Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 248 New Template and Improved Progress Value

Back in the territory, Maya was busy dealing with the backlog of affairs during this period. Owen originally wanted to run away, but he misjudged the length of the snake's tail and was swept away by Maya who transformed into Medusa. He could only pick it up helplessly. Quill followed to deal with the official duties that looked like a headache.

Although they were not around during this period, based on the already formed internal affairs system, the territory has been developing rapidly and has not stagnated. Therefore, after completing the preliminary summary, Owen was shocked.

He was greatly surprised that the territory's population exceeded 30,000. After all, population is the basis of everything. Besides, based on the progress value exchange alone, how many years and months would he have to accumulate? It would be more cost-effective to assimilate the indigenous people.

The first thing to do when the population increases is to expand the army. Now is no longer the time to keep a low profile. Owen must become as powerful as possible before the empire sets its sights on him.

The key is that he doesn't know how intense the attention will be in the future, and what reaction the empire will make, whether to accept it or suppress it, suppress it first and then accept it, or accept it first and then suppress it. These are all unpredictable, even if you are familiar with the imperial nobles. Maya is also unpredictable, because different nobles, different forces, plus the royal family, and the degree of development of Hydera, when these combinations collide with each other, no one can predict what kind of reaction there will be.

Just like fattening the Northland this time, according to common sense, there is no need to do this, and it can easily get out of control, but the empire still does it.

In this case, instead of wasting time and effort trying to guess what the other person is thinking, it is better to spend all your energy on developing yourself.

However, Owen, who wanted to expand the army, found that he still lacked independent talents, even though he now had Maya in charge of the overall situation. Howard and his son and the Juntun trio supported the formation of the army. Outside, there were also Curranth, Bella, Emile and Ferrier support Mara Town, Nomad Alliance, Greenshade Town and Ferrier Town, as well as Del, Ciel, Samui, Ren, Professor McGonagall, Brian, Domi, etc. Talent.

But it's not enough, especially for the military.

In fact, it’s not like Irving has never thought about exchanging generals directly from the system game. The problem is that the generals and counselors in the Three Kingdoms series do not conform to the rules of this world. Ordinary soldiers are much more expensive than the troops in the Empire era, let alone those who are too strong to be human. There are tens of thousands of enemies, as well as advisors who are as smart as demons. With Owen's current upper limit of progress, it is not cost-effective to summon some second- and third-rate generals and advisors at most.

As for the talents in the West, they were either medieval knights or generals from the firearms age. The former were not strong enough, while the latter were too weak. They were just ordinary people. They had to be strengthened after being summoned. Therefore, Owen simply gave up and just built on the original foundation of the army. Make a small amount of expansion.

After Owen set the tone for the subsequent development of the territory, Maya naturally controlled the rest of the development, so she planned to leave. But seeing the progress accumulated during this period, she simply gave the hard-working Maya a template.

The template Owen chose for Maya was Zhuge Kongming, who was the top talent of the Three Kingdoms. The template alone was not expensive and was within his affordability.

Everyone says that Zhuge Kongming has no shortage of strategies. In fact, this person has been overly mythologized. Zhuge Liang is actually best at politics, followed by layout. In a real confrontation between two armies, he can only say that his level is not low, but it may not be comparable to him. Guan Yu has been polished for decades.

But it was just right for Maya. Owen didn't need her to go to the battlefield, she just needed to be in charge of the rear.

Name: Maya, age: 43, lineage: Medusa, occupation: maid/interior officer/warlock, template: Zhuge Kongming, magic value 800/800.

Command 60/85, force 50, intelligence 80/100, politics 85/100, charisma 90.

Specialties: Dedicate oneself to one's work, calculate all strategies, take care of every situation, seven stars to extend one's life, Bagua array.

Skills: Petrified Eyes, Snake Hair Winding, Cursed Kiss, Serpent Summoning.

Equipment: Snake scale armor, snake soft sword, snake staff, snake amulet, spiritual power ring

Looking at Maya's current attributes, there are no changes in skills and equipment, but the maximum level of intelligence and political attributes means that Owen no longer has to worry about the territory he has conquered being left unmanaged. Moreover, with the characteristic of devoting oneself to everything, Maya cannot help but not work hard. Coupled with her endless calculations and daily management, she has become a ruthless but efficient office machine. From then on, Owen can live a carefree and happy life.

My teeth look really tough. Owen touched his chin and smiled proudly or self-deprecatingly.

The territory of tens of thousands of people was not even the size of a county. It was not enough for the upgraded Maya, so she had nowhere to vent her energy, so she simply deduced the situation in the Northland and predicted the empire's next plan. , and make a double-digit plan.

Just looking at the catalog, Owen felt like his head was spinning. This was a warning from his IQ, so he hurriedly left.

Owen, who rarely had free time, went to find Delwin for a few days, and then went to the dungeon to sort out the harvest of his trip. He had been delayed for too long.

First of all, they brought a large amount of rare materials, including mithril, fine gold, and magic crystals. The amount was quite astonishing, which greatly enriched the territory’s reserves. It also proved that, despite its primitiveness, that world was indeed very likely to be from a higher world. Fragments or residues, otherwise the ordinary world would not produce materials of this level.

This situation is not uncommon, and Owen has no intention of pursuing the truth of that world, because the world will eventually be destroyed, but it has nothing to do with him. After all, by the time the world is destroyed, he will have become a god in such a long time. The thighs are so confident.

Rare and precious materials can further improve the Ultramarines and puppets in Owen's hands, but they are not his biggest gain.

In fact, apart from divinity and the Kingdom of God, the greatest gain from this trip was the magic book left by the female mage who failed to raise a dog and was bitten by a dog.

This is the only systematic learning and upgrading route from ordinary people to legends in Owen's hands, and there is even a method envisioned by the female mage to advance to demigod and god of faith.

There are three successful cases, and it turns out that the method envisioned by the other party to advance to the level of belief in God is correct, which is enough to save the Dragon Mother from many detours.

As for the method of advancing to demigod, Owen conducted some verification through the process of the Dragon Mother transforming the female fire dragon, and found that the success rate was also above the eighth level. In this way, he had mastered the growth system from mortal to demigod.

At this moment, the system limit, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly increased, finally reaching 50%. Owen was shocked.

No need to guess this time, Owen can be sure that the increase in the upper limit of the system's progress value is related to the complete upgrade system he just mastered, but it is of no use. Therefore, the upper limit of the progress value has been increased several times for different reasons. So far, he has not found it. What a rule, but it doesn't prevent him from enjoying the benefits of the increase in the upper limit of progress value.

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