Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 268 The young man who took the wrong path

Owen injected Vanessa with a tube of medicine, which is a therapeutic medicine mixed with high-energy nutrient solution. It can repair most damage to the flesh and blood body, but it cannot regenerate amputated limbs because it not only involves cell regeneration, but also a little bit. If there are errors, deformities will occur.

Although there are some restrictions, I have to say that Owen's special treatment potion is really effective. After a while, Vanessa regained some of her color, and her heartbeat became much stronger.

The rapid improvement of her body awakened Vanessa, who had fallen into a state of suspended animation through some method. She opened her blue eyes and looked at Owen calmly. She didn't seem to care about her own state or the surrounding environment, but Owen, who had a keen sense, could Sensing the suppressed fire of revenge in her heart, this is a petty-minded woman who must avenge herself.

Let's make a deal. Owen smiled and played with the potion in his hand and said to Vanessa.

Do I still have a choice now? Or is there still value in making a deal? Vanessa tilted her head and said a little mischievously.

Of course, talent is talent no matter what the situation, not to mention now I am absolutely sure that you have this value. Irving said with a sigh.

If you think about it from his perspective, if he was chopped into a stick and hung in a coffin, and was auctioned off as a slave, he would probably be left with only the despair after being incompetent and furious, and then he just wants to die. Obviously this is the escape mentality of the weak.

Vanessa, no matter how angry she was in her heart, how mutilated and painful her body was, her facial expression management was still on point, her IQ was also online, and she used all means to make the other party relax their vigilance. The most important thing was that she never gave up hope. This is Owen's most important thing. An important point.

I'll help you get revenge, and you'll be loyal to me. It's fair, isn't it? Irving also tilted his head and said, now he kind of likes the feeling of collecting talents.

Yes, that's fair. Vanessa said with a smile, but probably no one knew what she was thinking in her heart.

Owen continued to inject her with medicine to repair the damage to her body and replenish the lost blood, but the effect became worse and worse.

Legend is not that simple. Breaking the sound barrier with flesh and blood is something that normal people can do?

Like Vanessa, her limbs were cut off and hung in a coffin with iron ropes. The blood loss and lack of oxygen alone would make a normal person die eighteen times.

But even if Vanessa loses consciousness, she still relies on instinct to contract the muscles at the wound and squeeze the blood vessels to reduce the rate of blood loss. At the same time, she suppresses her heartbeat and falls into a state of suspended animation to reduce the loss of life. This is almost using her will to break the limitations of the body and create the impossible. .

Under this terrible will, coupled with inhuman training, Legend's body has also evolved, becoming stronger, faster and smarter. Therefore, ordinary treatment methods are not as fast as Legend's self-healing ability.

But on the other hand, once you are irreparably injured, especially by a strong person who is also a legend, it is not so easy to recover.

The healing potion in Owen's hand can make an ordinary person who has just undergone a major disembowelment surgery immediately run three times on the ground, but for Vanessa, it can only prevent her condition from getting worse.

Your injury is really a headache. Owen said with some helplessness, because the wounds caused by the legendary strongman were not as simple as he imagined. They were not just pure physical injuries, but also had the power of mind and consciousness.

For example, in Vanessa's wound, the therapeutic effect brought by the healing potion was actually erased at the broken limbs? !

It was simply impossible to explain scientifically. Owen tried several methods but nothing worked.

Just as Owen was about to inspect it further, the auction ended.

The four black knights lifted the coffin and followed Owen out of the castle, but they didn't expect that there would be much excitement before leaving.

There were two people hanging at the gate of the castle. Although the Secret Auction House preserved their last bit of dignity and did not take off their masks, after taking off their black robes, their clothes still had badges that they were stupid enough not to take off, which all proved that these two people were A direct descendant of a certain nobleman.

Many guests who came out of the auction were pointing at the two people and laughing at their stupidity.

At this moment, a noble couple hurried over, paid the ransom with livid faces, and then led the two young people away. It is estimated that even if their legs are not broken, they will not be able to get out of bed for ten days and a half. .

After watching the excitement, Count Dekra came over and told Owen what happened.

These two young men were the sons of a certain local viscount. While hunting in the mountains, they accidentally bumped into a high elf bathing in a lake. It was quite a poetic scene.

The two parties got acquainted, and for some reason, the two couldn't help but fall in love with the high elf, and what else happened. Therefore, after learning that the other party was captured and auctioned tonight, the two gathered together Courage stole the invitation from his parents and took weapons to save people.

I remember there was only one high elf being auctioned tonight. Owen said in a strange tone.

You're right, just like you thought, but no one is young yet. Count Dekra shrugged and said with some understanding. At the same time, his eyes were full of memories, as if he was missing his lost youth. .

Hold the grass!

Owen suddenly seemed to understand something, and he resisted to stay away from the other party, but he had a deeper understanding of the bottom line of the noble.

I just didn’t expect that Count Dekra, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes full of middle-aged charm, would actually have such a history.

At the same time, Owen also understood that the nobles who had just surrounded the two young men and laughed were not laughing at them for falling in love with a high elf who was bought by a rich woman, but laughing at them for being easily caught and not knowing how to hide their identities when they got into trouble.

There is no way, the moral values ​​of ordinary people are nothing to the aristocrats, because they are the law and the rules. Therefore, except for the rules to maintain the rule, other aspects, especially private life, are not subject to any restrictions at all. In theory, as long as it catches the eye, Gender, race, or even beauty or ugliness don't matter. What matters is that it can bring them happiness.

Well, Owen suddenly felt that his increasingly crumbling outlook on life and morality were still above their standards when compared with them?

Even Shu Liya, a student, has a lot in common with them.

What a shame, Owen was smiling on the outside, but in his heart, he didn't know whether he was scolding the shamelessness of those nobles or insinuating his own depravity.

In any case, this incident is just an incident. In addition to being circulated among the local nobles for decades and causing a huge psychological shadow to two impulsive and wrong-headed young people, it will also have a negative impact on most ordinary people. There won't be any changes.

It had nothing to do with the physical and mental health of the two young people. Irving and Count Declara got in the carriage and returned. However, halfway through, Count Declara suddenly looked up at Irving, and Irving just nodded.

This was not a sudden connection between the two, but the discovery that someone outside was following them.

Obviously, the magic restrictions on the carriage are not very reliable. Both Owen and Count Dekra have ways to bypass the restrictions and still maintain communication with the outside world.

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