Where is the seal of the Blood Prince? Although Owen has not yet made up his mind to confront the Blood Prince, it does not prevent him from asking casually.

In the realm of his blood. Queen You reached out to the stage, and hundreds of coffins moved and folded one after another, forming four walls like a cube game, revealing a ten-meter-wide blood pool under the stage.

Without the suppression of the coffin, the originally calm blood pool suddenly became violent. Countless corpses of the undead emerged, struggling to crawl out of the blood pool, but they were stuck to the sticky blood. It's like pinching the rotten meat that has long been rotten and infested with maggots in the plastic wrap. Although more maggots and rotten substances are squeezed out, they are still unable to completely burst out. It is more like a pimple that has been squeezed in half and still shrinks back. Just looking at it is harmful to the soul.

But except for Owen who felt disgusted, both Queen You and Sylvia remained calm. Sylvia even got closer and took a closer look, because this was a rare opportunity.

This is the realm of demigods. It's really amazing. Sylvia said with some sigh. Even from such a distance, she could already feel the blood in her body stirring, and she felt like she was freed from the constraints of her body.

You must know that she is a witch, and her blood not only contains powerful magic, but also a terrifying curse. Even so, she cannot avoid being affected, which shows how powerful the demigod realm is.

This is still a sealed state. If the seal is released and the territory is fully expanded, the Blood Prince can turn a city into a sea of ​​blood in a very short period of time, leaving only mummies on the ground, even if he stays put.

In contrast, although the pitch-black thorns released by Sylvia before were very powerful, to put it bluntly, they were just pseudo-domains. They were more about creating an environment suitable for their own abilities through the release of energy, which could barely be regarded as the prototype of a domain.

The real realm depends on the demigods. That is the realm space that belongs entirely to the individual. It can erode and distort reality. Even legends will be affected if they enter. Over time, they will inevitably change into the shape of the other person. This is the truly terrifying thing about the realm. place.

Therefore, only the realm can fight against the realm, and the Evernight Hall is the realm of Queen You. Only here can she suppress the Blood Prince and be unable to break through the seal. No wonder she has stayed here.

But it can only be suppressed. The Blood Prince is too powerful. This was the case when the three of them worked together to seal the Blood Prince. Otherwise, it is hard to say who suppressed whom.

After the initial perception, Sylvia decided to test it out, so countless dark thorns extended from her body, crisscrossing over the blood pool, trying to suppress the emerging undead bones back, and absorb a little energy from the blood pool to see if she could Can it weaken the blood prince?

But these undead souls look ordinary, but they are able to destroy dark thorns that are stronger than steel, and the blood pool is even more powerful. Even the witch's unique curse cannot penetrate deeply, and can only float on the surface and fade quickly.

Although the first attack was frustrated, the curse of the blood pool was also difficult to spread to Sylvia. Whenever the blood spreads upward along the dark thorns, the dark vines would automatically turn into fly ash, so the curse of the blood pool could only be renewed. Return to the pool.

This is also the reason why it was not until Sylvia's generation that the family decided to take action against the Blood Prince, because ordinary people were not even qualified to take action, even a legend.

Unfortunately, Sylvia, who has not yet truly entered the legendary realm, is too weak. Unless she is willing to plunge into the blood pool and deceive the opponent with a witch-level curse, there will be nothing she can do.

In addition, even external attacks will not have any effect, because although the Blood Prince is crazy, he is not stupid. He puts the power that cannot be fully absorbed at the outermost edge, causing any attack against him to pass through first. At this level, and the more he attacks, the faster he absorbs it, so sealing is the best way.

Don't you need a trump card? Owen asked curiously after seeing Sylvia stop her hand and make no further moves.

It's useless. Sylvia shook her head and said very calmly. It seemed that she didn't really care about the failure of this operation.

Owen scratched his head. I'm afraid Sylvia's family didn't expect that the Blood Prince would be able to successfully devour part of the other three undead demigods' origins, making the preparations useless.

Now unless it is a targeted attribute, or directly destroys the blood prince's power, no method will work.

The attributes targeted are easy to deal with. No matter how strong the Blood Prince is, he is still within the range of the undead, so any holy power can cause damage to him.

The question is, just as water can defeat fire, what effect will holding a glass of water have on the volcano?

Without the self-sacrifice of the demigod-level priests, there is absolutely no way to defeat the Blood Prince. Even if there were, the chance of completely annihilating the Blood Prince would be less than three levels.

As for the blood prince breaking the seal, none of the three top demigods would even think about it. Otherwise, the three Queen You Queens had nothing to do at first, so instead of washing the blood prince and dividing it up and eating it, they stayed here to wait. I can’t celebrate the New Year.

It's not just because of his lack of strength, but also because he was seriously injured after being attacked by the Blood Prince.

As long as the Blood Prince can be eliminated, you can do whatever you want, and I can even cooperate with you. Queen You knew that the two of them were not in the same group, and thought they were worried about each other and did not want to show their true trump card, so she said calmly .

She was really fed up with the crazy will of the Blood Prince, and even her favorite opera could not proceed smoothly. She wished that these two people could quickly solve the hidden dangers.

Sylvia thought for a moment, took out a black broken blade from somewhere, and said.

This is the witch's blade. It can enhance the witch's power, but it's not enough.

This is true. The quality of the Witch Blade is not low. Even if it is only half of it, it is still at the legendary level. Combined with Sylvia's pure witch power, it is enough to pose a threat to the blood prince who is in a sealed state. It is precisely what the family has prepared for her. trump card.

The premise is that the original Blood Prince is not the current enhanced version of the Blood Prince. No wonder Sylvia doesn't take action.

When Owen saw that these two people were not taking action, he became a little bit ready to make a move. His only concern now was that an important trump card would be exposed.

But thinking about the speed at which his strength was growing, Owen decided to take action because the Blood Prince actually seemed quite greedy.

Owen did not directly expand the authority space. This naked method of showing it was not advisable. Instead, he used the authority space to give him the ability to distort reality to shield the space around the blood pool, and then used the enhanced ancient power. Blood disrupts time and space, and finally space is expanded to cut and transfer it.

The blood pool was not without resistance during the whole process. The problem was that although the scope of Owen's distortion of reality was not large, the intensity was not low. Even in the realm of demigods, he could not break free in a short time.

It's even more free when you get to the authority space. The authority space originating from the true god is not something that the realm of demigods can resist, let alone a bunch of tricks in the space. Even if the blood prince breaks the seal and runs out, he can still control it again. He is autistic.

Even Queen You couldn't think of seeing through Owen's tricks in such a short period of time. He covered up the space of authority to the maximum extent to prevent exposure.

Although she couldn't see it through, the fact that he could deal with the Blood Prince so easily undoubtedly proved how terrifying Owen's trump card was, so Queen You became more polite, waving her handkerchief like a madam and saying, Come and play, guest.

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