan to arrange for her to be Howard's deputy. Now that the army is getting larger and larger, a more complete logistics department needs to be established.

As for those female knights, the outstanding ones can serve as mid-level officers after training in the army for a period of time, and the rest can also serve as junior officers, but these all require your appointment. Maya pulled out a stack of documents that needed to be signed and handed them to Owen.

Owen reluctantly took the documents and looked through them. In addition to some appointment letters, there was also a reform plan for the military department. Although it was integrated and improved on the existing basis, Maya had no right to implement it without his permission.

After taking a look at it, Owen very much agreed with Maya's proposal.

Before going to the Empire, Owen was still hesitant about forming an all-firearms army. After going there, he completely gave up the idea because he could not measure the overall strength of the Empire by the strength of the Empire's frontier troops.

Even now, Owen is still exposed to only the tip of the iceberg of the empire. Just a secret realm represents endless resources and land, and this is just a trial place prepared for students in the academy city. God knows what else the empire hides.

Therefore, even if he raises the level of firearms in the territory to the level of World War II, the effect will not be very great, because the users are too fragile, and there are too many means of mass destruction to deal with the mortal army. Just teleportation and poison, no matter how many mortal armies are enough to kill of.

Trench barbed wire and fire coverage can at best deal with ordinary professionals, but there are too many ways for masters or legends to deal with it.

Besides, it is simply unrealistic to raise the level of weapons to World War II. It is not that they cannot be manufactured, but that it is difficult to mass produce them on a large scale.

To put it bluntly, war is won by dropping ammunition. Whoever drops more ammunition in a short period of time will win. Modern warfare only improves the hit rate, but the essence is still the same.

It can be said that in a real war, a small number of high-precision advanced weapons are not as effective as thousands of cathartic ammunition.

Based on the territory's population and industrial base, it would have to increase at least ten times to reach this level. Only in this way can a relatively complete military-industrial system be formed.

But we also need to consider how to resist the destruction of hostile forces, because if it is large in scale, it cannot be hidden at all, and it is even more difficult to prevent. It is very likely that a flash and magic will be in vain for a few years.

Therefore, Maya divides the territory's military force into three levels: mortals, elites, and legends.

Mortal refers to the military department headed by Howard, a large-scale army mainly composed of cold weapons and mixed firearms.

Elites are special units such as Ultramarines and Witch Hunters created by Owen. They are not many in number, but they can defeat an army if used well.

Legend is the deterrent force dominated by Ciel and others. Without their existence, there would be no need for conventional war.

Based on this division, Maya did not choose to blindly expand the number of troops in the territory, because the temporary transfer of civilians to the musket militia was enough to make up for the training problem with enemy soldiers. After all, all living beings are equal under the gun. After receiving a shot, they trained for three days to follow. Three years of training makes no difference.

Doing so can also reduce the ratio of military to civilians in the territory, without affecting the production and development of the territory.

The only problem is that elite units cannot be mass-produced so far. Even if there are corresponding unit buildings, the territory does not have much population that can be converted. Owen still needs to use progress points to redeem them. The maximum cost of progress points is less, but it needs to be scaled up. Anything less won’t solve the problem.

Not to mention legends. Each legend is not just about accumulating resources. Without enough characteristics, even if it is strengthened to a legend, it is just a legendary soldier and cannot display the true strength of the legend.

These things can't be rushed. Irving is now investing all his progress points in improving the authority space and golden tree, leaving no room for building high-end combat power.

In any case, the current conventional forces in the territory are enough to deal with various situations in the Northland. If the power of the entire Northland can be integrated without using extraordinary combat power, the empire's frontier troops can even touch it.

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