Because he was worried that something might happen to the Goat Man on the way, such as death from a tiger's mouth or something, Owen specially sent the upgraded Goat Demon out.

The upgraded goat demon is even taller, carrying a huge scythe with cold light and stroking a goatee. It is really majestic. When it appears, it overwhelms all the rams and becomes the well-deserved leader. The work efficiency also enhances the cohesion of the goat people, and there is a faint tendency to form a larger tribe.

Seeing this, Owen took advantage of the situation and deliberately promoted this matter, and felt that he had found a way to effectively utilize the beast-like demihumans.

Ellu cats, goat demons, minotaurs, and if Owen hadn't been worried about sudden changes in the territory, Irving would have even dragged Bella to pretend to be a centaur.

However, the effect is still good. Under Maya's arrangement, he has integrated well into the beast demi-humans and gained a lot of reputation. After all, the beast demi-humans respect strength and have the final say among the members of the same race.

It's just that Owen didn't expect that just when he was having fun, the Mountain Mother clan would send an envoy to Glen Town to buy the decoction to relieve the plague. Obviously, he couldn't hold on any longer.

It seems that the gods of the Mountain Mother clan are weaker than imagined. Owen murmured to himself, but he has not yet made up his mind whether to kill the gods or not. After all, killing the gods is not a joke. For this reason He called the former devil Angel and Dragon Mother to discuss the matter together in the space of authority.

If you are a demigod, I will advise the master not to take risks, but if you believe in gods, you may not have no chance. An Qi swung her heart-shaped tail that was specially transformed, folded her hands around her chest, and said pretending to be serious, not to mention , if you don’t know what her true nature is, I feel quite cute.

What's the difference? Owen raised his head and glanced at the confused Dragon Mother, and sighed. This god's transformation depends entirely on time, and he has been imprisoned for thousands of years. How can he have any experience to refer to? If he didn't have no choice, , he wouldn't bother to take care of this for her, forget it, just squat aside and be a mascot.

Demigods are divine creatures who have reached the pinnacle of the material world at the level of life. They possess powerful strength, long lifespan, amazing intuition, and terrifying vitality. Therefore, regardless of sneak attacks, assassinations, or poisoning, their effects are It's not big, so I can only choose to kill hard, and it's not easy to provoke. An Qi analyzed.

But belief in God is just a divine spirit. It seems powerful, but in fact it relies very heavily on faith. If a believer loses too much, he will inevitably fall into a deep sleep. Even if he is divided, he will not be able to wake up. Angel Confidence Said Manman, because the devil likes to use conspiracy and tricks to make devout believers betray their faith, make the gods weak, and finally eat the gods of faith. Even if they cannot get divinity, the souls of believers in the false god's kingdom are also rare delicacies.

Owen suddenly understood that if demigods are compared to immortals who are free in the mortal world, then the gods of faith are gods who are busy in their duties. Only true gods are immortals who transcend everything.

Although the three of them all have the word fairy, they are fundamentally different.

First of all, because demigods are still alive, they have unlimited possibilities in the future. Even if the possibilities are very small, there may not be a day when they truly become gods. That is to say, don't bully young people into being poor.

Unfortunately, divinity is immortal, but demigods are not, so no matter how carefree they are in the human world, they will still be threatened by aging and death.

Usually at this time, one would either try hard to see if he could become a god, or he would find a place to give up his body and believe in a god to retire.

Belief in God is not the real God. He cannot hold the throne high and can only live by relying on faith. To a certain extent, it is tantamount to parasitizing in human faith. It is a rootless root and a sourceless water. Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, Otherwise, no demigod would choose this path, not to mention that relying on faith to survive is not without cost.

It's okay to have little faith, but as time goes by, it will inevitably be penetrated by faith and completely become a believer.

It can be said that belief in God is what God is like in the hearts of believers, and even irreversible changes are much more powerful than three people becoming tigers.

For example, if God is omnipotent in the hearts of believers, then even if he believes in God and it is clearly impossible, he will still think that he is omnipotent. Therefore, he will end up with all kinds of strange consequences, such as arrogantly offending a God he cannot afford to offend, or even trying to rule hell. The abyss or the attack on the Kingdom of God in the sky are things that cannot be described even with a weak mind.

The consequences of doing this can be imagined, so in order not to become a madman, it is best to find a primitive race as a believer, because such believers have the least distracting thoughts. At most, they can pray for a full hunting harvest, a safe return, and then more children. , the purpose of prayer is simple and direct.

If you develop faith in a place like the Empire, ten people have ninety-nine minds. If you absorb this kind of faith, you will go crazy even if you are not stupid.

Because they rely too much on faith, once something goes wrong with a believer, the God of Faith cannot escape no matter what. The two parties are bound. Without the believer, even a hair of the God of Faith will have to dissipate.

Only the true God can exalt the kingdom of God above all things and completely transcend the constraints of the world.

The God of Mountain Mother is a god of faith, so the current situation of the Mountain Mother clan is definitely not good. Even the plague cannot be solved. It is obvious that there is something wrong with their god, and the problem is still huge, which makes Owen very excited.

A god who is powerless to resist, but whose name sounds like a goddess, Owen cannot help but not act.

Therefore, under the instruction of Owen, the envoys of the Mountain Mother Clan only took away some herbs, not much, which could at most satisfy the needs of hundreds of people, but it was a drop in the bucket for thousands of plague-infected people.

However, Meiya said that she would speed up the collection and deliver the herbs herself, which made the envoy of the Shanmu clan very satisfied and generously left a lot of mithril gold as a deposit.

A bunch of worthless herbs were exchanged for priceless mithril gold. Owen was a little embarrassed to continue to trick the opponent.

Of course, I'm just a little embarrassed. In fact, the plan is proceeding normally and no one can stop him from finding the goddess.

After Meiya returned, the relevant intelligence was improved and the operation began.

At night, ten witch hunters sneaked into the Shanmu clan tribe silently and accurately found the totem altar located no matter how deep it was.

The place where the totem is located is a sacred place. Even the priests cannot stay here when they are not performing sacrifices, so there is no one here at night.

However, in order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Wu Xun also specially lit the soothing incense made from pure natural materials.

This spice is specially prepared for meditation. It has a light and elegant fragrance, which can soothe your mood and help you sleep, but it is not toxic at all. Therefore, even the most vigilant people can hardly detect the abnormality, so the lizard people of the Shanmu clan around the altar sleep more. It smells good, but as long as you don't beat gongs and drums in their ears, they won't wake up at all.

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