Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 250 How to use wisdom correctly

After some research, Irving already had an understanding of the new attribute board. Overall, the changes were not small.

Mysteries and other things became talents, and the original skills became specialties. Later I found out that this was to make room for the skills of the new druid profession.

Killing monsters and upgrading, upgrading and adding points, these are just the basics. What makes Owen feel most incredible is the skills. You can upgrade and master them by just using skill points, completely ignoring the learning process. I have to say that this is very powerful and very suitable for cheaters like him. , after all, he has traveled through time, why does Mao still have to study hard, wouldn’t it be nice to just upgrade and add some of it.

Unfortunately, the level is based on his original attributes. There are no extra attribute points, but he does have a lot of skill points.

Each level can gain five attribute points and one skill point, so at level 40, there are 40 skill points available for use.

However, Owen did not use these precious skill points rashly. Firstly, the number of skill points was limited, and secondly, he wanted to see if he could master the skills through learning as before, so as to maximize the benefits.

This matter cannot be rushed. Irving will not act rashly without having an overall understanding of the Druid profession, not to mention that he still has a lot of things to deal with.

Master, after testing the materials, the optimization of the existing equipment has been completed. The Flame Queen projected various data in front of Owen, mainly using mithril, fine gold, and magic crystal to replace some of the materials of the existing equipment.

Looking at the projection, even though he was quite familiar with it, Owen still felt dazzled, so he planned to try his newly acquired Wisdom Technique to see if it was that magical.

As expected, it was worthy of the name of wisdom. Owen's eyes immediately lit up. The data that was originally so complex that it took a lot of time to think about came out almost instantly. Countless data were summarized and fused to generate a lot of inspiration. Owen quickly moved his hands to make modifications. Later, I thought this was too slow, so I put on a mental power ring, and used my mental power to resonate with the Flame Queen. While transmitting the data, I also borrowed the Flame Queen's computing power to complete further improvements.

However, Owen's state was soon interrupted by Nuan Baobao, so he was very dissatisfied. But after Nuan Baobao displayed his physical condition data, he understood in an instant and immediately stopped using wisdom.

The strong feeling of weakness, high temperature and dizziness made Owen almost faint on the spot.

Fortunately, he was strengthened and could hold on.

The slime maid on the side moved over and began to transform, turning into a close-fitting and soft chair, allowing Owen to sit down and rest very relaxedly.

She took the white sugar honey juice from another slime maid, drank half the cup in one gulp, and added water to dissolve the remaining half cup.

Owen lay there with his eyes closed and resting, waiting for the sugar in his stomach to be converted into energy to replenish his body's consumption.

After taking a nap, Owen's head was still groggy and his body was limp, which made him somewhat resistant to the use of wisdom because it was too uncomfortable.

But looking back at the time when he seemed to be omnipotent, Owen knew that this was just a delusion, and he couldn't refuse to become an intellectual superman again.

Rubbing his brows, Owen asked Nuan Baobao to post the previously scanned body data.

Although Nuan Baobao is a sub-program of the Flame Queen, compared to the Flame Queen who controls the overall situation, Nuan Baobao is only responsible for Irving. The most important point is the monitoring of body data. Therefore, when he realizes that Irving's physical condition is approaching the red line, he immediately takes action. Warning, if it continues to deteriorate, they may even actively use the high-level potions stored internally, all in order to maintain Owen's life.

After analyzing the data, Irving learned about the changes in his body just now.

The sugar in the body is consumed too fast and there is no time to replenish it, forcing fat to be decomposed quickly to replenish the energy consumed, which also causes secretion disorders in the body.

In addition, the highest temperature reached 40 degrees, which made Owen couldn't help but rub his eyebrows. He couldn't soak glucose in ice water when using wisdom in the future.

However, Owen still found a way, that is, to return to the warm embrace of the Slime Queen. When the time comes, the upper and lower parts are connected, and a large amount of easily digestible nutrient solution is directly added to the body, making full use of every inch of the gastrointestinal space for absorption and digestion.

Compare how thick the infusion tube is with how thick the human intestine is, and you will know which one is more efficient, but the posture is a bit inelegant and detrimental to the bottom line.

Owen felt that if it were the time when he had just traveled through time, he would never believe what he was doing now.

In addition, while staying in the Slime Queen's body to obtain nutrient infusion, it can also lower the body temperature and regulate endocrine. It is simply perfect and can double the time of using wisdom.

As for what to do if he summoned the Slime Queen to Shu Liya, Owen actually left behind a lot of slimes that were modified to be able to directly condense nutrient blocks. He only needed to collect the excrement of these slimes regularly to maintain consumption.

After finding the trick to use it, Owen's wisdom skill improved very quickly during this period. Especially the use of mental power allowed him to advance to a higher level in puppetry and alchemy. He even had a bold idea, so he Come to Brian's laboratory.

During this time, Brian made many modifications to his body, but he did not replace the crawler and canned body, because it is faster, more stable, and can install more instruments, which is very convenient for experiments. This makes Owen dare not compliment him.

At this time, Brian was studying a corpse. A large number of probes were pierced into the corpse, like hedgehogs, but they could complete the diagnosis efficiently and display detailed data, which made him addicted to it.

Owen turned on the Wisdom Technique, turned it off immediately after understanding the data, and then skillfully took out the candy from his pocket and stuffed it into his mouth.

It's incredible that this corpse has not completely lost its vitality. Owen frowned and swallowed the candy in his mouth. During this period, he had eaten more candy than his body weight, and his hands were shaking when he untied them. The feeling of maltose is so sticky that even when peeing, it's so sticky that it's stringy. It's really unbearable, but sugar is the fastest and best way to replenish the brain's consumption, so he has planned to develop more flavors of sugar, at least to get rid of the damn sweetness.

Yes, it's a miracle. Even a legendary mage shouldn't have this phenomenon. Although Brian is not a legendary mage yet, he already has a good understanding of the legend after seeing the mage system that Owen entered into the database. , therefore concluded that there was something wrong with this corpse, so they have been studying it continuously, and did not use rough slicing methods, just for fear of damaging the integrity of the corpse.

Now the cells of the corpse are in hibernation, no, it should be said to be in a state of zombie, so we can first inject activity to activate these cells, and then we can see the secrets hidden underneath. Owen said, touching his chin.

I have to say that Owen's idea is bold, but it is not without the possibility of success because they have the T virus.

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