Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 269 A legend that cannot be underestimated

Although being followed, the other party had no intention of taking action. According to Shinobu's report, the other party's attention was mostly on the coffin at the back. He was obviously Vanessa's enemy, because in her current state, she had no other value at all, except Enemies, no one would care about or rob a legendary assassin who can only move with his mouth.

Owen had been mentally prepared for this. Compared with the nobles who had no profit and could not afford it early, for those with extraordinary power, simple interests were not enough to completely influence their behavior. In other words, they did not obey the king's law, so he made Nothing would come as a surprise, such as an attack on a noble.

The strange thing is that the other party has no intention of taking action. In contrast, the people hiding in the dark are more concerned about Vanessa's treatment.

It's interesting. It's better to kill someone than to kill someone. I'm afraid that Vanessa will live a good life. Owen immediately understood what the other party meant. How much hatred and resentment this must have, but unfortunately he had no intention of following it.

After getting out of the car, Count Dekra looked at the coffin, bid farewell to him and left in a sensible manner.

His goal has been achieved. Owen's relationship with him is obviously closer than before going to the secret auction. This is enough. He also understands the principle of too much is not enough, and being too positive will not be conducive to the relationship between the two parties in the future, so the scale The same need to be paid attention to.

Four Teutonic warriors who looked like steel cans took the coffin from the black knights, which shocked the four black knights.

The black knights are thugs carefully trained in the secret auction. Each one is a master of awakened fighting spirit. With sophisticated armor and weapons, each one can be said to be the enemy of a hundred people.

But when facing the Teutonic warriors who were nearly two heads taller, it was like a little wolfdog meeting a big tiger. His body couldn't stop shaking. This was a warning from his survival instinct.

Fortunately, the Teutonic warriors were not interested in them and carried the coffin into the tent step by step.

Owen smiled at the Black Knight, paid a tip, and walked into the tent.

This tent comes from the world of Hogwarts. The interior space is beyond imagination. The four Teutonic warriors who came in carrying the coffin did not occupy much space.

Ciel, take her out, remember to be gentle. Owen said to Charles while tidying up the workbench.

The taciturn Charles nodded and opened the coffin with one hand. In Vanessa's surprised eyes, he cut the iron rope with his halberd. During the whole process, his speed and power were so fast that he did not cause the iron rope to vibrate at all. , showing how strong the control is.

Legendary warrior?! After Vanessa noticed Ciel's maid uniform, she looked more highly at Owen.

Let alone asking a beautiful but thick legendary female warrior to wear a maid outfit and become perverted, there are only a few people who can do this, so Vanessa has three points more confidence in Owen's promise.

But it was only three points, because her injury was too serious. Just wiping out the legendary level will and fighting spirit in the wound was not something that could be easily accomplished. Not to mention that legendary level repair and regeneration was also not an easy task. The price alone is enough to create a legendary level of combat power, and she doesn't think the other party is willing to pay this price.

When Vanessa was put on the workbench by Ciel, Owen also changed into a white coat and put on a mask.

Nuan Baobao, start scanning. Owen gave the order, and Nuan Baobao, who was waiting aside, immediately started, suspended in mid-air, and repeatedly scanned Vanessa in detail.

The legendary powerhouse can be regarded as a radioactive source to a certain extent. Ordinary methods cannot scan deeply at all. Emily helped perfect the technology in Owen's hands.

With the continuous adjustment of the waveband, the powerful scan that could burn ordinary people gradually deepened. Vanessa's body data was gradually improved and displayed in front of Owen in a three-dimensional projection.

The large amount of red made Owen's face look increasingly ugly, and he still underestimated Vanessa's injury.

Just cutting off limbs will not put a legend into a dying state. This is too underestimated the vitality of the legend.

If she had attached the severed limb to the wound at that time, Vanessa could even use fighting energy to glue the broken muscle fibers together. I dare not say that the recovery would be as good as before, but she could rely on her legendary level of vitality and self-healing power, at least in a short time. There is still no problem with his ability to move. If he can get timely and effective treatment afterwards, there will still be no problem in retaining 80% of his combat power after recovery.

It's a pity that Vanessa's limbs were cut off after she was severely injured. As a result, her injuries got out of hand and she ended up like this.

Your bones are too broken. I thought the spider webs fell on them, and there are also missing internal organs. Owen kept zooming in on the injury, frowning as he looked at it. This was no longer something he could handle.

Originally, Owen wanted to use the T virus to enhance Vanessa's self-healing ability and then carry out mechanical transformation. The problem was that he discovered that the T virus had almost no effect on the legend. In other words, it would not defeat the immune system of the legendary strong person. Even if Vanessa is so weak, she still loses against the T virus. How can this make sense?

In this case, the success rate of mechanical transformation of Vanessa is too low, and through scanning her data, Owen found that it is difficult to fully restore the opponent's strength with the technology he currently possesses.

Irving is not willing to admit defeat, because this only means that the conventional means at his disposal are ineffective, not that there is no way at all.

Anyway, this guy is not really one of his own now. After a moment of hesitation, Owen simply let go and formulated a super bold transformation plan, trying to create a perfect living weapon, which is still warm.

Although she didn't know what Owen was doing, her perverted expression and perverted laughter made Vanessa feel regretful, and she even suddenly had the idea of ​​asking him to cut her free.

However, the flame of revenge in her heart was still burning fiercely. In the end, Vanessa simply closed her eyes and turned her back. Anyway, she had no room to resist now, and her only hope of revenge was in the hands of the other party.

Owen took out the portable multi-purpose stove that had been improved many times and began to make complicated adjustments.

Because the workload was too heavy, Owen also connected Emily and Brian, and with the support of the Flame Queen's computing power, this transformation plan was completed.

After putting Vanessa into the universal stove, Nuanbaobao was directly embedded into the card slot specially reserved for it in the universal stove for data linking. While strengthening the scanning, the construction was completed and a more intuitive data model was put into Owen In front of you, it is convenient for the next operation, which is very considerate.

Not sure about the next experiment, Owen simply expanded the authority space directly and used the ability to distort reality to interfere with the next experiment. In other words, he stopped pretending and wanted to cheat.

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