In any case, Ferrier passed this level. The special envoy just walked around her town before heading to Count Solari's territory, and this one also passed the level smoothly.

This is not surprising, because these two are the only earls in the North. If they are not qualified, then the imperial envoy should just read the small note in their hand, and there is no need to continue acting. .

After learning the news, Owen guessed that this was because the three parties in the special envoy were involved with each other, so no one could act arbitrarily. There was no other way but to do business. Otherwise, if someone caught the pigtails, it would not be as simple as being reprimanded by the emperor. Instead, they will lose their right to intervene in the North.

Guesses are guesses, but Irving will not be careless or even offend others, because even if business matters are official, it is too easy to embarrass someone in official matters.

Going through a process, covering a dozen chapters and running for a month or two in the previous life is not just a joke, nor is it an exception to let a dead person withdraw money. It can only be said that everything is possible within the rules.

Because the special envoy needs to travel all over the North, and Hydra, which is located at the northernmost point, will definitely be the last one, so the other party will not be able to arrive for two or three months. Therefore, Irving decided to continue to accumulate progress points and see if fifty points of progress points can be redeemed. What.

In fact, Owen had long wanted to strengthen himself again, but found that he couldn't do it.

Because the previous enhancements have not yet been fully digested, such as the original puppet master profession, he has not yet broken through to the advanced level to become a puppet master, let alone the mage system, wizard system, alchemy system, and the newly obtained druid system.

As for the bloodline, although it only strengthened the ancient blood, he had not fully mastered the time-travel ability it brought, let alone tapped all its potential.

In this case, simple overlapping reinforcement cannot be said to be meaningless. It can only be said that it is of little significance because it cannot be used flexibly.

For ordinary people, there is not much difference in whether they are holding a pig-butchering knife or a dragon-slaying knife. They can cut others and hurt themselves, that's all.

Owen was very distressed about this, but there was not much he could do.

For Owen, who possesses wisdom and is assisted by the Flame Queen, simple accumulation of knowledge is no longer a problem. The only problem is too much knowledge.

If I were to write out all of Owen's professions, one line wouldn't be enough, and each profession involves multiple branches.

In this case, unless it is an unreasonable super genius like Shen Gu De, anyone else, even Iron Man, would have to sacrifice half of his hair to master it.

Owen's intelligence attribute is not low, and he also has wisdom to help him cheat. Theoretically, he is also a genius at the pinnacle level of human beings. However, he has always lacked something inexplicable in some aspects, causing him to fall into the rice trap. Like a mouse in a tank, it seems to have as much wealth as gold and silver, but in fact it can only eat so much.

So Owen understood that simple superposition of reinforcements would not mean much to him unless he was an exceptional being like Superman who could overcome all obstacles.

Because he couldn't figure it out, Owen asked Maya, Brian, Emily, Emile and Professor McGonagall.

They can be said to be the smartest and most knowledgeable people in the territory, and they may be able to provide him with some ideas.

As a result, these people all gave the same suggestion, which is to specialize in one thing first, and then spend a few years settling down, and then become compatible with other systems as the main body's nutrients when they grow up.

Maya, Brian, and Emile also suggested that Owen go to Imperial College to study for a while.

The history of Imperial College is as old as the history of the empire. After nearly a thousand years of development, the college has expanded into an independent city.

The Imperial Academy is not only vast in area, but also has the richest collection of books and the most outstanding scholars in the empire. The most important of them are outstanding talents. I dare not say that it has all the top talents in the entire empire, but it is the most comprehensive.

However, not everyone can go to the Imperial Academy. Except for some specially recruited civilian geniuses, most of the students are from nobles or businessmen, and the age requirement cannot exceed twenty years old.

Logically speaking, Owen does not meet the requirements. After all, he is in his twenties, but because he is fused with ancient blood, it is not wrong to say that he is an elf.

As an immortal species, elves have a longer growth cycle, so the academy has another set of standards.

The special and pure high elf blood might add more credibility to the special background he designed, Owen thought.

In fact, he was already moved, and compared to the complex and cruel Imperial Capital, the Imperial Academy, which had a richer learning atmosphere, might be a more suitable place for him to settle down after entering the Empire.

When Owen was thinking about how to break through the bottleneck, his information was also placed in the hands of the three members of the special envoy, and it was Little Thumb who sent this information.

Little Thumb's departure was not because he noticed something, but because he received changes in the empire's policy towards the North, so he hurried to the empire. Only in the empire could he grasp the pulse of this huge empire and be able to timely Make the right response.

No, with the network he had laid in the North before, he made a lot of money in the process of the empire transporting resources to the North. He also sent a lot of relevant information before the imperial envoy arrived in the North, all of which were in vain. deliver.

Little Finger is not only an information dealer, but as one of the fingers of the Black Hand, his overall view is not bad. If it were not for his young age and lack of accumulation, he would not have been sent to the North.

According to normal development, Little Thumb will have to accumulate in the Northland for at least ten years before he can truly grasp the rights of Black Hand Little Thumb.

The reason is very simple, because rights are not given by others, but taken by yourself. If you don’t have your own territory and followers, you won’t be able to keep your rights even if they are given to you.

But Pinky doesn't want to wait that long, so he needs to do something to speed up the process.

Giving information about the Northland to the imperial envoy for free is just a stepping stone. The real jade is his bargaining chip. As for whether the Hydera family is willing to be treated as jade, who cares.

From the departure of the mother of the Hydra family to the rapid rise during the chaos period, this information about Hydra is quite detailed, but no matter how you look at it, it feels like some important part is missing.

Little Thumb knows this, and the people who got the information know this, but it doesn't matter, because they don't care.

Interesting. The Marquis of Bergassus/Count Dekra/Her Royal Highness the Ninth Princess, different people, gave the same evaluation after seeing the information.

Although it was interesting, it was not enough for the three of them to change the envoy's itinerary, because it was just interesting.

Just like the inspection team from the imperial capital hearing about the rich history of a certain county's richest man, what kind of evaluation do you expect them to give? Or make a special trip?

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