Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 260 The butt determines the head

Ahead is the town of Mara, one of the territories belonging to the Hydera family. The mayor is Baron Curranth. Little Thumb, who acted as a guide, introduced the three members of the special envoy very competently.

Facing the little finger, Marquis Pergasus always smiled, acting as if he had never cared about the identity of the little finger, but had a great time chatting with him.

Count Dekra's attitude was a bit worse. He did not hide his inner arrogance at all, but looked down on the little finger like a mouse in the gutter. The Ninth Princess still watched quietly and never expressed an opinion.

The difference in status between the three people can be seen from the attitude towards the little finger, because the butt determines the head.

As an imperial aristocrat, the friendly attitude of Marquis Pegasus was due to his helplessness due to his own lack of background and his sympathy for the Black Hand organization.

The Black Hand is not a civil organization, but one specially formed by a certain emperor of the empire to do dirty work. Because during that period, the power of the traditional aristocrats increased greatly, almost occupying the political power of the seventh level of the empire. In theory, as long as more than three-thirds of the If two of the traditional nobles reach an agreement, they can replace the emperor. If all of them reach an agreement, they can even split up the royal family.

No ruler could tolerate a minister who was too powerful, so he would not hesitate to harm himself, and the struggle evolved from the court to a horrific massacre in the dark.

The Black Hand organization, which represented the emperor's anger, did not hesitate to raise its butcher knife against the traditional nobles, killing those traditional nobles who dared to offend the emperor's dignity, and plundering the wealth accumulated in their era.

But this process did not last long. First of all, traditional nobles were not easy to mess with, and the real big nobles could not be provoked or killed by the black hands. Therefore, although many people were killed, it was only the small and medium-sized nobles who were unlucky. , the deaths of these people will only make the big nobles salivate. After all, wealth can be plundered, how can land and population be plundered.

Even the emperor cannot directly occupy these lands, because according to the tradition of the nobility, as long as the bloodline is not extinct, someone will always come out to inherit the title and land.

The traditional marriages between nobles have resulted in genealogies that are as outrageous as a spider web. It is simply unrealistic to kill them all. Some bloodlines even extend to the royal family. How to kill them?

Not to mention the land, even most of the stolen goods were dealt with to the traditional nobles. This shows that the killings ordered by the emperor's black hands did not hurt the foundation of the traditional nobles at all.

Although Black Hand's killing has brought some benefits to many traditional nobles, this does not mean that the traditional nobles will continue to tolerate this behavior, because Black Hand represents the emperor, and the emperor's behavior is destroying the ancient traditions of both parties.

You must know that almost all traditional nobles are founding fathers. They are directly loyal to the emperor, and the relationship is between monarch and minister.

The problem is that this gentleman is always thinking about his family background. Who can bear this, of course he will resist.

But no matter what, both sides have a tacit understanding to limit the struggle within a certain range, because once the two sides really break up, the empire will collapse immediately, which no one wants to see.

We are all in the same boat. We will scold and beat each other. It is not possible to dismantle the boat.

But the emperor who formed the Black Hand broke the tacit understanding between the two parties and crossed the line.

So after a brutal political struggle, the emperor had to abdicate early in embarrassment, and died soon after falling into the water while swimming in a lake.

Emperors are like this, how can a black hand who is a butcher's knife be any better?

Even if the new emperor thought that the Black Hand was useful and wanted to keep it, he would not dare to do it blatantly, so he declared that the Black Hand was an illegal organization of the empire and would be severely punished.

This is very similar to the situation of the imperial nobles. They are both dogs under the emperor, but one is in the dark and the other is in the open, but they are all the kind who are thrown out to vent their anger on their opponents when something goes wrong.

At this time, Corrence had already changed into the clothes of a baron and was preparing to welcome the arrival of the special envoy.

Because the rebellion ended and the military camps were merged into the main corps, there were not so many soldiers stationed in Mara Town. However, as the first front to the south, we couldn't rely entirely on musket militia, so Owen sent him to the town of Mara. A group of soldiers were deployed, including a hundred halberdiers and a hundred cuirassiers.

As a unit worth five progress points, not to mention its strength, its appearance is more than one level above ordinary soldiers.

With strong energy, strict discipline, neat formation, and sophisticated equipment, they are considered elite soldiers in the empire.

Marquis Pegasus, Count Dekra and the Ninth Princess were all impressed. They were not surprised by the combat effectiveness of these soldiers. In fact, even if the number increased tenfold, it would not mean much to them.

Seeing through the surface and understanding the inner self is an essential ability for a superior person.

As an envoy, Marquis Pegasus often travels to various places, and his observation skills are amazing. As a traditional nobleman, Count Dekra is very familiar with the training of soldiers. The two immediately realized that these soldiers were mass-produced because of the cooperation of the soldiers. The battle with the queue is completely prepared for large-scale battles, not a small fight with dozens or hundreds of people, but a real war with tens of thousands of people.

If not, then there is no need to train such soldiers because the cost-effectiveness is too low.

Then this is interesting. Apart from the empire and the traditional nobles, who has the ability to train elite soldiers of this scale? What do you want to do with these elite soldiers at the same time?

The attitude of the three members of the special envoy who were originally indifferent changed immediately when they saw these elite soldiers.

The little finger on the side watched the whole process and showed a smile, because this was exactly what he expected.

The stronger Hydera is, the higher the value of the information in his hands.

But if he doesn't see the real thing, it's useless even if he talks about it.

No, the three members of the special envoy who had ignored him before had become much more cordial now, including Count Dekra.

Count Dekra is arrogant but not stupid. Traditional nobles rely on land, but that does not mean they are country bumpkins. In fact, they are the largest source of students in the Imperial College. What's more, alliances and marriages have been carried out almost throughout the lives of traditional nobles.

Therefore, when faced with a possible powerful lord, his first consideration was not whether to report it to the empire, or how to guard against it, but how to form an alliance.

For traditional nobles, the enemies of the empire are not necessarily their enemies. In fact, as long as they do not touch their land, anyone has the possibility of becoming their friend.

Faced with the hidden problems, Count Dekra can not care, but Marquis Bergassus and Ninth Princess cannot. The former is the emperor's envoy, and the latter has to shoulder the responsibilities of the royal family, so any unstable factors need to be paid attention to and eliminated. The goal.

In any case, Corens' reception went smoothly, but the special envoy did not stay longer and went directly to the core of the Hydra territory, the North City.

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