Every increase in the upper limit of progress value is a qualitative change for Owen. From the beginning of the age of empire and horseback slashing, which did not have much mystery, to the wizards and witchers and Hogwarts, the mystery contained in it is gradually increasing. The promotion has helped and influenced him more and more.

Now the upper limit of the progress value has reached 50%, and the fully opened games include Onmyoji, Three Eyes, and some Invincible Heroes and Old Ring, making Owen full of expectations for the future.

In terms of the upper limit of mystery, Heroes Invincible and Old Touhuan are no longer inferior to this world, at least the world he understands now.

But the real realm of God may have to wait until the system progress value exceeds 50%. Only by stepping into the realm of God can Owen have the capital to truly settle down.

Now Owen doesn't want to think about the conditions for another breakthrough, so he simply clicks on the reward this time.

The four rewards provided every time the system progress value breaks through the upper limit are the links that Irving looks forward to the most, and this time is no exception. Just looking at them, I took a deep breath and expressed shock. They are really good things.

Abyss Demon 10, Diablo Druid profession, Wisdom spell, Great Sword of Hunting God.

Abyss Demon, a sixth-level unit of the Invincible Hell camp, is said to be a demon, but it is actually a demon. In addition, despite its appearance, it is as powerful as a red dragon mad warrior, but it is a master of both magic and martial arts. It can decapitate with a sword in close combat and attack from a distance. There is also a beautiful fireball technique, which can better see the enemy's weaknesses. It is very powerful. Each one has legendary level combat power. The only problem is that it cannot easily enter the material world, and it will be rejected over time.

What is the material world? It generally refers to places other than the abyss, hell, and void. It actually refers to the inside of the world.

Hell is the stomach, the abyss is the intestines, and devils and devils are the digestive juices and fungi in the intestines.

The problem is that the probiotics are in the intestines and stomach, but if they spread to other internal organs, they can be fatal.

Therefore, every world will instinctively reject outsiders, especially devils and demons.

Although the Abyss Demon in Owen's hand comes from the game, it must conform to the rules of the current world after it is realized. Otherwise, it will not distort reality, but modify the rules.

So even though he had ten more powerful thugs, Owen could only place the Abyss Demon in the Authority Space to avoid being ostracized by the world.

What follows is a pity. Rather than a profession, Owen wants the hybrid of angels and demons in Diablo.

Although the professions in Diablo are not weak, after all, they can be so weak if they can kill angels and demons. However, compared to the hybrids of angels and demons, which are said to have unlimited potential, the latter is a truly valuable treasure.

But it's better than nothing, and Owen, who already has a bunch of professions, doesn't mind adding another Druid profession.

Unexpectedly, after integrating the druid profession, Owen realized that he had underestimated this profession from the world of gods and demons. He was indeed a professional who fought with gods and demons. The core had touched the law, and the theoretical upper limit was even demigod. Above all, the most important thing is that he has the monster-fighting upgrade that he has been obsessed with.

As expected, Owen's attribute column has changed, but first, we must deal with the remaining two rewards.

The Wisdom Technique is the same as the Mystery Technique, and it also comes from the Invincible Heroes. When it is turned on, it is like having an enlightenment. It is called a burst of inspiration. Applying one example to other cases is to say the least, but the hardware cannot bear it.

To put it simply, the wisdom technique is overclocking, which forcibly activates untapped areas of the brain. Just like adding a server, the computing power will naturally increase.

And if used regularly, the degree of brain development will become higher and higher. In theory, it can reach 100% and bear the fruit of wisdom.

But this is not without its shortcomings, that is, the hardware is under too much pressure, which is okay for a short time. Over time, it may not only break your brain, but also consume a lot of mental energy, so you should take your time when using it.

The last Great Sword of the Hunting God comes from the Ring of Elden. It is a very strange sword. The upper half of the sword looks like it has been split and twisted several times. There is no blade at all. It is said to be a stick or art. It's fine, but it can't be called a sword.

But this thing is a sword, with black flame as the blade. When it is swung, the black flame spurts out like hellfire, burning everything, and the damage is very shocking.

Owen felt that the queen's black flame released by this sword was the same as the fierce fire in Hogwarts, but the damage was greater, whether it was to matter, body, or soul.

It's just too powerful, especially the darkness inside, which is like an abyss. Even though he is the master of this sword and has the guarantee of the system, Owen still has a strong sense of crisis with the fuse in his hand. Obviously, his current strength is as strong as The power of this sword is too different, so the instinct is to give a trembling reminder.

Even if this thing isn't an artifact, it's almost enough. Owen carefully placed the sword in the authority space. The Dragon Mother, who was carefully observing a group of abyssal demons, suddenly wailed in her heart and returned.

Originally, the entire space of authority was the mother of dragon's comfort zone. Now not only did a group of devils come, but a sword capable of killing gods was also released. She was under a lot of pressure, okay?

Owen, who originally planned to leave directly, was stunned for a moment, and then began to transform the authority space, which can be regarded as employee benefits. After all, Dragon Mother is in the developmental stage, and she will have to wait for her to truly play her role. During this period, the salary cannot be low.

Absorbing an earthly kingdom did not increase the area of ​​the authority space much. After all, the quality of the two sides was very different, but it made the authority space a little more solid. At present, he divided the authority space into three layers, and the bottom layer was for the Dragon Mother. The comfort zone is about the same size as the earthly kingdom of the Mountain Mother God.

The second floor was filled with black flames because of the sword stuck in it, but the abyss demons liked the environment here very much, and they were responsible for guarding it.

The top space is for Owen's daily use. In this way, if he encounters an enemy he cannot defeat, he can first expand the authority space, then release the Abyss Demon and Dragon Mother, and finally draw his sword and stab the enemy to death, causing the ashes to rise.

Only then did Owen have the mood to take a look at the new attribute board.

Name: Owen, age: 24, profession: mage/wizard/druid, level: 40, magic value: 600/600.

Intelligence 60, spirit 60, strength 30, constitution 30, agility 20.

Talents: Mystery, Wisdom, Ancient Blood, Fragments of Authority.

Specialties: Elementary telekinesis, intermediate mental power, intermediate meditation, elementary alchemy, elementary air magic, intermediate spells, intermediate onmyoji, elementary runes, elementary witch literature, elementary devil aura, elementary monster summoning.


Equipment: Electronic Muscle Girdle, Iron Robe, Unicorn Sword, Brave Staff, Spirit Ring, Holy Aries Power Armor, Thunder Shock Hammer, Seiko Heavy Bolter, Seiko High-Speed ​​Chain Sword, Portable Universal Furnace .

Mount: Mithril Dragon Sheep.

Pet: Ellu cat.

Shikigami: Steel Fist War Beast, Giant Scythe Goat Demon, Female Fire Dragon, Slime Queen, Minotaur Minotaur, Great Witch Emile, Demon Centaur Bella, Blood Princess Angel, Mother of Dragons Daenerys.

Puppet: top hat, ninja kill, zaku (battle damage), warm baby, one-eyed giant eagle.

The current attribute board is more suitable for individuals, while the previous attributes are more suitable for counselors and generals. Generally speaking, Owen prefers the current attribute board.

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