With the completion of physical evolution, Owen's consciousness also began to recover, and under the influence of the golden seeds, he quickly adapted to the changes in his body, without a trace of jerkiness, and was extremely smooth.

When the golden seeds disappeared, Owen fully woke up. The first thing he noticed was the changes in his body, and then he discovered the patron saint standing behind him.

Owen doesn't care much about the changes in his body, he just wants to optimize his life form.

As long as there are enough progress points, or as long as he is willing, not to mention strengthening the beauty, the gender and race can be changed. In other words, he is afraid that once the bottom line is breached, it will be out of control. Owen does not dare to completely let go. After all, it's just fine as a plug. If it's changed to a power strip and you get used to it, then it's really hopeless.

The main reason is that Irving is not very confident in his integrity and bottom line. He is not a strong-willed leader. If he is really addicted to it, it is probably impossible to expect him to wake up.

In addition to the changes in his body, Owen was more concerned about his patron saint, and he didn't expect to be able to scare him.

The ancient sage was summoned by Owen through the God Guard. It can be said to be the projection of his soul or the light of his soul.

However, the original Patronus that Owen summoned at the beginning was not visible at all, and it only changed after exchanging the seeds of the Golden Tree.

Owen's power system is too many and too chaotic. Although the accumulation is staggering, it can never be unified, resulting in a broad range of skills but no mastery.

But after he had the golden tree seed that could serve as the core, his originally scattered system finally had a node of communication, and then it gradually came together.

The ancient sage as a spiritual projection is just the beginning, and the devil's aura that breaks through the limitations is nothing. As the seeds of the golden tree take root and sprout, Owen's changes will only become more obvious.

And this is just an insignificant part of the golden tree seeds. The golden tree seeds worth fifty points of progress value are not that simple.

The golden tree originating from the Elden Circle has incredible abilities such as absorbing the source, weaving laws, granting blessings, responding to prayers, etc. It can be said that it is a special god.

This is just the beginning. The Golden Tree still has the potential to grow into a World Tree. In theory, as long as enough sources are fed and the Golden Tree perfects the rules, it is possible to grow into a World Tree. Therefore, Owen planted it in the authority space. , when it is gradually improved, it may not be impossible for the authority space to become a real world.

After Owen stood up, he did not put away his patron saint, but looked at the young-looking female ghost with some amusement. This was probably the You Queen of the Song of Eternal Night, but this ghost, I am afraid it is pronounced young.

Who would have thought that a demigod ghost could actually take the form of a young girl.

But if you really treat the other person as a child, you may die without knowing how. This conservative estimate must be thousands of years old.

Although Queen You is a demigod, Owen doesn't have much fear, because his patron saint can restrain this kind of spirit. Even if he can't defeat it, he still has the trump card of power. Once unfolded, ten abyss demons are waiting for the other party to perform. If one fights ten, the dragon mother will be happy to improve the food.

In fact, having a patron saint is enough. Although the current patron saint is not in full condition, the display alone is enough to make Queen You dare not act rashly.

Let's talk? Owen said with a smile, confident and unfazed.

Killing is only the last resort. Although it is the most direct, it is usually only used when there is a large difference in strength. When they are really evenly matched, few people are willing to start a fight because the chance of dying together is too high.

Originally, Owen and Sylvia were not in the eyes of Queen You. Even if their battle outside the castle showed destructive power beyond the ordinary legend, it was still nothing to her as a demigod.

But Owen's patron saint allowed Queen You to redefine him. In addition, Sylvia's identity as a witch was also the reason why Queen You was willing to talk. Simply put, these two are not easy to mess with, even if she is a demigod. If there was a real fight, there might be a risk of the car overturning.

The most important thing is that there is no need for direct conflict between the two parties, because Queen You knows very well what they are here for, and this is also good for her.

We can talk. Queen You nodded and responded with kindness. She had lived for so long and was tired of fighting. It would be best not to fight.

What Owen is most interested in is the origins of the Ghost Queen and the others. They are four demigod-level undead. The world they live in must be terrifying.

In fact, it is really scary, because the world where Queen You lives has an undead god system, which causes the undead to spread everywhere. It is too strong and leaves no way to survive, forcing the living in that world to adopt drastic measures of dying together, so their world It exploded, and the remaining strong men, regardless of the undead or the living, drifted into the endless void in the complicated eyes of each other, waiting for the decision of fate.

Although the fragments of the world can be used as a shelter in the void, they are not permanent. If they do not encounter other worlds, the few remaining sources of their origin will gradually be exhausted, then crumble bit by bit, and finally melt into the void.

The four You Queens were very lucky, and the fragments they were in were very similar, so they worked hard to transfer the origins of the four fragments into one fragment, and finally survived until they encountered another world.

Because of their experiences in the previous world, the four undead demigods each had different ideas. The Nether Queen just wanted to enjoy peace, the Skeleton King wanted to continue studying the mysteries of the undead, and the Zombie King had the easiest thing to do, just find a comfortable place to sleep.

Only the Blood Prince suffered from stress trauma syndrome, frantically pursued strength, and tried to devour the three ghost queens and become the new God of the Undead.

Naturally, the result was that the other three teamed up to give it a violent beating, and then it was sealed and guarded by the quiet Queen You.

He's completely crazy. After saying this, Queen You couldn't help but sigh. A wind of death came towards her. It felt so exciting. If it weren't for the fact that Owen and Irving were not ordinary people, their souls would have flown away.

How crazy? Owen really didn't know how a vampire could be crazy.

He who was originally elegant and focused on appearance turned himself into a complete monster. Queen You said with a complicated expression as she recalled the original situation.

In other words, the Blood Prince really succeeded in swallowing part of the origins of the three of you. Owen felt that it was a bit tricky.

Although the Vampires are powerful, they are not invincible. However, if they acquire the characteristics of the other three undead, even if they are not invincible, they cannot be treated as ordinary Vampire demigods.

Yes, and as time goes by, he will gradually absorb all the origins of the three of us, and eventually turn into a monster that no one can predict. Queen You said helplessly.

They discovered this at the beginning and even tried to divide the Blood Prince, but it was useless. The Blood Prince himself was the strongest among them. Otherwise, even if he was unprepared, he would not be able to seize the origins of the three of them in one go. Now It was even more unreasonable. If they hadn't taken advantage of the blood prince's origin conflict and were unable to resist, they wouldn't have been able to seal the opponent so easily.

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