The remaining legendary fighting spirit and will in the wound were easily decomposed and cleared by the authority space. The wound that had lost its resistance began to heal, and the damaged internal organs were also slowly repaired.

But this is not enough,

This thing is none other than the old assassin of the Church of the Flesh, the bloody witch Chima, but it has changed a bit, from a beautiful witch to a large intestine sashimi, because it has been studied since being caught by Owen, and now it has no value, and has been reduced to Synthetic raw materials.

Ignoring the twists and turns of his pink intestine begging for mercy, Owen ruthlessly extracted the consciousness and soul of the bloody witch Chima.

That's right, Owen gave up on mechanical transformation and simple system enhancement, and instead chose to use Vanessa's belly to give birth to a child. He gave himself a ninety-nine score for this operation.

As the cells continue to divide and the embryo gradually takes shape, Owen links Vanessa's soul with it. Then, as the embryo grows and the mother's body weakens, the soul and consciousness will gradually be transferred to the conceived fetus, eventually completing rebirth.

I didn't expect that I would be a mother and give birth to a child one day. At this time, Vanessa completely ignored Owen's demonstrated ability, and didn't care that she was giving birth to her own trumpet, and focused all her energy on her own. A motherly smile appeared on her belly.

Owen looked at the data and found that it was affected by hormone secretion during pregnancy, so he ignored her.

The coffin was modified and a life support system was installed. Owen fixed Vanessa, who had fallen into a deep sleep at some point, in it, set it to inject nutrients as her body changed, and then closed it.

But before Owen could squint for a while, the sound of getting ready and setting out was heard outside, so he had no choice but to drink a cup of coffee and set off.

Along the way, Irving would bring the coffin back to his tent every day, connect with Brian and make various targeted adjustments.

Others felt very strange about this. After all, sleeping with a coffin every day was hard not to make people feel weird. Only Count Dekra smiled a little ambiguously, thinking that young people like surprising things.

Isn't it? The legendary stick is naturally very rare, but ordinary people can't enjoy it.

However, this move caused fewer and fewer people to follow, apparently mistakenly thinking that Owen had done something bad to Vanessa, and the worse and more painful her life was, the happier and happier those people were, so Not paying attention all the time also made Owen give up the idea of ​​letting Shinobu bury all these people.

Time passed quickly, and it was already half a month later when Owen and the others could see the walls of the imperial capital as high as a cliff.

Instead of entering the city directly, they were placed in an independent manor outside the city. There were soldiers and horses stationed around them to guard against them.

No one has an opinion about this, nor dares to.

The imperial capital not only has despairingly tall city walls, but also the most elite legions. There are more than one or two knights composed entirely of fighting knights, and there are so many overt or covert forces that it is outrageous. Owen even Don't dare to let Shinobu go out to test easily, in case someone catches you by the tail.

After settling the entrusted group, the three members of the special envoy could not rest. Instead, they went to the palace to resume their duties as soon as possible. Even if the emperor did not have time, they must be there.

As for when the emperor will receive the conferees and when they will be conferred, no one can say for sure. It mainly depends on the emperor's mood.

In fact, the emperor's mood came much faster than they imagined. Early the next morning, after not sleeping all night, the tired Marquis Pegasus hurried over and brought the etiquette officer to teach them some etiquette. Because the emperor will receive them this evening.

Although the etiquette officer is not a noble, he is proficient in all kinds of etiquette and has very strict requirements. Many members of the ennobled group who come from noble families are reprimanded like grandsons.

These people are unable to inherit the title, so they have some deficiencies in aristocratic education, and these shortcomings are intolerable mistakes in front of the etiquette officer.

Only Ferrier made the etiquette officer nod, and then it was Owen who made the etiquette officer a little confused.

In terms of image, there is nothing wrong with the etiquette officer. Secondly, Owen's words and deeds are obviously well-educated, and his scholarly aura cannot be deceived. As for etiquette, although it is a bit unfamiliar, it is undeniable that it is self-contained and It's quite mature etiquette, and they don't know if they should change it.

In the end, Marquis Pegasus asked the etiquette officer to just teach him what not to do when he saw the emperor.

After receiving some etiquette instruction, everyone changed into gorgeous and complicated aristocratic costumes, then boarded a special royal carriage and headed to the palace under the escort of royal knights.

The whole process was not what Owen imagined, because the curtains of the carriage were not allowed to be opened, let alone the palace. He didn't even know what the emperor's capital was, and he couldn't even hear any human voices, because there was a special road leading to the palace. , and ordinary people are not allowed to even approach this avenue, let alone step into it, and they may be killed if they even take a second look. Only those summoned by the emperor and the royal knights can enter.

Sitting in the carriage, Owen did not dare to make any unnecessary movements. This was not a showy secret auction. He was keenly aware that there were many powerful restrictions inside the carriage.

The power of these restrictions may not pose a fatal threat to him, but once triggered, there is no explanation at all, and there is a high probability that he will be caught on the spot by the Royal Knights.

The avenue outside is also not simple. It has some kind of acceleration ability. Whether it is a carriage or a royal knight, the speed of walking on it is much faster than normal. It has the feeling of a suspended train, which makes Owen couldn't help but sigh at the empire's heritage.

Therefore, the group of people arrived at the palace very quickly. Unfortunately, Owen and the others did not see what the palace looked like. When they got off the carriage, they had already entered somewhere inside the palace.

They were not allowed to move around at will, and because it was an informal summons, the location they entered was a bit remote. In addition to the high-walled compound, they couldn't see the surrounding situation at all, and they didn't know what to do next.

The group of people looked at each other, and they didn't know how long they waited before the emperor finally summoned them.

The emperor is a middle-aged man who looks very majestic. There is nothing special about him, and he does not have any amazing momentum. If he were not guarded by a legendary swordsman, it would be difficult to equate him with the emperor.

Facing this scene, Owen always had a strange feeling, but it was over before he came to his senses and came to receive him.

The emperor came in a hurry, only gave a few words of encouragement and then left. The whole process took no more than a minute, and they had traveled nearly two months for this, and also spent a day studying etiquette.

Compared to Owen, who was thinking wildly, the others were too excited to control themselves. In desperation, he had no choice but to get on the carriage first.

On the way back, Owen wondered whether any of them were the emperor's stand-ins. This possibility was really high, because they were not worthy enough for the emperor to make a special trip, and because of his existence, the danger could not be determined. .

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