When it came to her family's title, Ferrier didn't dare to be careless. After the imperial envoy arrived, she tried her best to hold a very high-end banquet and invited nearby nobles to come and celebrate.

To say that it is high-end is only for the North. In fact, most of these people are small nobles from the border of the empire. Most of them have never been to the imperial capital in their lives, let alone meet the big nobles from the imperial capital. So one by one they lost their reserve, just like bees meeting a flower and surrounding them and not leaving.

Marquis Pegasus often travels as an envoy to various parts of the empire, and has long been accustomed to the scenes in front of him. Although he is surrounded by a group of small people who look down on him, and they are constantly patting him with low-level flattery, he is not angry, but a little bit. Observing Ferrier's laughter and laughter with interest.

Marquis Pegasus never forgot the mission assigned to him by the emperor, so from the moment he stepped into the banquet, he had already started his work as a special envoy.

The development of the Northland is a strategy that the empire has long formulated, because there is no excess land within the empire to develop. The unrest that breaks out every few decades is an obvious omen, and the empire's methods of eliminating unrest seem to be effective. Every time, you can successfully achieve decades of peace.

But the emperor knew that he was playing with fire, and there was a risk of changing the situation if he made a slight mistake.

At that time, the nobles will still be nobles, and whether the emperor will be his emperor will be another matter.

In fact, the royal family had the intention to expand northward many years ago, otherwise what would be the use of maintaining a large number of imperial frontier troops.

However, due to the obstruction of the conservative forces of the empire, it has been unable to launch. It was barely able to form a pioneering group twenty years ago, and it has been hanging on half-dead.

However, as the turmoil has shown signs of resurgence in recent years, the imperial nobles who are eager for fiefdoms have taken advantage of the trend to bring up old matters and try to speed up the development of the Northland, because only in this way can they obtain it.

So the emperor followed suit and formed the second Northland Pioneer Regiment, which also included many members of the imperial nobility.

As for bringing unruly people into the North to fatten them up, it was actually a method used by traditional nobles, with the cooperation of the imperial nobles.

Think about it and you will know that besides the traditional nobles, who else can bring hundreds of thousands of chaos into the North, not even the emperor. Only the traditional nobles and other local emperors can do this.

So why are the imperial nobles who have always been at odds with the traditional nobles willing to cooperate and even dare to deceive the emperor? It is purely because only with the emergence of new lands, they, the imperial nobles with only false titles, have the opportunity to obtain fiefdoms.

It is simply unrealistic to snatch it from the hands of the traditional nobles. The imperial nobles know this very well, and even know that the emperor is always painting them an impossible pie.

The illusory pie that looks good but cannot be used to fill the stomach cannot last for long. In addition to the newcomers who were still grateful to the emperor not long after the canonization, most of the imperial nobles understood that the emperor was treating them like dogs and swordsmen.

So let alone being deceived, if you kill the emperor, you will get a fief, and they all need to queue up and draw numbers to decide who has the chance to take action.

The poor emperor had been kept in the dark until now. When he found out, he could only acquiesce to this matter even if he got angry again. What else could he do? The traditional aristocrats couldn't do anything. The imperial aristocrats were supported by the royal family and came to fight against the traditional aristocrats. , you can’t cut off your own limbs.

The acquiescence does not mean that the emperor will let the matter develop. No, the idea of ​​re-canonizing the northern nobles as imperial nobles will seize the initiative. Even if the traditional nobles install a deputy envoy, they will not do much about it. Good idea.

In the imperial pyramid, the royal family stands at the top, followed by the traditional aristocracy, the imperial aristocracy, the knight class, and finally the northern aristocracy.

It can be said that the nobles of the North are completely excluded from the mainstream circle of the empire, so no one is willing to give up the opportunity to be canonized as an imperial noble.

What's more, the imperial nobility is only in name only because of the lack of territory. The problem is that the northern nobles never lack territory. As long as they develop for a few generations, it may not be impossible to become a traditional noble. Therefore, anyone who stands in the way is an enemy.

At the banquet, Marquis Pergasus was observing, Count Dekra was not idle either, and even the Ninth Princess, who had been smiling and keeping her princess manner, was secretly observing everything in front of her.

The Northland is a treasure land for anyone with ambitions. The imperial nobles want the land here to become a long-lasting traditional nobility, and the traditional nobles are extremely greedy for the land. It was because they prevented the empire from opening up the Northland before. They are not willing to sit back and watch the royal family grow bigger because of this, but once they open up, they are the craziest group of people.

Even the Ninth Princess, who seems to be indifferent to the world, has her own plans, because no one wants to be a dispensable marriage tool.

This banquet made Ferrier feel mentally and physically exhausted. For the first time, she asked herself whether she had made the right choice.

She likes the grand pomp and luxurious life of the nobles, but that doesn't mean she likes the intrigues and mutual crushing among the nobles, let alone the political struggles among the upper echelons of the empire.

This was just a banquet, so Ferrier didn't even take off her makeup after returning, and immediately contacted Irving.

The two people looked at each other in the double-sided mirror, but they looked at each other speechlessly, because the frequent exchange of information before had made both parties already anticipate the situation at hand, but there was still a gap between the assumption and the reality.

Your situation is too complicated. Owen rubbed his brows and said tiredly.

This is not Owen's nonsense. He has supported many talents for Ferrier before, but so far her control over the territory is less than three levels, and even Ferrier herself cannot tell how much water there is in it.

It can be said that Ferrier's territory is basically useless, unless Owen gives the last sub-city quota to Ferrier town and relies on the power of the system to assimilate it.

The key is that there are too many informants in Ferrier Town, and any slightest disturbance will be spread widely.

Although Owen has confidence in the system's assimilation ability, there is no guarantee that no one will notice anything strange.

Just like the little finger of Black Hand, this person had been staying in Akita Town at first. Later, I don’t know whether it was because things were busy or because he felt something. He hadn’t been here for a long time, and Black Hand’s intelligence station in the North had unknowingly turned into a The shape of the roots.

Irving doesn't know whether Little Thumb is aware of this. Therefore, although the system's assimilation ability is easy to use, it must be used with caution.

So although Ferrier and her territory were valuable, they were not high enough for Owen to take risks.

After all, the ability to assimilate silently and almost change the root is really scary. If this ability were not under his control, Owen would have felt that people with this ability are absolutely heinous and must be destroyed in a humane way. They must be tied to mushroom eggs and launched. The kind that reaches the sun and spreads throughout the universe with the help of the solar wind.

It is conceivable what kind of blow Irving will face after this matter is exposed. Therefore, he clearly holds a branch city quota in his hand but dare not use it in the town of Ferrier. Moreover, all branch cities are in the remote Northland, that is Fear of exposure.

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