Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 300 Hydra in love with each other

I've been bothering you for a long time. It's time for me to leave. Irving said pretentiously. What else could Queen You say to this? She could only send the two of them away with a smile, and then immediately packed up the Yongye Hall. Without wasting a moment, he ran away immediately.

Queen You, who has lived for thousands of years, is not stupid. The other party can easily take away the Blood Prince, not to mention that although the other party's eyes do not reveal murderous intent or greed, they are like those who want to collect toys. The idea is very obvious. She doesn't want to be caught and played with at her old age, so if she doesn't run away at this time, she will have to wait for the other person to come to visit her again.

Owen, who knew nothing about it, was watching Sylvia's expression because she was acting so strangely.

After the Blood Prince was packed away by Owen, it was obvious that Sylvia's mission had failed, but she did not feel disappointed at all. Instead, she felt a little relaxed. This made him very puzzled, because this man was also a S.

But if you think about it, if you dare to weave thorns into clothes and wear them, you might as well be M in disguise.

Sylvia is so relaxed because her goal has been achieved, because after returning, the family will definitely ask her about her trip. At that time, whether Owen is willing or not, he will be listed as an enemy by the family unless the family completely understands the other party. How terrible is it.

And this process requires many people to die and a lot of hatred to be made.

Although the family will definitely take the initiative to ease the relationship after suffering enough losses, Sylvia will not give the family a chance. As soon as the time comes, she, the mole, will immediately become the leader and completely bury the family. Hell, so she did not deliberately conceal her intentions, and even frankly admitted the various reactions that the family was likely to make next.

Just as Sylvia expected, Owen didn't react much after hearing this. Even if he was about to become the enemy of an archduke, his expression was only boredom, not fear, but that's more interesting, isn't it? .

Sylvia, who had been acting very normal just now, showed an evil smile, showing her true nature as a witch. She was even a little impatient.

Owen couldn't help but complain that it's no wonder people in the world don't like witches and are afraid of witches. To be honest, their emotions are too unstable and too extreme.

Although Sylvia's family has its own reasons for seeking death, it cannot hide this fact. It seems that the territory will strengthen the little witch's psychological courses.

Have you ever heard of Hydra? Owen suddenly said to Sylvia in a mysterious manner, as if he would pull back his windbreaker to reveal a stack of CDs or three hairy legs when he followed. It completely failed him now. Her prosperous appearance was stunned by her performance, which was three-thirds wretched.

The strongest monster in the swamp? Sylvia said in a strange tone. But does Hydra need to be so mysterious?

No, Hydra is an organization and a belief. In the organization, everyone is a family that loves each other, just like nine heads in one body, with the same interests. Owen felt like the wolf who deceived Little Red Riding Hood. Just like grandma, anyone who graduated from kindergarten will not believe it.

But Sylvia didn't care what Owen said at all, let alone a family. As long as she could achieve her goal, she would be happy, so she readily agreed to join Hydra and made it clear that she would sacrifice her whole family for Hydra's cause. They didn't hesitate to do anything, which moved Owen to death.

He originally thought that Bella, who wanted to bury her father in the wilderness with her own hands, was invincible, but he didn't expect that Sylvia was braver than her and wanted to send the family on their way.

If all members of Hydra have such an awareness in the future, there will be no need to worry about the great cause failing.

Owen thought with a smile that the only problem now is that he has not yet decided what Hydra's great cause is.

After agreeing with Sylvia on a time to meet next time, the two separated and went to find the key to the secret realm. However, Owen turned around and ran to the ghost castle, trying to capture the rare ghost girl, but naturally found nothing.

Looking at the empty ghost castle without even a ghost, Owen couldn't help but sigh.

Although he did not conquer the glittering ghost girl, it does not mean that Owen has no other gains. For example, this piece of space fragment is currently ownerless.

This space fragment is the ark that carried the four undead demigods across the void. Not only is it of high quality, but it also retains a lot of its origin, making it very suitable as soil for nurturing the seeds of the golden tree.

For the seeds of the golden tree to take root and sprout, the amount of energy required is terrifyingly high, and one blood prince alone is simply not enough.

This high-quality space fragment is the best choice right now, since golden tree seeds are not picky eaters anyway.

It just needs the authority space to help package it so that the golden tree seeds can be absorbed easily.

If it were outside the secret realm, Owen would really not dare to do this. After all, the authority space is the authority of the true god. Even if it is a fragment, its value is enough for the noble goddess to snatch it regardless of face.

So being sneaky is of no use at ordinary times, but if you come here in a big way, I'm afraid all kinds of monsters and monsters will be attracted, and Owen's small body can't bear it at all.

But it's different here. The layers of space debris in the secret realm are enough to block all the fluctuations in the authority space, at least to delay it until he completes the devouring.

Thinking of this, Owen fully expanded his authority space for the first time, and saw invisible fluctuations spreading in all directions with him as the center. The whole world seemed to be rendered, full of unreal feelings, as if it were covered with a layer of layer of tulle.

At the same time, a blood pool, ten abyss demons, a golden light spot, the Dragon Mother, and a big sword appeared next to Owen one after another.

Invoke the gods to protect you, the ancient sage. Owen, who had activated the mystery and wisdom skills one after another, still felt tremendous pressure and had to continue cheating.

With the system in place, Irving usually doesn't feel too much pressure when using the authority space, but now he is not simply unfolding it, but also uses the power of the authority space to wrap up and devour the space fragments. The operations involved cannot be solved by just eating. , His mortal body simply couldn't bear it, so he had to resort to a patron saint.

Sure enough, as soon as the Patron Saint appeared, Owen's pressure was reduced a lot, but he knew that it was too risky to completely let go of his authority, so the faster the better.

Under the operation of the ancient sages, the authority space barely exerted its original capabilities, and then the abyss demons as devils helped sort out the turbulence in the space around them, while the dragon mother expanded her own divine domain to help suppress the blood that began to become a little restless. pool.

Working together will undoubtedly speed up the process of devouring space debris. At the same time, Owen also realizes the benefits of doing so to the authority space.

The authority space is actually not complete. It is only a partial fragment of the authority left by the God of Reality and Illusion. However, with the golden tree seeds that can absorb the origin and continue to grow, this fragment has the possibility to become complete again.

At present, the two complement each other, the authority space covers and controls, and the golden tree seeds absorb and transform, absorbing and assimilating this space fragment with an ability that Owen is currently unable to understand.

Owen only knows this ability instinctively, and this is the first time he has seen it. It feels like the world has become two layers, one real and one illusory. Now the real has become illusory, and the illusory has become real, and even For a while, he couldn't figure out which one was real and which one was fake.

After all, Owen is still a mortal being, not even a demigod, which limits his vision and perspective. Just like an ant cannot understand a smart machine, he cannot fully understand the operation of the authority space.

Fortunately, for him, as long as it can be used, a deeper understanding is not what he needs to consider now.

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